
1986 Sep 18 - 1987 May 29
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Venice, June 1987) (Part 22)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2016 Jul 21
Classification: Secret
Page count: 276
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 48

Per page:
Date Value Titlesort descending
87 Feb 10 Tu Major Economic Policy: Armstrong minute for Charles Powell (meeting of sherpas for Venice G7) [MT highly critical] [declassified Jul 2016]
86 Oct 18 Sa Minor G7: Bernard Ingham minute to Robert Armstrong ("Venice Economic Summit - Media") [ground rules for press briefing, press centre] [released July 2016]
87 May 21 Th Minor G7: Cabinet Office minute to Sherard Cowper-Coles ("Venice Economic Summit: 8-10 June 1987") [briefing arrangements] [released July 2016]
87 May 19 Tu Minor G7: Cable and Wireless letter to Catherine Bradley (Japan and 2nd KDD issue) [merger talks] [released July 2016]
87 May 14 Th Minor G7: Charles Powell minute to FCO ("Venice Summit") [East/West relations, terrorism, Middle East, IMF] [released July 2016]
87 May 19 Tu Minor G7: Charles Powell minute to Howe PS ("Venice Economic Summit") [MT, Howe and Lawson want "to give particular attention to points favourable to the Government which we should work to have included in the text"] [released July 2016]
87 May 19 Tu Minor G7: Charles Powell minute to Howe PS ("Venice Economic Summit: Bilateral with President Reagan") [main issues MT wants to raise: US economy, INF negotiations, terrorism, Middle East] [released July 2016]
87 May 20 We Major G7: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Venice Economic Summit") [Economic Declaration to be issued on the eve of polling day: "We shall want to ensure that it provides the strongest possible endorsement of the sort of economic policies pursued by the Government"] [released July 2016]
87 May 18 Mo Minor G7: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Venice Economic Summit: Bilateral with President Reagan") [concern about lack of time for meeting] [released July 2016]
87 Apr 28 Tu Major G7: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Venice Economic Summit: Sherpas' Meeting") [thematic paper: macro-economic policies, Japan's external surplus, GATT round, South Africa, AIDS] [released July 2016]
87 Apr 29 We Minor G7: Charles Powell minute to Robert Armstrong ("Venice Economic Summit") [MT "believes that the thematic paper should be very firmly worded on the question of Japan's external surplus"] [released July 2016]
87 May 20 We Minor G7: Charles Powell minute to Robert Armstrong ("Venice Economic Summit: Political Issues") [MT "decidedly unenthusiastic about the proposed declaration on East/West relations"] [released July 2016]
87 Feb 11 We Minor G7: Charles Powell minute to Robert Armstrong (Venice Economic Summit) [MT "finds the failure to exert pressure on the Japanese representative inexplicable"] [released July 2016]
87 May 13 We Minor G7: Charles Powell record of conversation (MT-Howe) ["It would be important to get robust paragraphs on protectionism and on the need for reforms in agricultural policies"] [released July 2016]
87 May 14 Th Minor G7: Charles Powell to Cabinet Office (Nakasone) [MT unlikely to have time for a formal bilateral] [released July 2016]
87 May 21 Th Minor G7: Charles Powell to Home Office ("Venice Economic Summit: Terrorism") [MT "thinks we should take every opportunity on offer to strengthen cooperation on this issue"] [released July 2016]
87 May 25 Mo Major G7: General Ershad message to MT (Venice Economic Summit) ["The decisions taken at the Summi will have a significant impact on developing countries"] [released July 2016]
87 May 20 We Minor G7: Home Office minute to Cabinet Office ("Venice Economic Summit: Terrorism") [French opposed to any wording "which remotely suggested any further institutionalisation of discussions of terrorism in the Summit context"] [released July 2016]
87 May 20 We Minor G7: Howe PS minute to Cabinet Office ("Venice Economic Summit: Briefing") [draft list of briefs] [released July 2016]
86 Dec 15 Mo Minor G7: Howe PS minute to Charles Powell ("Foundation for the cohesion of the West: 21st Century Trust") [set up in response to suggestion that there is "a prolbem of growing strains of cohesion in the West"] [released July 2016]