
1990 Aug 20 - 1990 Aug 23
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 24)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2017 Jul 20
Classification: Top Secret
Page count: 370
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 101 - 120 of 122

Per page:
Date Valuesort descending Title
90 Aug 21 Tu Major Gulf War: UKE Bonn telegram to FCO ("FRG military reaction to Gulf crisis") ["participation in the present Gulf crisis seems most unlikely"] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 21 Tu Major Gulf War: UKE Kuwait telegram to FCO (EC nationals) [all "except the British and French (and possibly the Germans ....) are now free to leave Iraq and Kuwait"] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 20 Mo Major Gulf War: UKE Kuwait telegram to FCO ("Community size") [revised down estimate of numbers of British passport holders remaining in Kuwait - 2200 plus 500 Commonwealth and Irish] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 20 Mo Major Gulf War: UKDEL NATO telegram to FCO ("NATO consultations on Iraq/Kuwait") ["Yemeni forces on maximum alert... US wanted broadest international support"; foreign nationals; enforcing sanctions; Soviet views; Iran; Yugoslavia; terrorism; Syria] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 21 Tu Major Gulf War: UKE Paris telegram to FCO ("Mitterrand press conference") ["France... toughening its attitude towards Iraq... embargo needed to be properly enforced"] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 21 Tu Major Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 1993 to FCO (0055Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: the US domestic dimension") ["Most Americans remain confused and uncertain about their country's involvement in the Middle East... [but] support the President's handling of the crisis"] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 21 Tu Major Gulf War: UKMIS New York telegram 1058 to FCO (2345Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: next steps") [MT critical of proposals: "We [would] be giving up existing powers"] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 21 Tu Major Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 1997 to FCO (1700Z) ("Yemen and Iraqi tanker") ["The future of US/Yemeni bilateral relations would depend on Yemen adhering to that undertaking [not to break sanctions]"] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 23 Th Major Gulf War: FCO record of conversation (Howe-Hawke) ["Lord President's visit to Australia: talks with Prime Minister Hawke" - Gulf crisis; Uruguay Round; Gorbachev; East Germany; Antarctica/environment; South Africa; Cambodia ; UK arms sales] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 23 Th Major Gulf War: Charles Powell note to MT (Gulf crisis) [summary of overnight telegrams - UN resolution "virtually certain ... but not till Saturday"] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 21 Tu Major Gulf War: No.10 record of conversation (Charles Powell-General Scowcroft) ["It is rather hard to believe that the Americans have not taken their thinking on military options further... But I think this is probably as much as we can get for now from General Scowcroft" ] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 21 Tu Major Gulf War: No.10 record of conversation (MT, President Vassiliou of Cyprus) ["Iraq/Kuwait": phone conversation: "[UK/US] should attack Iraq... [or else] a negative attitude towards [ongoing presence of] US forces would develop... among the Arab masses"; do not overestimate Iraqi army] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 23 Th Major Gulf War: UKE Baghdad telegram to FCO ("Emissaries of the UN Secretary-General") ["[Tariq Aziz had] spoken bitterly of the Kuwaiti Ruling Family... [and] of the Security Council... then defended Iraq's policy of detaining Western foreigners"] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 20 Mo Minor Gulf War: Tony Newton PS letter to No.10 ("Daily Star article - "Iraquis get the dole"") ["factually incorrect"; clarification at MT's request] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 21 Tu Minor Gulf War: UKE Kuwait telegram to FCO ("Detained British citizens") ["Our present understanding of the location of British detainees"] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 20 Mo Minor Gulf War: Omani Ambassador letter to No.10 (Minister of State for Foreign Affairs meeting with the Prime Minister) [request for an appointment; arranged for tomorrow] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 23 Th Minor Gulf War: Francis Maude letter to John Wakeham ("Iraq/Kuwait - International Energy Agency") ["further meeting... next week to review the market situation"; registers Treasury interest] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 21 Tu Minor Gulf War: UKE Baghdad telegram to FCO ("Foreigners in Iraq") ["sites where the Iraqis appear to be considering housing Western detainees"] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 20 Mo Minor Gulf War: No.10 letter to Hurd PS (Amir of Qatar's reply to the Prime Minister relayed by Alan Clark) [No.10 request for draft reply] [declassified Jul 2017]
90 Aug 23 Th Minor Gulf War: UKE Baghdad telegram to FCO ("Kuwait - Baghdad convoy") ["All UK and LE staff... arrived safely"] [declassified Jul 2017]