
Archive (Hoskyns MSS)

Economy: Hoskyns diary (drafting "ultimatum letter" to MT) ["just to clear our minds"]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Reproduced from John Hoskyns Just in Time (2000), p278-79
Editorial comments:
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 103

Tuesday 3 March 1981

IT discussion with MT, KJ [Sir Keith Joseph], WW [Willie Whitelaw], CS [Lord Christopher Soames], Ken Baker, Leon Brittan, Robin Ibbs. ... During the meeting, Christopher Soames, next to me, passed a note, saying “Isn’t it hell having to sit through these meetings without saying a word? It would kill me.” Of course there’s nothing to stop me if I have anything to say, but I wrote an enigmatic [reply] “It depends on the subject”. Lunched alone in the canteen and after lunch I hand wrote a first draft of our “ultimatum letter” for NS [Norman Strauss], AW [Alan Walters], DW [David Wolfson] to read, in preparation for tomorrow’s discussion - just to clear our minds.