1982 Jan 7 - 1982 Apr 2
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Argentina (Falkland Islands Review Committee (Franks): documentation seen by PM, extracted from PREM19 files and copied to the Committee) (Part 2)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2012 Dec 28 |
Classification: | Top Secret |
Page count: | 119 |
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Showing items 41 - 58 of 58
Date![]() |
Value | Title |
82 Mar 28 Su | Major | Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram 115 to FCO (1406Z) ("South Georgia") [Argentine message says that "we are making too much fuss over a matter in admittedly disputed territory" - MT copy] [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 28 Su | Major | Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram 115 to FCO (1406Z) ("South Georgia") [UK Ambassador's talks with Argentine Foreign Ministers, Costa Mendez and Ros - MT copy] [released 2013] |
82 Mar 28 Su | Major | Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram 116 to FCO (1500Z) ("South Georgia") [Costa Mendez message to Carrington: "the present situation is the direct result of the persistent lack of recognition [by UK of Argentine claim to Malvinas]" - MT copy] [released 2013] |
82 Mar 28 Su | Major | Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegrams 115-16 to FCO (1500Z) (Costa Mendez message to Carrington - "South Georgia") [HMG's reaction to "peaceful" activities of Argentine workers in South Georgia constitutes "a virtual ultimatum backed by the threat of military force"] [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 28 Su | Major | Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram 117 to FCO (1550Z) ("South Georgia") ["the Argentines intend (...) to let matters ride while they build up their naval strength in the area" - MT copy] [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 28 Su | Major | Falklands: Governor Falklands telegram 58 to FCO (1855Z) ("South Georgia") [appalled at the arrogance of Costa Mendez's message - MT copy] [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 28 Su | Key | Falklands: No.10 record of conversation (2215Z) (MT, Carrington) ["an open challenge on sovereignty"] [declassified 2024] |
82 Mar 29 Mo | Major | Falklands: Nott minute to MT (options for deployment of naval vessels to the Falklands) [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 29 Mo | Major | Falklands: Brittan letter for Carrington ("Falkland Islands") [contingency planning for a sea service] [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 30 Tu | Major | Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 ("South Georgia: Mr Davidoff's Contract") [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 30 Tu | Major | Falklands: Pattison minute to MT (exchanges in the House of Commons regarding South Georgia) [attack on Luce by Healey; little support for government position; Enoch Powell] [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 30 Tu | Major | Falklands: Joint FCO/MOD minute to MT ("South Georgia") [options for reinforcing the Falklands] [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 30 Tu | Major | Falklands: FCO telegram 77 to UKE Buenos Aires (1700Z) (Carrington message to Costa Mendez - "South Georgia") ["The potentially dangerous position which has now developed has in no way been of our seeking" - MT copy] [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 31 We | Major | Falklands: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Falkland Islands (OD(82) 17)") [to take operational decisions now needed] [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 31 We | Major | Falklands: FCO draft telegram 81 to UKE Buenos Aires (c1200z) ("Falklands Crisis") [go ahead with emissary proposal; dangerous situation created by UK press reports of despatch of SSN] [declassified 2012] |
82 Mar 31 We | Key | Falklands: MT message to President Reagan (2025Z) (intelligence reports Argentine navy preparing to invade) [MT asks Reagan to intervene with Galtieri] [declassified 2012] |
82 Apr 1 Th | Major | Falklands: President Reagan letter to MT (1600Z) (response to her appeal for assistance) [will attempt to persuade Argentina not to take military action - original] [declassified 2012] |
82 Apr 2 Fr | Key | Falklands: President Reagan letter to MT (0245Z) (Reagan phone call to Galtieri) [just spoken with Galtieri: "he left me with the clear impression that he has embarked on a course of armed conflict"] [declassified 2012] |