1979 Dec 5 - 1980 Mar 7
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 5)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2010 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 198 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/279 - download whole file (PDF, 56.32 MB)
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Showing items 1 - 20 of 30
Date | Value | Title |
80 Feb 5 Tu | Major | Northern Ireland: UKE Washington telegram 581 to FCO (2220Z) ("State Department Report on Human Rights: United Kingdom") [State Department comment on situation in Northern Ireland] [declassified 2010] |
79 Dec 22 Sa | Major | Northern Ireland: UKE Washington telegram 4334 to FCO (0036Z) ("Arms for the RUC") [Carter suggests congressional approval is required for sale of revolvers to RUC] [declassified 2010] |
80 Jan 16 We | Major | Northern Ireland: UKE Washington telegram 261 to FCO (2320Z) ("Arms for the RUC") ["The main obstacle to progress remains the attitude of Speaker O'Neill"] [declassified 2010] |
80 Jan 3 Th | Major | Northern Ireland: Text of speech by Enoch Powell to the Annual Institution Supper of the Dundonald Orange Lodge (devolved Government in Northern Ireland) [Union is "in greater danger now than at any time since the disastrous actions of the Heath government"] [declassified 2010] |
80 Jan 18 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Sanders minute to MT ("Mr Atkins' Statement on Northern Ireland Bombs") [progress report] [declassified 2010] |
79 Dec 24 Mo | Major | Northern Ireland: Record of conversation (MT-Atkins-Sir Maurice Oldfield-General Officer Commanding NI-Chief Constable of the RUC) [Security] [declassified 2010] |
79 Dec 24 Mo | Major | Northern Ireland: Record of conversation (MT-Atkins-Prison Governors and Officers) [NI Prisons] [declassified 2010] |
79 Dec 19 We | Major | Northern Ireland: Police Federation of Northern Ireland letter to MT (arms for the Royal Ulster Constabulary) [thanks for MT's efforts] [declassified 2010] |
79 Dec 7 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office record of conversation (Officials from NIO-MOD-FCO-Home Office) [political situation, security issues, Maze prisoners] [declassified 2010] |
80 Jan 18 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office record of conversation (Officials from NIO-MOD-FCO-Home Office) [Force reductions, security policy, Arms for the RUC, Constitutional Conference] [declassified 2010] |
80 Feb 22 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office record of conversation (Officials from NIO-MOD-FCO) [Force levels, areas reviews, Irish-Named regiments, security issues, Political Conference] [declassified 2010] |
80 Jan 18 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: No.10 letter to MOD ("Northern Ireland") [Northern Ireland border bases] [declassified 2010] |
79 Dec 21 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: NIO letter to No.10 (politican situation in Northern Ireland) [briefing on political parties] [declassified 2010] |
80 Feb 25 Mo | Major | Northern Ireland: NIO letter to No.10 (matters arising from Stowe's visit to Dublin) [Haughey's stance on NI, security issues, Political Conference, Carrington-Lenihan proposed meeting] [declassified 2010] |
80 Jan 8 Tu | Major | Northern Ireland: NIO letter to No.10 (comment on Molyneaux's proposals for Government of Northern Ireland) ["Mr Molyneaux is clearly seeking to deliver a snub to the Northern Ireland political Conference"] [declassified 2010] |
79 Dec 13 Th | Major | Northern Ireland: NIO letter to No.10 (Atkins' meetings with SDLP leader John Hume) [terms of DUP/SDLP meeting] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 6 Th | Major | Northern Ireland: NIO letter to No.10 (arms for the RUC) [possible alternatives to Ruger Magnum revolvers] [declassified 2010] |
80 Feb 8 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: NIO letter to No.10 ("Northern Ireland Conference: Fourth Week's Sessions (4 - 5 Feb 1980)") [progress report] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 7 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: NIO letter to No.10 ("Northern Ireland Conference: Fifth and Sixth Weeks' Sessions (18 and 27/29 February, and 3/5 March 1980") [progress report] [declassified 2010] |
79 Dec 20 Th | Major | Northern Ireland: NIO letter to No.10 ("Northern Ireland Conference") [prospects for mounting the Conference] [declassified 2010] |