

Searched for: bush. Document type: Speeches.

Showing items 1 - 50 of 249.

Text 62 Mar 1 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher HC S [Maternity Benefit (Mrs A.J. Carney)]
Text 71 Jul 14 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher HC I Report [Education (Milk) Bill]
Info only 72 Apr 25 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC French Service
Text 73 Apr 1 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting the Scilly Isles ("absolutely delightful")
Info only 73 Sep 20 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC1 Nationwide
Text 73 Nov 20 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher HC I [Museum Charges (Opposition motion) (Faulds speech)]
CD only 75 Jun 2 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC2 Newsday
CD only 77 Jul 11 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC1 Panorama
CD only 78 Jul 17 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC1 Panorama
CD only 78 Sep 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Carmarthen Conservatives
Text 81 Feb 26 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks leaving the White House
Text 81 Feb 27 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Reagan Exchange of toasts at British Embassy Dinner
Text 81 Mar 2 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [Prime Minister (American Visit)]
Text 81 Jun 25 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 83 Jan 15 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Trades Unionists Conference
Text 83 Jan 26 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Falkland Islands (Franks Report)]
Text 83 Feb 2 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference for American journalists visiting Britain
Text 83 Feb 8 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 83 Feb 10 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 83 Feb 16 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Sunday Telegraph
Text 83 Feb 25 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Joint Press Conference with Italian Prime Minister (Signor Fanfani)
Text 83 Jun 24 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to International Democrat Union lunch
Text 83 Jun 24 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to the International Democrat Union
Text 83 Sep 22 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference for the Association of American Correspondents in London
Text 83 Sep 29 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for CBS (visiting Washington)
Text 83 Sep 29 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after meeting President Reagan
Text 84 Feb 14 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after Andropov’s funeral
Text 84 Oct 19 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Joint Press Conference with Italian Prime Minister (Bettino Craxi)
Text 84 Dec 22 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after Camp David talks (the "Camp David Declaration")
Text 85 Feb 20 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at British Residence (banquet)
Text 85 Mar 13 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after meeting with President Gorbachev
Text 85 May 1 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Wall Street Journal
Text 85 Jun 25 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 85 Jul 2 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 85 Jul 2 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at dinner to mark 200th anniversary of US-UK diplomatic relations
Text 85 Jul 3 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at lunch for US Vice-President (George Bush)
Text 85 Jul 3 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Joint Press Conference with US Vice-President (George Bush)
Info only 85 Jul 3 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Joint Written Statement by Prime Minister and Vice-President Bush (terrorism)
Text 85 Jul 25 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 85 Jul 25 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to International Democrat Union
Text 85 Jul 26 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for CBS
Info only 85 Jul 26 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks meeting US Vice-President (George Bush) (visiting Washington)
Text 85 Jul 26 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference for British journalists (visiting Washington)
Text 86 May 8 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [Tokyo G7 Summit]
Text 86 Nov 15 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after Camp David talks (nuclear weapons and arms control)
Text 86 Nov 18 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [US Visit]
Text 86 Dec 9 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to European Parliament
Text 87 Feb 18 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for Woman magazine and BBC Radio London
Text 87 Jul 3 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference for American Correspondents in London
Text 87 Jul 16 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to 1922 Committee

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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