
1980 Mar 10 - 1986 Feb 21
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Spain (Internal situation; UK/Spain relations) (Part 1)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2016 Jul 21
Classification: Top Secret
Page count: 279
Any docs withheld? 3

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 68

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Date Valuesort descending Title
80 Aug 4 Mo Major Spain: UKE Madrid telegram to FCO ("Spain: the impact of terrorism") ["The Government has put a brave face on this latest wave of violence... But winning the support of the Basque public... remains a slow and uphill business"] [declassified Jul 2016]
85 Mar 13 We Major Spain: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe, Prime Minister González, Carlos Westendorp) [MT visit to Spain; Gibraltar; NATO & EU membership; Gorbachev/Soviet Union] [declassified Jul 2016]
82 Oct 15 Fr Major Spain: UKE Madrid record of conversation ("Conversation with the King of Spain") [HM Ambassador Parsons, Juan Carlos I: defence equipment sales] [declassified Jul 2016]
81 Jan 8 Th Major Spain: UKE Madrid record of conversation ("Spain/NATO") [Ian Gilmour, Pérez-Llorca] [declassified Jul 2016]
84 Jan 30 Mo Major Spain: UKE Madrid telegram to FCO ("Spain and NATO") [Spain to hold referendum onn membership; Gonzalez to call election "in the event of an adverse result"; Gibraltar] [declassified Jul 2016]
81 Feb 11 We Major Spain: Prime Minister Suárez letter to MT (resignation) [courtesy letter] [declassified Jul 2016]
82 Oct 29 Fr Major Spain: UKE Madrid telegram to FCO ("Implications for the UK of Spanish elections") [EC; NATO; Gibraltar; Falklands; trade; banking; defence sales] [declassified Jul 2016]
80 Oct 8 We Major Portugal: UKE Lisbon telegram to FCO ("Election results") ["Sa Carneiro will not be tendering his resignation... the Government intend to continue in office"] [declassified Jul 2016]
81 Dec 3 Th Major Spain: Carrington PS letter to No.10 ("Spain/NATO/Gibraltar") [Spain to sign Protocol of Accession on 10th Dec; questions in Parliament & press anticipated; "lifting the restrictions on Gibraltar... [will not be] a condition of Britain's approval of Spain's entry to NATO" ] [declassified Jul 2016]
81 Nov 30 Mo Major Spain: FCO record of conversation ("Conversation with the Spanish Foreign Minister") [Carrington, Llorca: Gibraltar; Calvo-Sotelo visit to UK] [declassified Jul 2016]
80 Sep 23 Tu Major Spain: FCO telegram to UKE Belgrade ("UNGA General Debate: Gibraltar") [Perez-Llorca statement to UN: "obstacle to good relations between the UK and Spain"] [declassified Jul 2016]
80 Mar 10 Mo Major Spain: UKE Madrid telegram to FCO ("Spain: the Basque elections") ["this is an important victory for Basque nationalism"] [declassified Jul 2016]
82 Aug 26 Th Major Spain: UKE Madrid telegram to FCO ("The Spanish economy") ["lack of direction... when Ministers return [from summer holiday] they are likely to be more interested in running for office in the general elections expected this autumn"] [declassified Jul 2016]
82 Jan 29 Fr Major Spain: UKE Madrid telegram to FCO ("Spain: position of the Government") [three deputies transfer allegiance from ruling UCD party to right wing Alianza Popular; "disincentives for early elections, which neither of the major parties want, are... strong"] [declassified Jul 2016]
84 Jul 23 Mo Major Spain: UKE Madrid telegram to FCO ("Spanish foreign policy") ["prospects for Ministerial changes"; relations with France; Gibraltar; NATO; EC accession] [declassified Jul 2016]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Spain: UKE Madrid telegram to FCO (1537Z) ("Stability of Spanish Government") [fallout from failed military coup; Falklands/Gibraltar; forthcoming elections; terrorism] [declassified Jul 2016]
81 Apr 10 Fr Major Spain: FCO record of conversation ("Secretary of State's discussions with Mr. Haig: Spain and Gibraltar") [Carrington, Haig] [declassified Jul 2016]
82 Oct 4 Mo Major Spain: UKE Madrid telegram to FCO ("Coup plot: Gibraltar") ["we cannot exclude the possibility at any time of unauthorised military action"] [declassified Jul 2016]
84 Jun 20 We Major Spain: No.10 note (precedents for a visiting Foreign Minister to meet members of the Opposition) [advice from Foreign Office on visit to UK of Spanish Minister for Education] [declassified Jul 2016]
85 Jul 3 We Major Spain: Charles Powell briefing for MT ("Meeting with Senor Fraga") [co-operation between non-socialist parties in the European Assembly; European Council; NATO; terrorism; Gibraltar; Alianza Popular election prospects] [declassified Jul 2016]