1990 Nov 1 - 1990 Nov 17
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 33)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2017 Jul 20 |
Classification: | Top Secret - Cab One |
Page count: | 375 |
Any docs withheld? | 8 |
PREM19/3086 - download whole file (PDF, 68.12 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 41 - 60 of 100
Date | Value | Title |
90 Nov 7 We | Major | Gulf War: No.10 record of conversation (Powell, Soviet Ambassador) [Soviet views on the Gulf] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 15 Th | Major | Gulf War: No.10 record of telephone conversation (Powell, General Scowcroft) ["The Gulf: Strategic Objectives" - Powell presses for US response to British paper, Scowcroft writing tomorrow] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 3 Sa | Key | Gulf War: No.10 record of telephone conversation (Powell, General Scowcroft) [background for MT forthcoming talk with President Bush: Administration debates] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 8 Th | Major | Gulf War: Powell letter to General Scowcroft (draft guidelines for UK military commanders in the Gulf - seeks US view) [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 12 Mo | Minor | Gulf War: Powell letter to MOD (points made in a letter to MT from Captain in Queen's Royal Irish Hussars) [performance of equipment, lack of political information] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 14 We | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute for MT ("Meeting of Ministers, The Gulf") [Defence Secretary's visit to Gulf, additional British forces, further UN resolution, MT's Paris meeting with Bush] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 4 Su | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute for MT ("Meeting of Ministers: The Gulf") [activity at the UN; hostages; sanctions; meeting with King Hussein; embassies in Kuwait; US forces] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 7 We | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute for MT ("Meeting of Ministers: The Gulf") [Diplomatic - Activity at UN, Hostages, Meeting with King Hussein, Message from Gorbachev, Baker visit, Sanctions, Embassies in Kuwait; Military - US forces] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 2 Fr | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute for MT ("Talk with President Bush") [topics for expected phone call - worry that additional reinforcements might prevent early action] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 6 Tu | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute for MT (Iraq/Kuwait: Directive for Military Commanders in the Gulf) [last minute FCO amendments] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 11 Su | Minor | Gulf War: Powell minute for MT (letter to MT from a Captain in the Queen's Royal Irish Hussars) [conditions in Gulf] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 9 Fr | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute to FCO ("Possible Visit by the Prime Minister to the Gulf") [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 9 Fr | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute to FCO ("Refugee Crisis in the Middle East: Call by Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan") [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 5 Mo | Major | Gulf War: Tom King minute for Hurd ("Rolls Royce: Engines for an Argentine Destroyer") [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 16 Fr | Major | Gulf War: Tom King minute for MT ("Operation Granby: policy on repatriation of the dead") [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 7 We | Key | Gulf War: UK position paper ("Iraq/Kuwait: UK Position Paper") [Strategic Objectives, Military Objectives, Guidance to military commanders, Co-ordination with allies] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 14 We | Major | Gulf War: UKA Jedda telegram to FCO ("Defence Secretary's Visit to Saudi Arabia: Meeting with Saudi Defence Minister") [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 1 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKA Jedda telegram to FCO ("Iraq/Kuwait: Primakov Tour: Discussion with Prince Saud") [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 5 Mo | Major | Gulf War: UKE Amman telegram to FCO ("Visit of Mr. Michael Heseltine") [Jordan's position on the Gulf unchanged; gloomy assessment of Jordan's political and economic prospects] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Nov 8 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKE Ankara telegram to FCO ("Visit of Secretary Baker to Turkey") [no partial solution to the Gulf Crisis] [declassified Jul 2017] |