
1983 Sep 19 - 1983 Dec 30
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Argentina (Falklands) (Part 35)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2013 Aug 1
Classification: Secret
Page count: 347
Any docs withheld? 13

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 40 of 78

Per page:
Datesort descending Value Title
83 Nov 3 Th Major Falklands: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Elections in Argentina”) [“preliminary assessment of the results”] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 4 Fr Major Falklands: UKE Washington telegram 1851 to FCO (“American arms for Argentina”) [conversation between Oliver Wright and Kenneth Dam] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 7 Mo Major Falklands: Howe PS letter to No.10 (Falklands at the General Assembly) [assessment of likely support for Argentine resolution] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 7 Mo Major Falklands: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Arms for Argentina”) [Howe advises against use of anti-semitism allegations to dissuade US from arms sales] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 7 Mo Major Falklands: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Private visitors from Argentina”) [Howe recommends discretion] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 8 Tu Major Falklands: Heseltine PS letter to No.10 (“South Atlantic surrender documents”) [public display and archiving] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 8 Tu Major Falklands: Howe telegram to UKHC Bridgetown (“Falklands at the General Assembly”) [Argentina condemns US-led invasion of Grenada] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 8 Tu Major Falklands: Howe telegram to UKE Rome (“Falklands at the General Assembly”) [plea to Italy to abstain from vote on Argentine resolution] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 8 Tu Major Falklands: Howe telegram to UKE Paris (“Falklands at the General Assembly”) [plea to France to abstain from vote on Argentine resolution] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 8 Tu Major Falklands: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 (Falklands at the General Assembly) [France minded to support Argentine resolution - MT urges abstention] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 9 We Major Falklands: David Barclay No.10 internal minute to John Coles (“Falklands at the UN”) [list of expected abstentions on Argentine resolution] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 10 Th Major Falklands: UKE Washington telegram 3395 to FCO (2305Z) (“Weinberger on Argentina and Grenada”) [arms supplies to Argentina] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 10 Th Major Falklands: UKE Tokyo telegram to FCO (“Falklands at the General Assembly”) [Japan declines to support UK position] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 10 Th Major Falklands: Cabinet Office letter to FCO (Alfredo Spilsinger) [business partner of Lord Mayor with contacts in Argentine government] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 10 Th Major Falklands: Cabinet Office minute to MT (UN General Assembly vote on the Falklands resolution) [France to abstain - decision linked to ‘SKYNET’] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 11 Fr Major Falklands: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Falklands”) [Baroness Young meeting with President Belaunde of Peru] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 16 We Major Falklands: UKMIS New York telegram 1363 to FCO (0142Z) (“Falklands debate”) [“detailed breakdown of voting on this year’s resolution”] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 17 Th Major Falklands: Howe PS letter to Biffen PS (“Falklands: Sir Nicholas Henderson’s article in the Economist”) [procedure for security clearance of articles by former government officials] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 17 Th Major Falklands: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Falkland Islands: Chief Executive”) [appointment] [declassified 2013]
83 Nov 17 Th Major Falklands: Sir Antony Acland letter to General Sir John Stanier (Royal visit to Falkland Islands) [declassified 2013]