
1984 Sep 7 - 1985 Apr 30
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Economic policy (G7 Summit - Bonn) (Part 18)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2014 Dec 30
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 464
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 40 of 68

Per page:
Date Valuesort descending Title
85 Apr 30 Tu Major G7: Lawson PS minute to No.10 ("Economic Summit") [briefs on French currency ideas, Second Bosphorus Bridge] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 19 Fr Major G7: UKE Washington telegram 1325 to FCO (2232Z) ("Bonn Economic Summit: Political Aspects") [meeting of G7 Political Directors in Washington; progress made in the drafting] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 17 We Major G7: UKE Tokyo telegram to FCO ("Bonn Summit") [Japanese "preoccupations" on: "the Japan problem", external policies, budget deficit] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 29 Mo Major G7: Robert Armstrong minute to Charles Powell ("Bonn Economic Summit: Political Declaration") [amendments to passages on end of WWII to suit Japanese and French, no reference to 'vanquished'; division of Korea; Geneva talks] [released Dec 2014]
85 Mar 21 Th Major G7: Charles Powell minute to Robert Armstrong ("Bonn Economic Summit") [MT's thoughts on thematic declaration draft: "we should not be too modest about our record of growth"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Mar 28 Th Major G7: Robert Armstrong minute to Charles Powell ("Bonn Economic Summit") [meeting of sherpas: problems over timing of new GATT round will need to be resolved at summit itself] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 28 Su Major G7: President Ershad message to MT (Bonn Economic Summit) [difficulties facing developing economies] [released Dec 2014]
85 Mar 6 We Major G7: Jenkin PS to Charles Powell ("Bonn Economic Summit") ["we should firmly resist German attempts to suppress or modify" conclusions on the environment] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 24 We Major G7: UKE Bonn telegram to FCO ("Bonn Economic Summit: FRG Views") [Kohl interview - "Public German rejection of a locomotive role for themselves"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 30 Tu Major G7: Sir Geoffrey Howe minute to MT ("Soviet Air Space Reservations in the Berlin Air Corridors") [agreed approach with the Americans and French] [released Dec 2014]
84 Sep 7 Fr Major G7: UKE The Hague telegram to FCO ("Benelux: A Relance?") [call for Benelux to be made eighth member of world economic summit] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 18 Th Major G7: UKE Paris telegram to FCO ("Bonn Summit: 2-4 May") [French will have two positive aims and two defensive aims for the summit; international monetary conference proposal] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 27 Sa Major G7: Helmut Kohl message to MT (Bonn Economic Summit) [hopes summit will adopt a declaration on anniversary of the end of WWII "which recalls the terrible suffering of the war and underscores our common position on the safeguarding of peace, freedom and justice"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 25 Th Major G7: UKE Washington telegram 1380 to FCO (0250Z) ("Bonn Summit: US Economy and Economic Policies") ["the growth of the US economy has slowed down to a crawl"; international monetary meeting] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 26 Fr Major G7: Uruguayan President Julio Maria Sanguinetti message to MT ("Latin America Debt") ["it would be a grave mistake to think that the problem of foreign debt has been overcome"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 26 Fr Major G7: Cabinet Office letter to Charles Powell ("Bonn Economic Summit: TGE Reports") [reports of G7 working groups on Technology, Growth and Employment and the Environment] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 24 We Major Cold War: UK Delegation NATO telegram to FCO ("US/Soviet Geneva Talks: Briefing to NAC") ["Despite the lack of movement, the atmosphere of the talks had been cordial and quite business-like"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 29 Mo Major G7: Robert Armstrong minute to Charles Powell ("Bonn Economic Summit: Economic Declaration") [MT: "I think it is a mistake to group the European countries - indeed it is somewhat confrontational"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 16 Tu Major G7: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Bonn Economic Summit") [draft conclusions, MT "commented that they were a bit 'blancmangy'"; further attempt to strengthen] [released Dec 2014]
85 Apr 24 We Major G7: UKE Tokyo telegram to FCO ("Bonn Economic Summit") [Nakasone "somewhat apprehensive that Japan might be more open to criticism than her partners"] [released Dec 2014]