
1982 Jul 12 - 1983 Sep 5
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Lebanon (Internal situation; Israeli/Lebanese hostilities; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 3)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2013 Aug 1
Classification: Secret
Page count: 423
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Selections from this file

Showing items 61 - 80 of 135

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Datesort descending Value Title
82 Sep 26 Su Major Lebanon: UKE Tel Aviv telegram to FCO ("Beirut massacres") [UK Ambassador, Israeli Foreign Ministry Deputy Director-General: record of conversation: Israeli denial of responsibility; formal investigation; conditions for Israeli withdrawal; UK government's position] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Sep 26 Su Major Lebanon: FCO telegram 766 to UKMIS New York (1515Z) ("Lebanon") [Hurd interview with London Weekend Television regarding potential UK contribution to Multinational Force] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Sep 29 We Major Lebanon: UKMIS New York telegram 1505 to FCO (0805Z) ("UNGA: Secretary of State's meeting with Israeli Foreign Minister") [Pym, Shamir: record of conversation] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Sep 30 Th Major Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 (letter to the Prime Minister from Kamel al-Assad of the Lebanese National Assembly) [advice] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 5 Tu Major Lebanon: President Gemayel message to MT (UK/Lebanon relations) [message of thanks for MT congratulations on his inauguration] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 10 Su Major Lebanon: UKE Beirut telegram to FCO ("Security searches in Beirut") ["On balance, I can see nothing but good so far in the exercise, provided that it is kept under reasonable control"] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 11 Mo Major Lebanon: FCO telegram to UKE Beirut ("S Lebanon: Palestinian refugees") [Hurd, Oxfam representatives: record of conversation: "possibility of a further massacre"] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 12 Tu Major Lebanon: UKMIS New York telegram 1619 to FCO (1940Z) ("Palestinian refugees and UNIFIL") ["UNRWA... great concern [about situation in the refugee camps]... If we want to play a part in extending the UNIFIL mandate to cover at least some of the camps it is by no means too soon to start"] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 14 Th Major Lebanon: UKE Tunis telegram to FCO ("PLO") [Cheysson meeting with Arafat] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 20 We Major Lebanon: UKE Washington telegram 3406 to FCO (2218Z) ("Lebanon: Gemayel's visit to the United States") ["The Americans profess to be pleased with the tone of the discussions, though there is a considerable gap between the Lebanese and Israeli positions on the withdrawal of foreign forces"] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 26 Tu Major Lebanon: UKMIS New York telegram 1730 to FCO (2315Z) ("Lebanon") [Hurd, Urquhart, Thomson record of conversation] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 27 We Major Lebanon: UKMIS New York telegram 1747 to FCO (2347Z) ("Lebanon") [US request for UK to contribute to Multinational Force: "awkward but not unexpected"] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 27 We Major Lebanon: UKMIS New York telegram 1746 to FCO (2345Z) ("Lebanon") [Hurd visit to US: record of conversations with Weinburger & Dam: US request for UK to contribute to Multinational Force] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 28 Th Major Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Lebanon: UK participation in the Multinational Force") [MT opposed to US request for British contribution] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Oct 28 Th Major Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Lebanon") [draft message for MT to send to new Lebanese Foreign Minister] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Nov 16 Tu Major Lebanon: Pym minute to MT ("British contribution to a Multinational Force in Lebanon") [MT opposed to case for a British contribution] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Nov 26 Fr Major Lebanon: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Pym) ["British contribution to the Multinational Force in Lebanon"] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Nov 30 Tu Major Lebanon: UKE Beirut telegram to FCO ("Lebanon: Multi-National Force") [request from Lebanese Government for reinforcements; withdrawal talks] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Dec 3 Fr Major Lebanon: President Gemayel letter to MT (Foreign Minister Amel's visit to the UK) ["We need your help to effect the withdrawal of all foreign armies"] [declassified Aug 2013]
82 Dec 6 Mo Major Lebanon: UKE Beirut telegram to FCO ("British participation to the Multi-National Force in Lebanon") [Palmer, Salem record of discussion] [declassified Aug 2013]