1990 Sep 6 - 1990 Sep 13
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 28)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2017 Jul 20 |
Classification: | Top Secret |
Page count: | 328 |
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Selections from this file
Showing items 21 - 40 of 80
Date | Value | Title |
90 Sep 7 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 2165 to FCO (0046Z) ("Bush/Gorbachev meeting: Helsinki, 9 September: CFE") ["hardened attitudes here... firm US line expected. But Scowcroft downbeat on prospects for progress"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 7 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 2164 to FCO (0044Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: Bush/Gorbachev summit") ["focus will be on the Gulf, and on possible differences... on the use of force; "Agenda will also include other regional issues, Europe and the Soviet economy"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 7 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 2162 to FCO (0040Z) ("Israeli Foreign Minister's visit to Washington") [Gulf crisis; Arab/Israeli conflict] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 7 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKE Rome telegram to FCO ("Extraordinary EPC Ministerial meeting, Rome, 7 Sept") ["centred on the question of financial support for Turkey, Jordan and Egypt"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 10 Mo | Major | Gulf War: UKE Riyadh telegram to FCO ("Visit of Secretary Baker") ["Saudis insist that assistance already being given by them equals, and possibly exceeds, that requested by Baker"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 9 Su | Major | Gulf War: UKE Riyadh telegram to FCO ("Saudi financing of US military effort") ["will amount to relatively little"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 13 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKE Riyadh telegram to FCO ("Saudi assistance to states affected by embargo and to costs of US forces") ["greater degree of Saudi munificence... than had been assumed when Baker made his pitch here"; UK looking to US to set precedent for ironing out bureaucracy problems with Saudi funding of fuel, water and in-country transport costs for military forces] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 7 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKE Paris telegram to FCO ("Iraq/Kuwait: Mitterrand press conference") ["French will only engage military on the context of a UN mandate"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 12 We | Major | Gulf War: UKE Moscow telegram to FCO ("Iraq/Kuwait: discussion at Foreign Ministers' Dinner") ["Dumas and Shevardnadze think sanctions will have their effect... in two months... [Hurd], Baker and Genscher less sanguine"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 13 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKE Moscow telegram to FCO ("Baker's call on Gorbachev, 13 September") [UN resolution on air routes embargo; sanctions for violation of existing resolutions] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 7 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKE Moscow record of conversation ("Iraq/Kuwait: call on Belonogov") [UK amabssador to the USSR, Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 7 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKE Kuwait telegram to FCO ("Other Embassies") [staff departures & staff remaining] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 10 Mo | Major | Gulf War: UKE Doha telegram to FCO (Prime Minister's speech in the House of Commons Debate) [Emir of Qatar offers congratulations and support] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 10 Mo | Major | Gulf War: UKE Amman telegram to FCO ("Iraq/Kuwait: King Hussein's visit to Baghdad: 5/6 September") ["likely to continue with his diplomatic efforts to promote a solution... had spoken very frankly to Saddam... there was no choice... if it came to a war, Iraq would be defeated"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 12 We | Major | Gulf War: UKE Amman record of conversation ("Message from the Prime Minister") [UK Ambassador, King Hussein: "The King has made no secret... of his opposition to foreign intervention"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 10 Mo | Major | Gulf War: UKDEL NATO telegram to FCO ("North Atlantic Council Ministerial meeting, 10 September: Gulf crisis: Bush-Gorbachev summit") ["Baker stressed need for NATO to meet out of area threat"; sanctions; burden-sharing] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 7 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKDEL NATO telegram to FCO ("Iraq/Kuwait: high-level US briefing of North Atlantic Council") ["emphasises the need for NATO solidarity, equitable burden-sharing and readiness for a long haul"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 10 Mo | Minor | Gulf War: Treasury letter to Cabinet Office ("AHGG: financial sanctions") ["payments from blocked accounts to Iraqi students in the UK... [and] instructions from Iraq to amend letters of credit"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 10 Mo | Major | Gulf War: President of the Tunisian Republic letter to MT (Gulf crisis) [appointment of a Special Envoy to UK and proposals for a settlement of the crisis] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Sep 10 Mo | Major | Gulf War: President Ershad letter to MT (International Organisation for Migration: aid for Bangladesh) [letter of thanks for UK contribution] [declassified Jul 2017] |