
1979 Jun 25 - 1987 Jan 23
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Soviet Union (Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry: Prime Minister's interest in cases of Ida Nudel, Anatoly Shcharansky, Alexander Paritsky) (Part 1)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2017 Jul 20
Classification: Secret
Page count: 331
Any docs withheld? 3

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 48

Per page:
Datesort descending Value Title
79 Jul 2 Mo Major Soviet Union: No.10 minute to MT (Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry) [Sharansky & Nudel cases] [released Jul 2017]
80 Jul 9 We Major Soviet Union: MT letter to Co-Chair of Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (Ida Nudel) [MT pledges that UK delegation will raise the case at the World Conference of the UN Decade for Women] [released Jul 2017]
81 Jan 13 Tu Major Soviet Union: No.10 letter to Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (human rights abuses) [appeals & statements; representations made by UK government] [released Jul 2017]
81 Sep 15 Tu Major Soviet Union: Co-Chair of the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry letter to MT (human rights abuses) [Anatoly Shcharansky case: MT asks FCO if more can be done to assist] [released Jul 2017]
81 Oct 25 Su Major Soviet Union: FCO letter to Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (human rights abuses & visa applications) [recent Soviet concessions; UK representations] [released Jul 2017]
82 Jan 20 We Major Soviet Union: Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry telegram 1328 to MT (freedom of speech and human rights abuses) [congratulations on 717th birthday of UK Parliament; highlights case of Anatoly Shcharansky] [released Jul 2017]
82 Feb 1 Mo Major Soviet Union: MT letter to Co-Chair of the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (human rights abuses: the Anatoly Shcharansky case) ["We shall continue to take every opportunity to raise Mr Shcharansky's case"] [released Jul 2017]
82 Feb 1 Mo Major Soviet Union: MT letter to Co-Chair of the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (human rights abuses: the Anatoly Shcharansky case) ["I take a close personal interest in these matters"] [released Jul 2017]
82 Sep 13 Mo Major Soviet Union: No.10 letter to the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (human rights abuses: the Anatoly Shcharansky case) [thanks for update on condition] [released Jul 2017]
82 Oct 4 Mo Major Soviet Union: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Letters from the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry: Alexander Paritsky") [draft replies] [released Jul 2017]
82 Oct 11 Mo Major Soviet Union: MT letter to Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (human rights abuses: the Anatoly Shcharansky case) ["doing our very best to bring home our concern in the most effective way possible"] [released Jul 2017]
82 Oct 22 Fr Major Soviet Union: MT letter to Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (human rights abuses: the Alexander Paritsky case) ["We shall raise this case with the Soviet Ambassador... it would be wrong to raise your hopes too far"] [released Jul 2017]
82 Dec 6 Mo Major Soviet Union: MT letter to Co-Chair of the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (human rights abuses) ["we shall continue to raise these questions... the CSCE Review Meeting in Madrid offers such opportunities"] [released Jul 2017]
82 Dec 15 We Major Soviet Union: Co-Chair of the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry letter to MT (human rights abuses: the Alexander Paritsky case) [copy of a recent letter from Paritsky to his wife] [released Jul 2017]
83 Jan 14 Fr Major Soviet Union: MT letter to Mrs Anatoli Shcharansky (human rights abuses) [welcome to London & pledge of ongoing support for her imprisoned husband] [released Jul 2017]
83 Jan 19 We Major Soviet Union: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Anatoly Shcharansky") [human rights abuse case: Western European representations] [released Jul 2017]
83 Feb 4 Fr Major Soviet Union: Cabinet Office minute to MT ("Anatoly Shcharansky") [human rights abuse case: proposal by Lord Sieff to offer Soviets an exchange] [released Jul 2017]
83 Feb 7 Mo Major Soviet Union: FCO telegram 111 to UKE Moscow (1700Z) ("Anatoly Shcharansky") [record of conversation: Pym, Ambassador Popov: human rights abuse case] [released Jul 2017]
83 Feb 8 Tu Major Soviet Union: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Anatoly Shcharansky") [human rights abuse case: UK representations] [released Jul 2017]
83 Feb 9 We Major Soviet Union: No.10 letter to the Soviet Council for Jewry (human rights abuse in the Soviet Union: the Anatoly Shcharansky case) [UK representations] [released Jul 2017]