1990 Aug 20 - 1990 Aug 23
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 24)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2017 Jul 20 |
Classification: | Top Secret |
Page count: | 370 |
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Showing items 21 - 40 of 122
Date | Value | Title |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKDEL OECD Paris telegram to FCO ("Iraq/Kuwait: IEA oil market committee, 23 August") [assessment of market prospects] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: UKDEL NATO telegram to FCO ("NATO consultations on Iraq/Kuwait") [Iraqi capacity for offensive action increased; further US shopping list for Western military cooperation; foreign nationals; unanimity on maintaining embassies in Kuwait after 24 Aug; Arab reactions] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: No.10 note to MT (Gulf crisis) [summary of overnight telegrams; US Armoured Division not arriving till EARLY OCTOBER] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: Charles Powell note to MT (Gulf crisis) [summary of overnight telegrams - UN resolution "virtually certain ... but not till Saturday"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Hurd, Tom King, John Wakeham, Patrick Mayhew, William Waldegrave, Percy Cradock, CDS) ["Iraq/Kuwait: meeting of Ministers"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: Charles Powell briefing for MT ("Iraq/Kuwait: meeting of Ministers, 23 August") [UN; sanctions; additional forces; rules of engagement; UK citizens; embassies; King Hussein peace mission; US; oil situation; press conference] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: No.10 briefing for MT (Gulf Support Group Helpline) ["formed about 10 days ago... for those who have friends or relatives trapped in Iraq or Kuwait"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: King PS letter to No.10 ("UN embargo: enforcement action") [completes formulation of naval ROEs; MT content] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: Hurd PS letter to No.10 ("Jordan: refugees") [Gulf crisis: addressing MT concern; permission to spend £0.5m] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 23 Th | Major | Gulf War: Hurd PS letter to No.10 ("The Gulf crisis: Jordan") [economic assistance for countries affected by sanctions against Iraq] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: FCO telegram 473 to UKMIS New York (1515Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: next steps in the UN") ["Ministers are concerned by... the apparent softening in the US position"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: UKMIS New York telegram 1060 to FCO (1836Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: next steps") ["Chinese (and even Russians) may be coming round, but want to refer evidence of sanctions-busting to the economic sanctions committee"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: UKMIS New York telegram 1061 to FCO (1808Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: next steps") [enforcement of sanctions: text of latest draft resolution] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 2006 to FCO (1845Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: next steps in the UN") ["the Americans must be conscious of the dangers of crying wolf, and we have had other indications they may be determined this time [to act with or without UN authority]"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 2008 to FCO (1910Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: politico-military aspects") [US rules of engagement; Saudi Arabia; UN discussions] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 2010 to FCO (2117Z) ("Future of embassies in Kuwait") ["US announce publicly that they will not close their Embassy in Kuwait on 24 August ... Appeal to international community to show solidarity"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 2013 to FCO (2355Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: next steps in New York") [Bush reluctantly granting Russian request for 48 hour moratorium on interdiction of Iraqi shipping; if no SCR by then, will act under Article 51] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 2014 to FCO (2359Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: Iraqi tankers") [conversation with Kimmitt: Iraqi tanker in Aden "might be an example of sanctions busting"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: UKE Amman telegram to FCO ("Message from Prime Minister to King Hussein" - audience with King) [MT: "He is putting himself at the head of the PRO-IRAQ club. That will only make his own position WORSE with the anti-Iraq group"] [declassified Jul 2017] |
90 Aug 22 We | Major | Gulf War: UKE Baghdad telegram to FCO ("Economic sanctions") [OECD commercial officers meeting: "large increases in food prices since 2 August, but few other visible signs that sanctions are biting .... it would be a long haul"] [declassified Jul 2017] |