
1980 Jan 3 - 1980 Mar 5
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Civil Service (Civil Service manpower: action to reduce size of Civil Service and staff costs) (Part 3)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2010 Dec 30
Classification: Secret
Page count: 142
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 11 of 11

Datesort descending Value Title
80 Jan 3 Th Major Civil Service: Channon minute to MT ("Civil Service Manpower") [compensating savings for increased cost of taxing short-term benefits] [declassified 2010]
80 Jan 24 Th Major Civil Service: Channon minute to MT ("Civil Service Cash Limits and a Possible Ban on Recruitment") [letter to Cabinet Ministers] [declassified 2010]
80 Jan 29 Tu Major Civil Service: Channon minute to MT ("Civil Service Staff Numbers") [Civil Service staffing levels as of 1 January 1980] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 8 Fr Major Civil Service: Pattison note to MT (Civil Service pay and cash limits) ["there may be battles between Ministers, as well as battles with the Civil Service unions about this"] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 13 We Major Civil Service: Armstrong minute to MT ("Civil Service Pay and Cash Limits") ["Mr. Channon may have made his own case more difficult...equally, the Ministers who had commented are crying before they have been hurt"] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 20 We Major Civil Service: Channon minute to MT (Civil Service staffing levels and pay) [consequences of breaking pay agreement and reducing staffing levels] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 27 We Major Civil Service: Bancroft minute to Whitmore ("Civil Service Manpower in 1980-81") ["There is too much evidence that points to the continued existence of fat"] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 27 We Major Civil Service: Pattison minute to MT ("Civil Service Pay and Cash Limits") [paper by Rayner] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 29 Fr Major Civil Service: Pattison minute to MT (paper by Rayner on Civil Service numbers and costs) [MT: "These ideas and previous ones are just not being followed through - as every discussion in Cabinet on staffing shows"] [declassified 2010]
80 Mar 4 Tu Major Civil Service: Channon minute to MT ("Civil Service Pay and Manpower") [Channon reports on his talks with Civil Service unions regarding pay] [declassified 2010]
80 Mar 5 We Major Civil Service: Armstrong minute to MT ("Civil Service Vote: Cash Limit") [agreed to aim for 2.5 per cent reductions in manpower in every Department, with very few exceptions] [declassified 2010]