
1982 Jan 7 - 1982 Apr 2
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Argentina (Falkland Islands Review Committee (Franks): documentation seen by PM, extracted from PREM19 files and copied to the Committee) (Part 2)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2012 Dec 28
Classification: Top Secret
Page count: 119
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 40 of 58

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Date Value Titlesort descending
82 Mar 25 Th Major Falklands: Governor Falklands telegram 52 to FCO (2101Z) ("South Georgia") [illegal landing - MT copy] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 26 Fr Major Falklands: Governor Falklands telegram 55 to FCO (1339Z) ("South Georgia") [Bahia Paraiso departed Leith - MT copy] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 26 Fr Major Falklands: Governor Falklands telegram 57 to FCO (1909Z) ("Incidents at LADE office") [conversation between Governor and Vice-Comodoro Gamen] [declassified Jun 2017]
82 Mar 28 Su Major Falklands: Governor Falklands telegram 58 to FCO (1855Z) ("South Georgia") [appalled at the arrogance of Costa Mendez's message - MT copy] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 12 Fr Major Falklands: Governor Falklands telegram to FCO ("Consideration of Argentine proposal") [unanimous support in Joint Councils for Carrington message to Costa Mendez; Councillors reject negotiations on transfer of sovereignty] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 26 Fr Major Falklands: HMS Endurance signal to CINCFLEET (1450Z) ("South Georgia") [Argentine party still ashore at Leith; large quantity stores and equipment visible; operation clearly preplanned as ship came from Antarctic not Argentina] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 30 Tu Major Falklands: Joint FCO/MOD minute to MT ("South Georgia") [options for reinforcing the Falklands] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 26 Fr Major Falklands: MOD letter to No.10 ("Falkland Islands") [defence implications of Argentine action against the Falkland Islands - MT's copy] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 24 We Major Falklands: MODUK signal to CINCFLEET (1702Z) ("For ACOS(O) from DNOT") ["Foreign Secretary has requested formulation of contingency plan to extend current deployment of HMS Endurance"] [declassified Jun 2017]
82 Mar 31 We Key Falklands: MT message to President Reagan (2025Z) (intelligence reports Argentine navy preparing to invade) [MT asks Reagan to intervene with Galtieri] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 28 Su Key Falklands: No.10 record of conversation (2215Z) (MT, Carrington) ["an open challenge on sovereignty"] [declassified 2024]
82 Mar 29 Mo Major Falklands: Nott minute to MT (options for deployment of naval vessels to the Falklands) [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 12 Fr Major Falklands: Nott PS letter to No.10 ("Falkland Islands") [report on time required for Royal Navy ships to be deployed to the Falklands] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 30 Tu Major Falklands: Pattison minute to MT (exchanges in the House of Commons regarding South Georgia) [attack on Luce by Healey; little support for government position; Enoch Powell] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 2 Fr Key Falklands: President Reagan letter to MT (0245Z) (Reagan phone call to Galtieri) [just spoken with Galtieri: "he left me with the clear impression that he has embarked on a course of armed conflict"] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 1 Th Major Falklands: President Reagan letter to MT (1600Z) (response to her appeal for assistance) [will attempt to persuade Argentina not to take military action - original] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 26 Fr Major Falklands: UKE Brasilia telegram 51 to FCO (1230Z) ("South Georgia") [asks for telegrams to be copied to UKE Brasilia so as to give Brazilian government "our version of events" and prevent them automatically lining up with the Argentinians] [declassified Jun 2017]
82 Mar 25 Th Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram 101 to FCO (1623Z) ("South Georgia") ["no way in which the Argentines could remove the men, (...) without appearing to have responded to threat" - MT copy] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 25 Th Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram 103 to FCO (2004Z) ("South Georgia") [Ambassador's private thoughts on options for resolution - MT copy] [declassified 2012]
82 Mar 25 Th Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram 104 to FCO (2005Z) ("South Georgia: Argentine press treatment") [Argentine press today highlights reports from London that HMS Endurance is en route for South Georgia, but tone calmer] [declassified 2012]