
1985 Oct 1 - 1985 Oct 31
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

South Africa (Internal situation: relations with UK) (Part 7)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2014 Dec 30
Classification: Secret
Page count: 351
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 41 - 60 of 64

Per page:
Date Value Titlesort descending
85 Oct 15 Tu Major South Africa: President Machel letter to MT (bilateral cooperation and situation in South Africa) [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 11 Fr Major South Africa: President Masire letter to MT (Commonwealth strategy on apartheid) [South African punitive measures against Botswana] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 7 Mo Major South Africa: President Nyerere letter to MT (apartheid and sanctions) [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 12 Sa Major South Africa: President Nyerere letter to MT (Commonwealth strategy on apartheid) [sanctions] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 7 Mo Major South Africa: President Nyerere letter to MT (“South Africa: economic sanctions”) [appeal for UK support] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 23 We Major South Africa: President Nyerere of Tanzania letter to MT (Inkatha’s commitment to non-violent reform) [condemns ANC and international media reporting] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 28 Mo Major South Africa: President of the Confederation of British Industry letter to MT (Commonwealth Conference) [congratulations on MT taking firm line on sanctions] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 21 Mo Major South Africa: UKDEL Nassau telegram to UKE Pretoria (MT message to President Botha) [outcome of Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 22 Tu Major South Africa: UKDEL Nassau telegram to UKHC Canberra (“Southern Africa: The Commonwealth Accord”) [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 16 We Major South Africa: UKE Maputo telegram to FCO (“Machel’s message to Prime Minister”) [sanctions] [declassified 2014]
85 Sep 16 Mo Major South Africa: UKE Pretoria briefing to FCO (“Visit to Britain by Bishop Tutu”) [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 31 Th Major South Africa: UKE Pretoria telegram to FCO (“By Elections”) [results and implications] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 29 Tu Major South Africa: UKE Pretoria telegram to FCO (“Commonwealth Mission on South Africa”) [Botha opposed] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 25 Fr Major South Africa: UKE Pretoria telegram to FCO (“South Africa - a responsible Black Homeland leader’s view”) [Mabuza speech on government] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 29 Tu Major South Africa: UKE Pretoria telegram to FCO (“South Africa Internal”) [dialogue stalemate] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 29 Tu Major South Africa: UKE Pretoria telegram to FCO (“South Africa Internal”) [“ever-increasing cycle of violence”] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 3 Th Major South Africa: UKE Pretoria telegram to FCO (“South Africa: internal”) [reforms] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 28 Mo Major South Africa: UKHC Canberra telegram to FCO (“CHOGM, South Africa: Committee of Eminent Persons”) [press speculation on Howe’s appointment] [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 28 Mo Major South Africa: UKHC Canberra telegram to FCO (“CHOGM: South Africa”) [declassified 2014]
85 Oct 11 Fr Major South Africa: UKHC Dar es Salaam telegram to FCO (“South Africa at CHOGM”) [Tanzanian views] [declassified 2014]