1982 Jul 12 - 1983 Sep 5
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Lebanon (Internal situation; Israeli/Lebanese hostilities; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 3)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2013 Aug 1 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 423 |
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Showing items 41 - 60 of 135
Date | Value | Title |
82 Nov 16 Tu | Major | Lebanon: Pym minute to MT ("British contribution to a Multinational Force in Lebanon") [MT opposed to case for a British contribution] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Apr 8 Fr | Major | Lebanon: Pym minute to MT ("Lebanon: UK contribution to the Multinational Force") [recommendations on response to Lebanese govt request for UK forces to remain "until an agreement for the withdrawal of foreign forces... [has] been signed"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Sep 20 Mo | Major | Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Casualties in the Lebanon") [estimates available, but no reliable statistics to quote] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Sep 15 We | Major | Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Death of Bashir Gemayel") [MT message of condolence to Mrs. Bashir Gemayel] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Oct 28 Th | Major | Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Lebanon") [draft message for MT to send to new Lebanese Foreign Minister] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Aug 10 Tu | Major | Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Lebanon") [evacuation of Palestinians] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Oct 28 Th | Major | Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Lebanon: UK participation in the Multinational Force") [MT opposed to US request for British contribution] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Dec 17 Fr | Major | Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("MNF") ["Mr Pym is instructing our Ambassadors to make high level approaches to the Israelis, Syrians and PLO... Our decision to participate in the... [Multi-National Force] gives us a particular reason for taking this action now in support of US efforts"; MT: "I think this operation will be useless and could be damaging"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Dec 9 Th | Major | Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Multinational Force in Lebanon") [Mitterrand complaint about US contingent] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Jul 28 We | Major | Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Proposed visit by Non-Aligned Movement Delegation") [Pym advises MT not to meet the delegation] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Sep 30 Th | Major | Lebanon: Pym PS letter to No.10 (letter to the Prime Minister from Kamel al-Assad of the Lebanese National Assembly) [advice] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Apr 5 Tu | Major | Lebanon: Shultz message to Pym ("Multinational Force in Lebanon") ["I know we can count on your support"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Jul 12 Mo | Major | Lebanon: UKE Amman telegram to FCO ("Lebanon") [evacuation of PLO] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Apr 25 Mo | Major | Lebanon: UKE Beirut letter to FCO ("Multi-National Force") [Callaghan visit to British contingent] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Mar 30 We | Major | Lebanon: UKE Beirut telegram to FCO ("British contingent in Multi-National Force") ["a decision to withdraw in May would be hard to explain and might make us look slightly ridiculous"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Dec 6 Mo | Major | Lebanon: UKE Beirut telegram to FCO ("British participation to the Multi-National Force in Lebanon") [Palmer, Salem record of discussion] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Jul 17 Sa | Major | Lebanon: UKE Beirut telegram to FCO ("Israel/Lebanon") [evacuation of PLO] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Mar 1 Tu | Major | Lebanon: UKE Beirut telegram to FCO ("Israel/Lebanon") [Lebanese President & Prime Minister comments on negotiations] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 May 3 Tu | Major | Lebanon: UKE Beirut telegram to FCO ("Israel/Lebanon") [UK Ambassador summary of recent developments] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Apr 8 Fr | Major | Lebanon: UKE Beirut telegram to FCO ("Lebanon Israel") ["The French Foreign Minister today briefed the European Community representatives about his recent trip"] [declassified Aug 2013] |