1984 Mar 19 - 1985 May 31
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
China (Sino-British relations; defence sales) (Part 2)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2014 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 236 |
Any docs withheld? | 4 |
PREM19/1425 - download whole file (PDF, 41.46 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 31
Date | Value |
Title![]() |
85 Mar 5 Tu | Major | China: UKE Beijing telegram 99 to FCO (0210Z) ("Lord Young's Mission") [report: "has gone very well"; "press reports that Lord Young has received less high level attention than the Japanese"] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Mar 4 Mo | Major | China: UKE Beijing telegram 94 to FCO (0330Z) ("Lord Young's Mission: Meeting with Mme Chen Muhua") [Lord Young, Muhua, leaders of UK industry: record of conversation] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Jan 27 Su | Major | China: UKE Beijing telegram 113 to FCO (0858Z) ("Cocom: China") [Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls: Chinese call for end to Cold War restrictions] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 May 31 Fr | Major | China: Tebbit PS letter to No.10 ("Presidency of the Sino British Trade Council") [President-desigate to accompany Lord Young on trade mission] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Feb 5 Tu | Major | China: Percy Cradock minute to Charles Powell ("Lord Young's Mission to China") ["suggest that we.... reaffirm our interest in military as well as civil sales"; MT agrees] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Jan 3 Th | Major | China: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe) ["British Trade Mission to China"] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Feb 8 Fr | Major | China: No.10 minute to Howe PS ("China: Visit by Premier Zhao Ziyang") [confirmation of dates; proposed schedule] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Feb 1 Fr | Major | China: No.10 briefing for MT ("Lord Young's Mission") [MT reception/photocall with Lord Young, Chinese Ambassador and leaders of UK industry due to participate in the trade mission] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Nov 6 Tu | Major | China: Nicholas Edwards minute to MT (UK trade and industrial opportunities in the Far East) [thoughts following visit] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Feb 25 Mo | Major | China: MT letter to Premier Zhao Ziyang (strengthening of economic and trade links: Lord Young's visit to China) ["My purpose in writing is to underline the importance I attach to this visit"] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Mar 18 Mo | Major | China: MT letter to Hu Yaobang ("Aid Trade Provision for China") [Lord Young's trade mission; Zhao Ziyang visit; "delighted that you would like to visit Britain yourself"] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Dec 24 Mo | Major | China: MT letter to General Secretary Hu Yaobang (Visit to Beijing) [success of visit; Lord Young's trade mission] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Aug 28 Tu | Minor | China: MT letter to Chairman of GB-China Centre (Tenth Anniversary reception) [MT declines to attend, citing Mitterrand State Visit; Howe to attend] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 May 21 Tu | Major | China: Lord Young PS letter to No.10 (trade mission to China) [draft article for 'Sun' newspaper] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Apr 25 Th | Major | China: Lord Young PS letter to No.10 ("UK Trade Mission to China and Hong Kong") [request from representatives of the companies included in the mission to meet in advance with MT, to discuss financing of projects] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Mar 15 Fr | Major | China: Lord Young minute to MT ("UK Trade Mission to China and Hong Kong 27th February - 13th March 1985") [report on visit - "enormously worthwhile"; follow-up] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Apr 25 Th | Major | China: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Chinese Ambassador: Courtesy Call") ["would underline the importance... [MT] attaches personally to the further development of relations"] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Feb 1 Fr | Major | China: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("China: Supply of Submarine Equipment") [MT agrees to proposed limited relaxation of submarine equipment sales embargo, following successful conclusion of Hong Kong negotiations, and favours going further] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Apr 19 Fr | Major | China: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Aid Trade Provision for China") [ATP funds insufficient to extend to China, in Howe's view] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 May 16 Th | Major | China: Howe minute to MT ("Nuclear Cooperation with China") [security risk from transfer of sensitive technology: request from China to buy a centrifuge enrichment plant] [declassified Dec 2014] |