
Treasury Private Office papers

In 2012 uncovered through an FOI request the existence of a vast cache of secret papers stored at H.M. Treasury, some 4,850 files from the Private Office of successive Chancellors (and Chief Secretaries) between 1979 and 1997.

The files contain the most politically sensitive documents from the very top of the Treasury, the small circle of Ministers, Special Advisers and Private Secretaries, which were stored, when in use, only a few doors from the Chancellor's room for convenience and security. Their like is rarely found at the National Archives in Kew. These documents are of deep historical interest, an intact Private Office collection in scale and importance exceeded only by that from No.10 itself, relied on by Treasury ministers when writing their memoirs. It is an un-looted tomb in Whitehall's Valley of the Kings – the Palace accountant's rather than the Pharaoh's, but well worth the ticket.

When it first revealed the existence of the files the Treasury stated that it intended to destroy the whole lot, waiting politely till the various Chancellors died off. It was claimed, quite mistakenly, that the contents of these files are either ephemeral or copied elsewhere, and so should not be considered part of "the definitive policy record" maintained by its various divisions for archiving at Kew.

Later, and following representations, officials denied that destruction was ever intended. The first section, covering the Chancellorship of Sir Geoffrey Howe, 1979-83, was released at TNA in 2016; the files have been digitised and uploaded to the list below. The bulk of Nigel Lawson's files, 1983-89, were released at TNA in early 2018 and have also been digitised; they are being uploaded progressively and many are now available on this page. The spreadsheet giving the full list 1979-97 can be downloaded below.

Although some of the files relate to 1979 and 1980, the filing system glimpsed here only got into full operation in 1981, so earlier records are something of a legacy from what went before and are significantly fewer.

The Treasury has also released Nick Ridley's surviving Private Office files as Financial Secretary to the Treasury. These are diferent in form to the Chancellor's files, consisting largely of photocopies of minutes and meetings records relating to directly to Ridley with very little incoming correspondence. They are not listed in the spreadsheet already mentioned, so must derive from the 'unstructured' files already referred to. They are in rough chronological order – a sort of day file.

How to use this page?

Below are links to the downloadable files in numerical order. The original file names have been modified to convey content more readily.

An average file has around 100 pages.

Some of these downloads are very big, as large as 50MB, though most are in the range 1-10MB.

Where documents within a file have been selected for the site database, they can easily be viewed by clicking the file name link.

Selected documents in site database

Documents from the files selected for the site database can be read here. Progressively more will be uploaded over time.

Showing items 901 - 950 of 1283

Per page:
File name File title Begins Ends Release date Any docs withheld? Classification Pages
T640/935 Budget (Budget 1988: Chancellor of the Exchequer's papers on Treasury and Civil Service Committee (TCSC)) Begins: 1988 Jan 4 Ends: 1988 Sep 30 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Personal & Secret Pages: 76
T640/936 Economy (Trade figures and UK competitiveness 1987-1988) Begins: 1987 Mar 4 Ends: 1988 Feb 22 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Personal & Secret Pages: 140
T640/937 Economy (Trade figures and UK competitiveness 1987-1988) Begins: 1988 Feb 23 Ends: 1988 Jun 27 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Personal & Secret Pages: 158
T640/938 Administration (Reorganisation of the Medicines Division of the Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS)) Begins: 1988 Jun 1 Ends: 1988 Jul 21 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Restricted Pages: 101
T640/939 Public Expenditure (Report by Lord Justice Butler-Sloss, 'Report of the Inquiry into Child Abuse in Cleveland 1987') Begins: 1988 Jul 1 Ends: 1988 Jul 25 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 26
T640/940 Budget (Proposals to withdraw child benefit from high income families) Begins: 1988 May 24 Ends: 1988 May 26 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 30
T640/941 Public Spending (Report by Sir Roy Griffiths, Deputy Chairman and Managing Director of J Sainsbury PLC, on 'Community Care-Agenda for Action') Begins: 1988 Feb 15 Ends: 1988 Jul 26 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 102
T640/942 Budget (Alcohol misuse: meeting with Cabinet colleagues) Begins: 1987 Oct 23 Ends: 1988 Feb 9 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 67
T640/943 NHS (Prime Minister's interview on Panorama: National Health Service (NHS)) Begins: 1988 Jan 21 Ends: 1988 Jan 26 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 36
T640/944 Administration (Reform of the Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS)) Begins: 1988 Jun 1 Ends: 1988 Jul 6 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 57
T640/946 Budget (Report by The Family Policy Studies Centre 'Family Fortunes-Parents' Income in the 1980s') Begins: 1987 Feb 4 Ends: 1988 Mar 11 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Unclassified Pages: 108
T640/947 Budget (Tax approximation and Value Added Tax (VAT)) Begins: 1987 Dec 1 Ends: 1988 Jan 29 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 68
T640/949 Economy (The Retail Price Index (RPI), reserves and the government's economic programme 1988) Begins: 1988 Jan 27 Ends: 1988 Feb 19 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 192
T640/950 Economy (The Retail Price Index (RPI), reserves and the government's economic programme 1988) Begins: 1988 Feb 22 Ends: 1988 Mar 16 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Personal & Secret Pages: 223
T640/951 Economy (The Retail Price Index (RPI), reserves and the government's economic programme 1988) Begins: 1988 Mar 17 Ends: 1988 Mar 31 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Personal & Secret Pages: 188
T640/953 Economy (The Retail Price Index (RPI), reserves and the government's economic programme 1988) Begins: 1988 May 4 Ends: 1988 May 19 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Personal & Secret Pages: 180
T640/955 Economy (The Retail Price Index (RPI), reserves and the government's economic programme 1988) Begins: 1988 Jun 22 Ends: 1988 Jul 13 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 192
T640/956 Economy (The Retail Price Index (RPI), reserves and the government's economic programme 1988) Begins: 1988 Jul 14 Ends: 1988 Dec 22 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Personal & Secret Pages: 183
T640/958 NHS (Review of welfare provision and the National Health Service (NHS)) Begins: 1988 Jan 18 Ends: 1988 Feb 9 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 136
T640/960 NHS (Review of welfare provision and the National Health Service (NHS)) Begins: 1988 Mar 22 Ends: 1988 Dec 16 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Personal & Secret Pages: 161
T640/961 Europe (European Commission's Annual Economic Report) Begins: 1988 Oct 19 Ends: 1988 Nov 16 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 86
T640/962 Community Charge (The Community Charge Bill) Begins: 1988 Nov 11 Ends: 1988 Dec 16 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 32
T640/963 Political (HM Treasury Parliamentary business, November-December 1988) Begins: 1988 Nov 18 Ends: 1988 Dec 13 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 166
T640/963 International (Banks in the Republic of Palau) Begins: 1988 Apr 13 Ends: 1988 Apr 25 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Unclassified Pages: 8
T640/964 Political (HM Treasury Parliamentary business, November-December 1988) Begins: 1988 Dec 14 Ends: 1988 Dec 29 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 41
T640/966 Budget (Capital allowances for regional investment grants) Begins: 1988 Jan 26 Ends: 1988 Mar 29 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 35
T640/967 Economy (Small company audit: Touche Ross submission) Begins: 1988 Jan 20 Ends: 1988 Feb 8 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 28
T640/968 Economy (Proposals for a new Enterprise Zone in Inverclyde) Begins: 1987 Dec 1 Ends: 1988 Jan 22 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 55
T640/969 Europe (Visits and bilaterals between British and French Ministers 1987-1988) Begins: 1987 Dec 7 Ends: 1988 Jan 29 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 151
T640/970 Europe (Visits and bilaterals between British and French Ministers 1987-1988) Begins: 1988 Feb 1 Ends: 1988 May 13 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 227
T640/971 Europe (Visits and bilaterals between British and French Ministers 1987-1988) Begins: 1988 May 14 Ends: 1988 Jun 9 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 158
T640/972 Europe (Visits and bilaterals between British and French Ministers 1987-1988) Begins: 1988 Jun 10 Ends: 1988 Sep 30 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 204
T640/973 Economy (Ford Motor Company Ltd: future investment plans) Begins: 1987 Sep 30 Ends: 1988 Dec 21 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 69
T640/974 Economy (Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd: regional assistance programme) Begins: 1987 Dec 7 Ends: 1988 Mar 16 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 80
T640/975 International (The Japanese economy) Begins: 1987 Dec 31 Ends: 1988 Jun 28 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 170
T640/976 International (Visits and bilaterals between British and Japanese Ministers) Begins: 1987 Nov 26 Ends: 1988 Feb 23 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 161
T640/977 International (Visits and bilaterals between British and Japanese Ministers) Begins: 1988 Mar 11 Ends: 1988 May 23 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 164
T640/978 Public spending (Future of the Property Services Agency (PSA)) Begins: 1987 Jun 24 Ends: 1988 Jun 16 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 50
T640/979 Public spending (Report on reviews of non-departmental public bodies (NDPB)) Begins: 1988 Jan 14 Ends: 1988 Jan 25 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 66
T640/980 Administration (Publication of 'Policy Evaluation: A Guide For Managers') Begins: 1988 Feb 8 Ends: 1988 Mar 9 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 143
T640/981 Administration (Value for money targets in HM Treasury) Begins: 1987 Jun 26 Ends: 1988 Jul 4 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 143
T640/982 Economy (Integrated pollution control from industrial processes) Begins: 1988 Jul 15 Ends: 1988 Jul 27 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Unclassified Pages: 43
T640/983 Administration (Major capital contracts in government departments) Begins: 1987 Dec 10 Ends: 1988 Mar 7 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Unclassified Pages: 217
T640/985 International (Drought in the United States of America) Begins: 1988 Jul 11 Ends: 1988 Jul 22 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Restricted Pages: 14
T640/987 International (New initiatives for relieving international debt) Begins: 1987 May 1 Ends: 1988 Nov 7 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 200
T640/989 International (African and Sub-Saharan debt relief initiatives) Begins: 1988 Jun 7 Ends: 1988 Dec 28 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Confidential Pages: 156
T640/991 Monetary policy (The government's monetary policy) Begins: 1987 Feb 7 Ends: 1988 Feb 11 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 238
T640/992 Monetary policy (The government's monetary policy) Begins: 1988 Mar 4 Ends: 1988 Apr 29 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 227
T640/993 Monetary policy (The government's monetary policy) Begins: 1988 May 1 Ends: 1988 Jun 2 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Secret Pages: 152
T640/994 Budget (Budget starters 1989) Begins: 1988 Jun 13 Ends: 1988 Nov 25 Date of release: 2014 Classification: Personal & Secret Pages: 246
Per page: