
1984 Sep 7 - 1985 Apr 30
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Economic policy (G7 Summit - Bonn) (Part 18)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2014 Dec 30
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 464
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 41 - 60 of 68

Per page:
Date Valuesort descending Title
85 Apr 28 Su Major G7: Robin Nicholson briefing for MT ("EUREKA") [proposal for a new European programme of coordinated research "is ill-thought out, in that whilst it identifies the right problem, the diagnosis is wrong"; may arise in margins of summit] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 13 Th Major G7: Robert Armstrong minute to Charles Powell ("Bonn Economic Summit 1985") [first Sherpa meeting for Bonn; procedural aspects] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 30 Tu Major Europe: UKREP Brussels telegram to FCO ("CAP Price Fixing: Run up to Agriculture Council starting on 2 May") [European Commission "is reported to have agreed that no extra funds will be available for a CAP prices settlement"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 30 Tu Major G7/Europe: Jopling PS to Charles Powell ("1985 CAP Price Fixing: German Attitude") ["All member states have to compromise at the price fixing so that an overall solution can be found"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 29 Mo Major G7: UKE Paris telegram to FCO ("Bonn Summit: French approach") [Mitterrand's views on monetary reform and GATT] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 30 Tu Major Europe: Michael Jopling minute to MT ("1985 CAP Price Fixing") ["it is important that we leave [the Germans] in no doubt that the position they are taking up is not tolerable"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 22 Mo Major G7: Robert Armstrong minute to Charles Powell (Bonn Economic Summit) [Kohl's letter on summit focus, his "concerns generally speaking match our own"; draft reply for MT] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 27 Sa Major G7: MT message to Ronald Reagan (Bonn Economic Summit) [hopes to "work very closely together" on setting dates for new GATT round, terrorism, strategic defence initiative] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 29 Mo Major G7: UKE Washington telegram 1429 to FCO (2243Z) ("Secretary Baker's Press Interview on the Bonn Economic Summit") ["all of our economies face structural rigidities which hinder job creation and sustained growth"; no linkage between monetary conference and new GATT round] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 16 Tu Major G7: Charles Powell minute to Howe PS ("Bilaterals during the Bonn Economic Summit") [arrangements, order of priority for meetings (Reagan, Nakasone, Mitterrand), topics to discuss] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 16 Tu Major G7: UKA Washington letter to Geoffrey Howe ("Economic Speech by Shultz at Princeton on 11 April") [speech "seems to represent... a chink in the hitherto rather rigid position of the Americans on the relationship between their budget deficit, the dollar, and the economies of other countries"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Mar 28 Th Major G7: Charles Powell to Horst Teltschik (Bonn Economic Summit) [draft political declaration "on the right lines", but MT thinks declaration on anniversary of end of WWII "would gain in impact if it were a little more measured"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 25 Th Major G7: UKE Washington telegram 1379 to FCO (0240Z) ("Bonn Summit: US Trade Policy") [US seeking a new GATT round; "if the summit is seen to fail, the domestic protectionist pressures may become irresistible"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 25 Th Major G7: UKE Washington telegram 1378 to FCO (0230Z) ("The Second Reagan Administration and the Approach to the Bonn Summit") ["with the re-election honeymoon over, the administration is in a bad patch"; "1986 mid-terms begin to cast a long shadow"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 18 Th Major G7: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Robert Armstrong) ["Bonn Economic Summit" - discussion of summit draft declarations] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 29 Mo Major G7: UKE Santiago telegram to FCO ("Bonn Summit") [Cartenga Group request, Latin American debt] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 29 Mo Major G7: Cabinet Office record of conversation (Robert Armstrong-French Ambassador) [Bonn G7 - French expectations on new GATT round, the environment, political declarations, SDI] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 22 Mo Minor G7: Robert Armstrong minute to Charles Powell ("Bonn Economic Summit: Timetable") [latest schedule from the Germans] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 22 Mo Minor G7: Robert Armstrong minute to Charles Powell ("Bonn Economic Summit: Manned Space Station") [US report on international participation in space station] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 22 Mo Minor G7: Robert Armstrong minute to Charles Powell ("Bonn Economic Summit: Arrangements") [German text of detailed schedule for summit, and press arrangements] [released Dec 2014]