1986 Apr 29 - 1992 Sep 21
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Disasters (Chernobyl: Soviet nuclear accident, 26 April 1986) (Part 1)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2017 Dec 29 |
Classification: | Top Secret |
Page count: | 299 |
Any docs withheld? | 9 |
PREM19/3656 - download whole file (PDF, 71.24 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 39
Date | Value | Title |
86 May 14 We | Minor | Chernobyl: Addison minute for MT ('Chernobyl') [accident "could have been much worse"; flaws in Soviet reactor design] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 4 Su | Major | Chernobyl: Armstrong minute for Powell ("Chernobyl: Nuclear Safety") [Japanese propose G7 should issue statement; likely to be on lines we wish] [released Dec 2017] |
86 Jun 6 Fr | Major | Chernobyl: Cabinet Office minute for Home Secretary ("The Lessons of Chernobyl") [Civil Contingencies Unit to consider lessons and "prepare appropriate new plans for the future"] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 9 Fr | Major | Chernobyl: Cabinet Office minute for No.10 ('Chernobyl') [Department of the Environment statement; EC debating action on food imports from affected areas] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 7 We | Major | Chernobyl: Cabinet Office minute for No.10 ("Arrangements to cope with the effects on the UK of Chernobyl") [Interdepartmental Coordination - Department of the Environment resisting lead role] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 6 Tu | Major | Chernobyl: Cabinet Office minute for No.10 ("Arrangements to cope with the effects on the UK of Chernobyl") [Monitoring of Milk, Water Supplies, Air etc; Interdepartmental Coordination] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 21 We | Major | Chernobyl: Cabinet Office minute for No.10 ("Call by Japanese Charge") [account of Japanese exchanges with Soviets on Chernobyl as mandated at Tokyo G7] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 7 We | Major | Chernobyl: Chief Scientific Adviser minute for No.10 ("Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Incident") [proposed study by Chief Scientists] [released Dec 2017] |
87 Apr 24 Fr | Major | Chernobyl: Chief Scientific Adviser minute for No.10 ("The Scientific and Technical Implications of the Chernobyl Incident") [satisfied with underlying research but leadership and coordination weak] [released Dec 2017] |
86 Apr 29 Tu | Major | Chernobyl: FCO telegram to UKE Moscow ("Chernobyl nuclear accident") [call on Ministry of Foreign Affairs and demand information; IAEA requirements] [released Dec 2017] |
86 Apr 30 We | Major | Chernobyl: FCO telegram to UKE Warsaw ("Chernobyl") [prepared to help with evacuation of pregnant wives and young children of Embassy staff] [released Dec 2017] |
86 Jul 2 We | Major | Chernobyl: HM Ambassador to Moscow despatch ('Chernobyl') [course of events, Soviet handling, implications] [released Dec 2017] |
86 Dec 15 Mo | Major | Chernobyl: Ingham minute for Bridadier Budd ("Chernobyl PQ") [CCU report - "great deficiency" with his draft PQ] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 7 We | Major | Chernobyl: Ingham minute for MT ("Post Chernobyl Presentation") [impression of buck-passing] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 8 Th | Major | Chernobyl: MT letter to Walter Marshall (thanks for his letter briefing her on the disaster) ["a real gem, full of insight and wisdom and so invaluble for our briefing for the Summit"] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 5 Mo | Major | Chernobyl: No.10 message to MT's party in Tokyo ("Radioactive Milk"; radio interview with Chief Scientific Adviser) [Sellafield readings; radiation levels in milk declining] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 8 Th | Major | Chernobyl: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Energy Secretary Peter Walker) [MT rejects Walker's proposal to visit Moscow for briefing from Soviets] [released Dec 2017] |
86 Apr 30 We | Major | Chernobyl: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Soviet Ambassador Zamyatin) [MT expresses great sympathy, regrets lack of information provided by Soviets] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 3 Sa | Major | Chernobyl: No.10 telegram to MT's party in Seoul (forwarding advice from Chief Scientific Adviser) [avoid saying similar accident could not happen in UK] [released Dec 2017] |
86 May 3 Sa | Major | Chernobyl: No.10 telegram to MT's party in Seoul (forwarding advice from Walter Marshall) ["without any doubt at all ... the biggest disaster the nuclear industry has had"; re-fueling of some British reactors "comparable in concept"] [released Dec 2017] |