1983 Mar 29 - 1983 Oct 27
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Grenada (US-led invasion) (Part 1)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2013 Aug 1 |
Classification: | Top Secret |
Page count: | |
Any docs withheld? | 13 |
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Showing items 21 - 40 of 54
Date |
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Title |
83 Oct 22 Sa | Major | Grenada: UKE Washington telegram 3078 to FCO (1510Z) ("Grenada") [US military manoeuvres; possible evacuation of British citizens] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 23 Su | Major | Grenada: UK High Commission Bridgetown to FCO ("Grenada") [Prime Minister Adams of Barbados reports to Bullard on thinking of CARICOM governments] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 24 Mo | Major | Grenada: UK High Commission Bridgetown to FCO ("Grenada") [Bullard speaks with Prime Minister Adams of Barbados: "He had particularly in mind an SAS operation to ensure the Governor General's safety"] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 14 Fr | Major | Grenada: UK High Commission Bridgetown to FCO ("Grenada") [situation in Grenada; plot to kill Prime Minister Bishop] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 27 Th | Major | Grenada: UKE Paris to FCO ("Grenada") [Howe meets with Schultz: Shultz reports that Cuban presence on Grenada "turned out to be larger and more ominous than the US had estimated"] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 25 Tu | Major | Grenada: FCO telegram 1768 to UKE Washington (0224Z) ("Grenada") [tell "the Americans that we look to them to protect British lives and property"] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 25 Tu | Major | Grenada: FCO to UK High Commission Bridgetown ("Grenada") ["we should not (not) wish [British personnel] to be involved in offensive operations against Grenada"] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 25 Tu | Major | Grenada: UKE Washington telegram 3104 to FCO (0315Z) ("Grenada") [Wright passes message to Eagleburger regarding need for US to protect British lives and property] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 24 Mo | Major | Grenada: FCO telegram 1759 to UKE Washington (1350Z) ("Grenada") ["I and my colleagues see no grounds on which military intervention could be justified internationally unless it were required to protect lives"] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 24 Mo | Major | Grenada: UK High Commission Bridgetown to FCO ("Grenada") [text of OECS statement: "The Authority of the OECS wishes to establish a peace keeping force...to restore on Grenada conditions of tranquility"] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 24 Mo | Major | Grenada: FCO Sitrep ("ODEM: 1000, 24 October, 1983") [situation in Grenada and international response] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 24 Mo | Major | Grenada: UK High Commission Bridgetown to FCO ("Grenada - Revolutionary Council") [personality sketches of members of the Revolutionary Military Council] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 24 Mo | Major | Grenada: UK High Commission Bridgetown to FCO ("Grenada: General Impressions") [further details of Deputy High Commissioner General Montgomery's visit to Grenada] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 25 Tu | Major | Grenada: FCO Sitrep ("Grenada: Sitrep No 1: 25 October 1983 (2030 hours GMT)") [landings in Grenada; Reagan's statement; position of the Governor; international reactions] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 26 We | Major | Grenada: No.10 record of telephone conversation (MT-Prime Minister Adams of Barbados) [US intervention in Grenada] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 25 Tu | Major | Grenada: Text of Reagan's statement on intervention in Grenada [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 25 Tu | Major | Grenada: FCO telegram 1774 to UKE Washington (1620Z) ("Grenada: Conversation with Shultz") [update on situation in Grenada; Howe outlines his concerns about US intervention to Shultz] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 25 Tu | Major | Grenada: UKE Washington telegram 3115 to FCO (1657Z) ("Grenada") [US and Caribbean forces secure airport; Governor General missing] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 26 We | Major | Grenada: UKE Washington telegram 3135 to FCO (0435Z) ("Grenada") ["The fact is that feelings are very sore on both sides. But this is now part of history"] [declassified 2013] |
83 Oct 25 Tu | Major | Grenada: FCO telegram 305 to UKHC Bridgetown (1720Z) ("Grenada") ["The PUS has telephoned to the Embassy in Washington instructing them to make it clear to the Americans...that the constitutional position of the Governor General...must (repeat must) be respected"] [declassified 2013] |