1980 Dec 1 - 1981 Feb 27
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Poland (Internal situation; economic assistance to Poland) (Part 2)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2011 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 225 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/559 - download whole file (PDF, 142.55 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 37
Date | Value | Title |
80 Dec 3 We | Major | Poland: FCO letter to No.10 ("Poland: Contingency Planning") [contigency planning in case of use of force by Polish Government, indication that Soviet intervention imminent, Soviet intervention] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 4 Th | Major | Poland: UKE Moscow to FCO ("Soviet/Polish Relations") [Soviet comment on events in Poland] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 6 Sa | Major | Cold War: UKE Moscow to FCO ("Warsaw Pact Meeting") [report of Warsaw Pact Meeting: international situation, Socialist world, Poland] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 8 Mo | Major | Poland: UKE Warsaw to FCO ("Polish Reaction to Warsaw Pact Summit") [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 9 Tu | Major | Poland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Deputy Prime Minister Kisiel of Poland) [situation in Poland] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 9 Tu | Major | Poland: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Poland: Economic Assistance (OD(80) 74)") [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 9 Tu | Major | Poland: FCO letter to No.10 ("Poland: Measures for which SACUER has requested Pre-Delegated Authority") [contingency planning] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 11 Th | Major | Poland: UKDEL NATO to FCO ("Poland") [discussion of situation in Poland at Foreign Ministers' dinner: contingency planning for Soviet intervention in Poland] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 13 Sa | Major | Poland: UKE Warsaw to FCO ("Polish Situation") [situation in Poland: Solidarity] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 16 Tu | Major | Poland: Carrington minute to MT ("Poland: Contingency Planning") [report of NATO discussions] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 17 We | Major | Poland: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Poland: Contingency Planning") [economic assistance] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 18 Th | Major | Poland: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Aid for Poland") [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 23 Tu | Major | Poland: UKE Warsaw to FCO ("Economic Assistance for Poland") [UK Ambassador speaks with Polish Minister for Foreign Trade] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 31 We | Major | Poland: UKE Warsaw to FCO ("Financial Assistance for Poland") [report on Polish economic situation] [declassified 2011] |
81 Jan 2 Fr | Major | Poland: UKE Warsaw to FCO ("Soviet Comment on Poland") [public Soviet attack on Solidarity] [declassified 2011] |
81 Jan 6 Tu | Major | Poland: UKE Warsaw to FCO ("Polish Situation") ["disagreement has been building up between the Government and Solidarity on the issue of free Saturdays"] [declassified 2011] |
81 Jan 6 Tu | Major | Poland: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Economic Assistance to Poland") [declassified 2011] |
81 Jan 7 We | Major | Poland: UKE Warsaw to FCO ("Strikes in South-East Poland: End of the Christman [sic] Lull?") [declassified 2011] |
81 Jan 12 Mo | Major | Poland: UKE Warsaw to FCO ("Polish Situation") ["The Government appears to have decided not to make an issue of the Free-Saturday confrontation"] [declassified 2011] |
81 Jan 16 Fr | Major | Poland: FCO to UKE Warsaw ("Call by the Polish Ambassador") [Polish Ambassador calls on FCO: "He said that for the first time since the crisis began he would describe the general situation as dangerous"] [declassified 2011] |