

Searched for: prem191654. Document type: Declassified documents.

Showing items 1 - 50 of 86.

PDF 82 Oct 12 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 3321 to FCO (2300Z) (“U.S. monetary policy”) [“the small reduction in the discount rate … represents no change in the basic thrust of policy”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 82 Oct 12 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 3320 to FCO (2300Z) (“A shift in US monetary policy?”) [“opinion is divided on the importance of the change for the medium term”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 82 Oct 14 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 3347 to FCO (2310Z) (“President Reagan’s speech to the nation: the US economy”) [“America… recovery-bound and the world knows it”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 82 Oct 25 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 12 to FCO (2140Z) (“US economy”) [“the immediate prospects for the US economy may be less optimistic than the recent behaviour of the New York Stock Exchange might indicate”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 82 Oct 28 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Arthur Burns) [Burns said the US economy “had bottomed out and there would be some slight growth in the coming year”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 82 Nov 10 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Chancellor of the Exchequer PS letter to Cabinet (“Other countries fiscal policies”) [background note on European economies] [declassified 2014]
PDF 82 Nov 19 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington record of conversations (Alan Walters visiting Donald Regan, Beryl Sprinkel, Paul Volcker, Mark Leland, Stephen Axilrod, AIE staff) [monetary policy; interest rates; independence of the Fed] [declassified 2014]
PDF 82 Nov 23 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 3790 to FCO (1645Z) (“Prospects for US economic policy”) [unemployment to be the focus of the upcoming lame duck congressional session] [declassified 2014]
PDF 82 Nov 24 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Alan Walters minute to MT (“United States economic policy”) [“predominant feeling… one of uncertainty, loss of confidence, confusion and flux”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 82 Dec 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 4039 to FCO (2350Z) (“Congress: the lame duck session”) [passed resolution on government funding] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Jan 13 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 86 to FCO (2352Z) (“Reagan administration: the budget”) [“the state of the economy is dictating policy rather than the other way around”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Jan 31 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 243 to FCO (0600Z) (“United States: Budget for FY84”) [“forecast is for some recovery in the first half of 1983 with greater momentum gathering in the second half”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Jan 31 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 246 to FCO (2300Z) (“US economy: background briefing on the budget and the economic report of the President”) [“the administration’s short-term forecast was intended to be realistic and was not simply a goal”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Feb 1 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 251 to FCO (1745Z) (“Which Reagan?”) [“Was the President’s widely-noticed conciliatory tone merely cosmetic?”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Feb 2 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 268 to FCO (2325Z) (“Initial reactions to President Reagan’s FY84 budget proposals”) [“doubts as to whether the proposals for reducing the deficit reflect any major change in the administration’s priorities”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Feb 11 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Alan Walters minute to MT (“Martin Feldstein’s views on the US economy”) [“what we do not know is whether the recovery will persist”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Feb 24 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT (“The US economy”) [“Monetary policy appears to be in some disarray”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Feb 25 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Alan Walters minute to MT (“US economy: Chancellor’s memorandum 24 February”) [“the Fed’s policy has turned from being disinflationary to one that is markedly inflationary”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Feb 28 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 484 to FCO (2050Z) (“US economy”) [“A gradual US economic recovery appears now to be underway”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Mar 3 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 512 to FCO (2330Z) (“US economy: short-term prospects”) [“the administration will revise upwards its economic forecasts for 1983”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Mar 14 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 620 to FCO (1920Z) (“U.S. economy: views of private forecasters”) [“have become more optimistic during the past month”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Mar 22 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 721 to FCO (2245Z) (“US economy: GNP growth in the first quarter of 1983”) [“The main factors behind the recovery so far seem therefore to be a deceleration in inventory drawdown and the recovery in housing”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Apr 13 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 969 to FCO (1715Z) (“US budget deficit”) [deficits for 1983-84 will be higher than forecast; deficits for 1985-88 will be lower than forecast] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Apr 13 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 970 to FCO (1720Z) (“US monetary policy”) [Volcker appearance before banking committee] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Apr 14 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Alan Walters minute to MT (“United States economic policy”) [“There is some evidence that the Fed is reducing the very rapid rate of monetary growth that began in July 1982”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Apr 22 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 1099 to FCO (2340Z) (“US economy: recent developments”) [“There is now confirmation that a US economic recovery is under way”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 May 14 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 1345 to FCO (1840Z) (“Prospects for reducing the US budget deficit: latest developments in Congress”) [“The annual US budget battle if anything is proving more than usually dis-orderly”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 May 17 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Alan Walters minute to MT (“Williamsburg: The thematic paper (revised) 12 May 1983”) [exchange rates & intervention; a new Bretton Woods; aid/IMF] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 May 29 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 1805 to FCO (0205Z) (“President Reagan’s press conference of 28 June: US economy”) [“The US economy was beginning to sparkle”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Jun 24 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Alan Walters minute to MT (“United States economy”) [doubts strength of US recovery] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Jun 29 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 1813 to FCO (2200Z) (“US economy: higher growth forecasts”) [deficit reduction proposals, tax reform] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Jul 7 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 1903 to FCO (2254Z) (“Call on Secretary Regan”) [Regan “saw no case for cooling down the economy when it had not yet had a chance to hot up”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Jul 20 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Cockfield minute to MT (US economy) [“The implications for our own policy are profound”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Aug 5 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 2211 to FCO (2355Z) (“US intervention in foreign exchange markets”) [“desire to smooth the volatility of the Dollar/Deutschemark rate”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Sep 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: John Moore PS letter to No.10 (Economic Secretary’s meetings in Washington) [US economic prospects] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Oct 20 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 3036 to FCO (0139Z) (“President Reagan’s press conference: the US economy”) [Reagan said that “1000 days into his administration a strong recovery was under way”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Oct 21 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Chancellor of the Exchequer PS letter to No.10 (“Mr Kinnock and the US Budget Deficit”) [response to Kinnock’s suggestion “that we should emulate the US budget deficit in pursuit of growth”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Nov 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Alan Walters minute to MT (“US economy and inflation in 1984”) [“by the end of 1984 the inflation rate will reach 6% and might even be as high as 9%”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Dec 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT (“The US economy”) [“The US economy is rushing forward on the back of easy money and a traditional Keynesian stimulus to the economy”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Dec 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 3660 to FCO (2254Z) (“U.S. economy: latest developments”) [“the U.S. economy is undergoing a rapid expansion”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Dec 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 briefing for MT (“Visit of Treasury Secretary Regan”) [US economy, international debt, unitary taxation] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Dec 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Treasury briefing (“Chancellor’s meetings with Mr Regan, 8 December”) [“Cannot disguise own view that budget deficit is key”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Dec 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 note for the record (“Prime Minister’s comments on US budget deficit”) [line to take] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Dec 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 note to MT (Peter Tapsell letter handed to John Coles) [US deficit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Jan 17 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Treasury record of conversation (Lawson, Ambassador Price) [Price “very much afraid that the Budget proposals would show no reduction in the US deficit”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Jan 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 306 to FCO (2347Z) (“State of the Union address: President Reagan and the US budget deficit”) [“he does not wish to make hard economic choices in an election year”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Jan 31 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 352 to FCO (2358Z) (“The United States FY85 Budget”) [growth strong, major tax reforms unlikely] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Feb 10 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 note to MT (Volcker’s views on US economy) [article on deficit threat] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Feb 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 614 to FCO (0436Z) (“President’s press conference: economic issues”) [“it was ironic that those who had demanded negotiations were now proving reluctant to enter them”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Mar 17 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 923 to FCO (0115Z) (“US budget deficit: Presidents proposals”) [the package “has returned the political initiative to the administration”] [declassified 2014]

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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