1988 Aug 2 - 1989 May 26
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Local Government (Relations between central and local government: local authority expenditure) (Part 36)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2017 Jul 20 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 415 |
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PREM19/2762 - download whole file (PDF, 388.13 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 29
Date![]() |
Value | Title |
88 Aug 5 Fr | Minor | Local Government: Ridley letter to Baker (capitalisation of specific grants to local authorities) [credit approvals available for spending on education] [declassified July 2017] |
88 Nov 2 We | Major | Local Government: Major letter to Ridley ("Local authority capital expenditure: cash limits and end year flexibility") ["we must act swiftly so as to remove any obligation to give local authorities this end year flexibility bonus"] [declassified July 2017] |
88 Nov 15 Tu | Minor | Local Government: Rifkind letter to Tom King (period of disqualification on release from prison) [comments in relation to Scotland on proposed amendment to Local Government Act (NI) 1972] [declassified July 2017] |
88 Nov 18 Fr | Major | Local Government: Tony Newton letter to Ridley ("Local authority economic development") [proposed amendment to forthcoming annoucement; inner city regeneration] [declassified July 2017] |
88 Nov 25 Fr | Major | Local Government: No.10 minute to MT ("Simplified needs assessments") [consultation with local authorities: Major's agreement to Ridley paper subject to conditions] [declassified July 2017] |
88 Nov 28 Mo | Major | Local Government: No.10 letter to Ridley PS ("Local authority fees and charges") [MT's key concerns in relation to Major/Ridley dispute over provisions in Local Government and Housing Bill relating to local authority powers to set fees & charges for specific services] [declassified July 2017] |
88 Dec 2 Fr | Major | Local Government: Ridley letter to Major ("Local authority fees and charges") ["a number of issues concerning the nature of the enabling power which remain to be resolved"] [declassified July 2017] |
88 Dec 6 Tu | Minor | Local Government: Walker PS letter to No.10 ("Welsh Rate Support Grant Settlement 1989/90") [draft oral statement] [declassified July 2017] |
88 Dec 16 Fr | Minor | Local Government: Gummer PS letter to Parkinson PS ("Rate Support Grant 1989/90") [draft oral statement] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Jan 13 Fr | Major | Local Government: Major letter to Ridley ("Local authority capital: arrangements for 1989 survey") [new system for local authority capital spending] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Jan 16 Mo | Major | Local Government: Luce letter to Ridley ("Local fees and charges") [draft statement to Parliament on "use [of] the Local Government Housing Bill to protect the core of the free public library service"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Feb 3 Fr | Major | Local Government: Ridley letter to Major ("Local government finance: consultation with local authority associations") ["my further proposals for handling the 1989 round"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Feb 10 Fr | Major | Local Government: Ridley letter to Major ("Local authority capital finance: stabilisation measures") ["to prevent an unacceptable surge in... spending over the next 14 months"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Feb 15 We | Major | Local Government: Hurd letter to Ridley ("Local authority capital expenditure: law and order services") ["how I propose to integrate [them]... into the new capital control system"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Feb 21 Tu | Major | Local Government: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Ridley, Major) ["Local authority swaps and options: Hammersmith and Fulham"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Mar 7 Tu | Major | Local Government: Walker PS letter to Major PS ("Local authority interest rate swaps") ["concern that the transactions might be ultra vires"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Mar 8 We | Major | Local Government: Ridley letter to Wakeham (Local Government and Housing Bill: Audit Commission provision) [amendment to address "inadequacies in... powers to arrange for the certification of grant claims and other financial returns by local authorities"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Mar 23 Th | Major | Local Government: Major letter to Ridley ("Treatment of local authority current expenditure in the 1989 survey") [agreement on how to proceed] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Mar 28 Tu | Major | Local Government: Ridley letter to Lord Young ("National Exhibition Centre: Local Government and Housing Bill") ["effect of... proposals on local authority interests in companies"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Apr 19 We | Major | Local Government: Ridley letter to Wakeham ("New burdens on local government") ["latest list of Central Government initiatives"] [declassified July 2017] |