
1988 Dec 2 - 1989 Nov 17
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 9)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2017 Jul 20
Classification: Secret
Page count: 347
Any docs withheld? 8

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 63

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Date Value Titlesort descending
89 Nov 17 Fr Major Foreign Policy: Cabinet Office record of conversation ("Note for Record") [Robin Butler, Len Appleyard, Bob Kimmitt: developments in Eastern Europe & East/West relations; Hong Kong; Cambodia; Lockerbie; Trident; pre-positioned ships] [released Jul 2017]
89 Nov 17 Fr Major Foreign Policy: Charles Powell minute to MT (draft message to President Bush) [cover note only] [released Jul 2017]
89 May 12 Fr Major Foreign Policy: Charles Powell minute to MT (message from President Bush: US Administration's review of policies towards the USSR) [cover letters only] [released Jul 2017]
89 May 9 Tu Major Foreign Policy: Charles Powell minute to MT (Policy Towards Eastern Europe) [Kissinger/Baker proposal for US/Soviet cooperation, and key points forthcoming meetings with Kissinger & Bush] [released Jul 2017]
89 Jul 17 Mo Major Foreign Policy: Charles Powell note to MT (message from General Jaruzelski: Poland's requirements for economic help) [cover note only] [released Jul 2017]
89 Jul 6 Th Major Foreign Policy: Charles Powell note to MT (message from President Bush: aid to Poland and Hungary) [cover letters only] [released Jul 2017]
89 Nov 17 Fr Major Foreign Policy: Cradock minute to MT ("Principles for East/West Relations") ["In preparation for your meetings in Paris and Washington... some principles which might guide our policy"] [released Jul 2017]
89 Nov 23 Th Major Foreign Policy: David Hart minute to MT (visit to East/West Berlin) [impressions; questions; conclusion] [released Jul 2017]
89 May 12 Fr Major Foreign Policy: FCO minute to No.10 ("Lecture by Professor Sir Michael Howard") [analysis of the ongoing political/social transition in Eastern Europe & Soviet Union: key points, with full text attached] [released Jul 2017]
89 May 4 Th Major Foreign Policy: FCO record of conversation ("Quadripartite Meeting of Political Directors, London, 4 May") [Fretwell, Dufourcq, Kastrup, Thomas] [released Jul 2017]
89 Jan 27 Fr Major Foreign Policy: FCO record of conversation (1600Z) (Howe, Genscher) [record of conversation: "Politico-Military Issues"] [released Jul 2017]
89 Oct 11 We Major Foreign Policy: FCO record of conversation (Eastern Europe) [Sir John Fretwell, FRG Chancellery official Hartmann] [released Jul 2017]
89 May 11 Th Major Foreign Policy: FCO record of conversation (Howe, Catto) [President Bush's 'Open Skies' initiative] [released Jul 2017]
89 Nov 7 Tu Major Foreign Policy: FCO record of converstion ("Quadripartite Meeting of Political Directors, Bonn, 7 November") [John Fretwell, Dufourcq, Kastrup, Seitz: East/West relations; CSCE; GDR/FRG; Bush/Gorbachev meeting; Poland; arms control; S. Africa] [released Jul 2017]
89 Jul 8 Sa Major Foreign Policy: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Message from President Bush to the Prime Minister") [advice regarding Bush proposals to support economic reform in Poland & Hungary] [released Jul 2017]
89 May 16 Tu Major Foreign Policy: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Message from President Bush") [US policy towards Soviet Union; 'Open Skies' proposal;draft reply] [released Jul 2017]
89 May 17 We Major Foreign Policy: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Mr Baker's NATO Briefing on his visit to Moscow, 12 May 1989") [report] [released Jul 2017]
89 Nov 21 Tu Major Foreign Policy: Hurd minute to MT ("East/West Relations") [support for Gorbachev; Gorbachev's line at Valletta; the Western agenda; Eastern Europe; GDR] [released Jul 2017]
89 Nov 22 We Major Foreign Policy: Hurd PS letter to No.10 ("Europe's Borders") [implications of the Helsinki Final Act for UK position on secession of Baltic States from USSR] [released Jul 2017]
89 Nov 28 Tu Major Foreign Policy: MT letter to Chancellor Kohl (Western Assistance to Eastern Europe) [Poland; MT's views on East European Development Bank proposal] [released Jul 2017]