
1983 Jun 13 - 1985 Aug 30
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

European Policy (Enlargement of European Community: applications of Portugal and Spain) (Part 2)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2014 Dec 30
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 279
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 40 of 40

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Date Valuesort ascending Title
84 Sep 13 Th Major European Policy: Howe PS letter to Tebbit PS (MT, Lawson, Howe, Tebbit, Jopling, Rifkind, Channon, Ian Stewart, Michael Butler, David Williamson, Robert Armstrong) ["Enlargement of the European Community"] [released Dec 2014]
84 Sep 12 We Major European Policy: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Enlargement") [handling of the meeting/key issues] [released Dec 2014]
83 Nov 28 Mo Major European Policy: MT letter to Prime Minister González Márquez (Accession of Spain to the EC) ["The Athens Summit will... be of crucial importance... need to ensure that no Member State is asked to bear a financial burden disproportionate to its means, and that agriculture and other expenditure is brought under effective control"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 4 Th Major European Policy: MT message to Prime Minister Soares (Accession of Portugal to the EC) [message of congratulations on conclusion of negotiations] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 4 Th Major European Policy: MT message to Prime Minister González Márquez (Accession of Spain to the EC) [message of congratulations on conclusion of negotiations] [released Dec 2014]
85 Mar 17 Su Major European Policy: UKRep Brussels telegram 1016 to FCO (1658Z) ("Foreign Affairs Council, 17 March. Enlargement/Own Resources") [financial arrangements for Spain] [released Dec 2014]
84 Sep 11 Tu Major European Policy: UKE Dublin telegram 470 to FCO (1850Z) ("Informal Meeting of Foreign Ministers on Enlargement in Dublin: 11 September") [record of conversation] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 20 Th Major European Policy: Channon PS letter to No.10 ("Spanish Accession: Industrial Tariffs") ["details of the agreement which the Community reached with Spain early this week on the arrangements for the dismantlement of the industrial tariffs and on the special arrangements for cars after enlargement"] [released Dec 2014]
85 May 30 Th Major European Policy: MT letter to Prime Minister González Márquez (Treaty of Spanish Accession to the European Community) [sends apologies for signing ceremony due to President of Mexico's state visit to UK; Howe to represent UK at ceremony] [released Dec 2014]
85 Feb 16 Sa Major European Policy: Prime Minister Craxi letter to MT (EC enlargement negotiations) ["hindered by some knots relating to fishing and agriculture"] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 10 Mo Major European Policy: UKE Athens telegram 567 to FCO (1600Z) ("IMPS and Enlargement") [Papandreou unwilling to agree to EC enlargement without agreement on IMPS & wine; "The UK is identified in all the media as the main obstacle to Greek objectives"] [released Dec 2014]
84 Oct 4 Th Major European Policy: UKRep Brussels telegram 3164 to FCO (1830Z) ("Enlargement: The Prospects") ["If we cannot get ahead soon, the German position on our own resources will begin to make the... Fontainebleau package precarious... the major difficulties come from Greek[s]... and French obstructiveness"] [released Dec 2014]
84 Sep 10 Mo Major European Policy: No.10 briefing for MT ("Enlargement of the Community") ["enlargement will represent an economic cost... But the damage to Western political and security interests if the negotiations were to fail would be serious"; outline of specific objectives in defence of UK interests] [released Dec 2014]
83 Jun 17 Fr Major European Policy: MT letter to Prime Minister González Márquez (Accession of Spain to the EC) ["before accession... the restrictions on Gibraltar will have to be lifted... [and] progress... made on the agricultural aspects of the negotiations"] [released Dec 2014]
83 Nov 18 Fr Major European Policy: Prime Minister González Márquez letter to MT (Accession of Spain to the EC) ["I am concerned that frustration may take over my country's public opinion, which has serious doubts regarding the existence of a true political will on the part of the Community to see the completion of the Accession"] [released Dec 2014]
83 Nov 8 Tu Major European Policy: MT letter to Prime Minister Soares (Accession of Portugal to the EC) ["Our interest [is] in an outcome which will ensure that no Member State is asked to bear a financial burden disproportionate to its means, and that agriculture expenditure is brought under effective control"] [released Dec 2014]
84 Oct 16 Tu Major European Policy: UKE Madrid telegram 509 to FCO (1800Z) ("Spain/EC") [record of PM González's meeting with EC ambassadors to convey his concerns about lack of progress in negotiations] [released Dec 2014]
83 Oct 31 Mo Major European Policy: Prime Minister Soares letter to MT (Accession of Portugal to the EC) ["Portugal's treaty... should be signed earlier than Spain's... This would be the logical result of the separate consideration of each candidature and its appreciation on its own merits"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Feb 4 Mo Major European Policy: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Enlargement") [reply addressing MT concerns about the implications for the UK] [released Dec 2014]
85 May 13 Mo Major European Policy: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("The Enlarged Community") [policy paper requested by MT] [released Dec 2014]