1990 Aug 20 - 1990 Aug 23
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 24)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2017 Jul 20 |
Classification: | Top Secret |
Page count: | 370 |
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Showing items 81 - 100 of 122
Date |
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Title |
90 Aug 20 Mo | Major | Gulf War: MT message to King Hussein of Jordan ("Iraq/Kuwait: message for King Hussein") [Hussein's visit to US/talks with Bush; financial aid to support enforcement of UN sanctions; "I should be happy to meet at any time convenient to you ... vital that Britain and Jordan maintain the closest possible contact"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: Charles Powell briefing for MT ("Iraq/Kuwait: meeting of Ministers, 23 August") [UN; sanctions; additional forces; rules of engagement; UK citizens; embassies; King Hussein peace mission; US; oil situation; press conference] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: FCO record of conversation ("Iraq/Kuwait": Douglas Hurd, Gerald Kaufman) ["legal basis... [but] to attack Iraqi forces in Kuwait... would be a caastrophic error"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 21 Tu | Major | Gulf War: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Ad hoc Group on the Gulf: 11.00 am on Tuesday 21 August 1990 at No 10") [UN resolution on interception of Iraqi tanker; Britons in Iraq/Kuwait; aid for Jordan; counter-propaganda; further deployment; terrorism; oil] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 21 Tu | Major | Gulf War: No.10 record of conversation (Sir Percy Cradock, Prince Bandar) [intelligence briefing: "in [Bandar's] view the situation had now reached a point of no return. Recovery of Kuwait by itself was not enough. Unless Saddam was ousted, the region would remain threatened by Iraq"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: FCO telegram 473 to UKMIS New York (1515Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: next steps in the UN") ["Ministers are concerned by... the apparent softening in the US position"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 21 Tu | Major | Gulf War: UKE Moscow telegram to FCO ("Gorbachev's speech to officers in Odessa, 17 August") ["no longer seen by the Soviet people as the man calling the shots... that said, the speech deserves attention"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKMIS New York telegram 1067 to FCO (0320Z) ("Anglo-Iranian relations") [UK contacts with Iranian government go "back to square one"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 21 Tu | Major | Gulf War: UKE Kuwait telegram to FCO ("Future of embassies") [MT alarmed by proposed softening of UK stance and apparent weakening of EC solidarity] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 20 Mo | Major | Gulf War: UKE Amman telegram to FCO ("Jordan's refugee problem") ["Refugees are crossing in large numbers... face severe problems at the frontier. ICRC not yet in action... worth making the offer [of help]"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 21 Tu | Major | Gulf War: UKE Moscow telegram to FCO ("Iraq/Kuwait: Soviet round-up, 21 August") [Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister talks with Shevardnadze] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 2020 to FCO (1900Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: Security Council resolution") ["Shevardnadze has asked Baker for another day's grace"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKMIS New York telegram 1072 to FCO (1635Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: next steps") ["[US] not sure of Soviet motives... impending Baker/Shevardnadze telephone conversation"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: Charles Powell minute for MT ("Gulf Crisis") ["Press coverage of your performance yesterday is very good ... No significant changes on the ground. SOME progress at the UN, but still a long way to go"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKE Moscow telegram to FCO ("Iraq/Kuwait: views of Soviet MFA: 23 August") [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: Charles Powell minute for MT ("Iraq/Kuwait: Security Council") ["omens reasonably good" for latest draft resolution; "vote may not be until tomorrow morning... Americans may hold off until then"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKE Bonn telegram 1056 to FCO (0915Z) ("German reaction to Gulf crisis") [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 20 Mo | Major | Gulf War: UKE Baghdad telegram to FCO ("Saddam's peace initiative") [proposals have "little to commend them [but] ... should not... be totally dismissive... in order to avoid provoking Saddam unnecessarily... clearly believes that he can use foreign hostages as a lever to break... resolve on sanctions"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 21 Tu | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute to Ingham (pool facilities for British journalists) [ MT "reservations about being too generous with facilities for the press, in the light of experience during the Falklands campaign"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 20 Mo | Major | Gulf War: Hurd PS letter to No.10 ("Message for King Hussein") [diplomatic rift; Hurd visit to Jordan] [declassified Jul 2017] |