1985 Jun 14 - 1986 May 6
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Economic policy (G7 Summit - Tokyo) (Part 20)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2014 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 388 |
Any docs withheld? | 1 |
PREM19/1714 - download whole file (PDF, 304.3 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 41 - 60 of 74
Date | Value |
Title![]() |
86 Apr 24 Th | Minor | G7: Japanese Personal Representative letter for Powell (Tokyo Economic Summit: programme) [declassified 2014] |
86 Feb 10 Mo | Major | G7: Ingham to Armstrong (“Economic Summit - Press Briefing”) [declassified 2014] |
86 May 2 Fr | Major | G7: Howe minute for Prime Minister’s Party in Seoul (“Tokyo Summit”) [IDA 8, Soviet nuclear accident] [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 30 We | Major | G7: Howe minute for MT (“Tokyo Economic Summit”) [UK line on summit topics] [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 16 We | Major | G7: Helmut Schmidt letter to MT (Final Statement by the Interaction Council) [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 28 Mo | Minor | G7: FCO minute for Powell (“Tokyo Economic Summit”) [draft reply to Japanese Prime Minister Nakasone’s letter to MT] [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 29 Tu | Major | G7: FCO minute for Powell (“Tokyo Economic Summit: International Terrorism”) [draft of the summit statement & draft telegram to President Chirac] [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 30 We | Major | G7: FCO minute for Powell (“Prime Minister’s Bilateral Meeting with President Reagan, Tokyo 4 May”) [arguments on EC/US relations] [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 30 We | Minor | G7: FCO briefing (“Tokyo Economic Summit: Speaking Note on Agriculture”) [declassified 2014] |
86 May 2 Fr | Minor | G7: Department of Trade and Industry minute for Prime Minister’s Party in Seoul (“Samanala Wewa”) [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 10 Th | Minor | G7: Chairman of Cable and Wireless plc letter to Howe (Anglo-Japanese telecommunications project) [declassified 2014] |
86 May 3 Sa | Major | G7: Cabinet Office record of conversation (Thomas, Giffard) [Tokyo Economic Summit: terrorism] [declassified 2014] |
86 May 5 Mo | Major | G7: Cabinet Office minute to Powell (“Draft Declaration on International Terrorism”) [statements on international terrorism] [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 17 Th | Minor | G7: Cabinet Office minute to FCO (“Tokyo Economic Summit: 4-6 May 1986”) [briefing arrangements] [declassified 2014] |
85 Nov 26 Tu | Minor | G7: British Telecom letter to Cabinet Office (“1986 Tokyo Ecpnomic Summit: Video Conferencing”) [Ingham sees value for press briefing] [declassified 2014] |
85 Jul 19 Fr | Major | G7: Armstrong to UKE Tokyo (“Tokyo Economic Summit”) [dates] [declassified 2014] |
86 Jan 28 Tu | Minor | G7: Armstrong minute for Wicks (the Personal Representatives meeting: preparations for Tokyo Summit) [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 23 We | Major | G7: Armstrong minute for Powell (“Tokyo Economic Summit”) [MT-Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan meeting agenda] [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 7 Mo | Major | G7: Armstrong minute for Powell (“Tokyo Economic Summit”) [his conversations in Washington] [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 21 Mo | Major | G7: Armstrong minute for Powell (“Tokyo Economic Summit: Political Issues”) [MT found the draft statement “rather weak”] [declassified 2014] |