1983 Sep 21 - 1984 Jun 29
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Defence (Deployment of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) in Europe) (Part 4)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2014 Jan 3 |
Classification: | Top Secret |
Page count: | 369 |
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Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 73
Date | Value | Title |
83 Sep 21 We | Major | Defence: UKE Washington telegram 2703 to FCO (2315Z) ("INF") [text of Reagan's statement on moving forward the Geneva negotiations on reduction of intermediate-range nuclear forces] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Sep 22 Th | Major | Defence: President Reagan letter to MT (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) negotiations) [forthcoming announcement on "new steps intended to move the negotiations forward"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Sep 23 Fr | Major | Defence: UKE Moscow telegram to FCO ("INF: new American proposals: Soviet comment") [summary of main points from 22 Sep 'TASS' piece] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Sep 26 Mo | Major | Defence: UKHC Ottawa telegram to FCO ("INF: NATO's new negotiating position") [text of MT statement to media: "If a... [satisfactory] agreement cannot be reached soon, NATO will begin the process of new deployments. But even thereafter we remain ready to negotiate"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Sep 26 Mo | Major | Defence: UKE Washington telegram 2765 to FCO (1903Z) ("Prime Minister's visit: Churchill Award speech") ["A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought... we wish to negotiate arms reductions... [and] ensure that world security is not undermined by the further spread of nuclear weapons"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Sep 27 Tu | Major | Defence: MT letter to Andropov (Geneva talks on intermediate range nuclear forces) ["British nuclear strategic forces can have no place in any current negotiations at Geneva... If it is necessary for NATO to begin deployment of the new weapons by the end of this year, this can be discontinued or reversed at any time that a satisfactory [arms control] agreement is reached"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Sep 29 Th | Major | Defence: UKMIS New York telegram 7 to UKE Washington (1700Z) ("President Mitterrand's Speech: Disarmament") [excerpts from speech] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Sep 30 Fr | Major | Defence: UKE Bonn telegram to FCO ("INF: timing of Bundestag debate and deployment in the FRG") ["The US are angry about this postponement but will have to investigate the possibility of further compressing the deployment schedule"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 4 Tu | Major | Defence: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Heseltine) ["GLCM deployment timetable"; ground-launched cruise missiles: delay due to Bundestag debate] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 4 Tu | Major | Defence: Heseltine minute to Howe ("The Second GLCM Base: RAF Molesworth") [ground-launched cruise missiles: case for delaying development of the base] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 5 We | Major | Defence: Howe minute to Heseltine ("INF") [Howe opposed to Heseltine's inclination to comply with West German request to postpone delivery of ground-launched cruise missiles; No.10 notes that the minute raises issues requiring further discussion] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 5 We | Major | Defence: UKE Washington telegram 2878 to FCO (2007Z) ("INF") ["The Bundestag debate... [risks] becoming a fulcrum on which... deployment in all three basing countries would depend"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 5 We | Major | Defence: UKE Washington telegram 2887 to FCO (2259Z) ("INF") ["Russians have been continuing to threaten to interrupt the negotiations"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 6 Th | Major | Defence: President Reagan letter to MT (deployment of ground-launched cruise missiles in United Kingdom) ["While I am sensitive to the German domestic political situation, I do not believe it would help the Kohl government for us to delay equipment deliveries to the [UK]"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 6 Th | Major | Defence: Department of Defence record of conversation ("INF") [Heseltine, Weinberger: "aware of the German request to delay the deployment [of ground-launched cruise missiles in the UK]... most concerned"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 7 Fr | Major | Defence: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe, Heseltine) ["INF": timetable for delivery of cruise missiles to UK & W. Germany] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 7 Fr | Major | Defence: FCO record of conversation (Howe, Genscher) ["Genscher's meeting with Gromyko": deployment of cruise missiles in W. Germany] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 10 Mo | Major | Defence: MT letter to President Reagan (arrival of Cruise missiles in the United Kingdom) [MT conveys gist of her message to Chancellor Kohl - she and Reagan of one mind in wishing to stick to planned delivery timetable; forthcoming Bundestag debate; advises she, Reagan & Kohl discuss problem collectively should Kohl still feel agreed delivery dates impossible] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 10 Mo | Major | Defence: UKE Copenhagen telegram to FCO ("Denmark: INF") ["Assuming that the Government survives... it will shortly face two Parliamentary debates on nuclear weapons"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Oct 10 Mo | Major | Defence: MT letter to Chancellor Kohl (arrival of Cruise missiles in the United Kingdom) [MT emphasises that she and Reagan are of one mind in wishing to stick to the planned delivery timetable; notes her appreciation of the significance of the forthcoming Bundestag debate; and advises that she, Reagan & Kohl discuss the problem collectively should Kohl still feel it impossible to stick to the agreed delivery dates] [declassified Jan 2014] |