

Ending: 3 May 1979. Document type: Press.

Showing items 1 - 500 of 839.

PDF 67 Feb 20 Mo Press Major Scott-Smith (Giles) US visit: Giles Scott-Smith article on MT's 1967 US tour (20 Feb-31 Mar)
Text 74 Jun 24 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: “Sir Keith Joseph says choice is to go down with socialism or prosper in a rational economy” (KJ speech at Upminster)
Text 74 Aug 9 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: “Another call from Sir Keith to free industry” (KJ speech at Leith)
PDF 74 Sep 6 Fr Press Key Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: “Sir Keith Joseph blames full employment policies for inflation” (Peter Jay on KJ speech at Preston - “Inflation is Caused by Governments”)
PDF 74 Sep 6 Fr Press Key Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: “The Sharp Shock of Truth” (leading article on KJ speech at Preston)
Text 74 Oct 16 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: "Tories must look before they leap into line behind a new leader" (Bernard Levin) [Conservative leadership candidates]
PDF 74 Oct 21 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: “Sir Keith Joseph denies bid for Tory leadership as critics mount attack ” (KJ speech at Edgbaston)
PDF 74 Oct 21 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: “The Public Morality” (leading article on KJ speech at Edgbaston)
Text 75 Apr 9 We Press Major Thatcher memoirs Cold War: Early meeting with Ronald Reagan [memoirs extract]
Text 77 May 9 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: "The liberal teacher who turned his back on old age to lead world" (Seldon profile of Hayek) ["a liberal of the British classical tradition"]
Text 77 Jul 21 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Trade unions: "Trade union immunity under the law" (Hayek letter) [revoke privileges granted by Trade Disputes Act, 1906]
Text 77 Aug 2 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Trade unions: "Trade union privileges" (Hayek letter) ["The trade unions, being politically sacrosanct, have been allowed to destroy the British economy"]
Text 77 Aug 20 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Trade unions: "Trade union privileges" (Hayek letter) ["The trouble is that British trade unions refuse to accept the law which applies to everybody else"]
PDF 77 Sep 14 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Trade unions: "Tory leader denies split in party over closed shop" [Joseph-Prior spat over Grunwick]
Text 78 Jul 11 Tu Press Major Commentary ( The Times ) EMS: “Treasury points out faults in ‘hurried’ currency proposals” (“sceptical to the point of contempt”)
Text 79 May 4 Fr Press Key Commentary (Ronnie Millar memoirs) General Election: “A View From The Wings” (how MT was persuaded to use St Francis’s prayer on the steps of Downing Street)
PDF 80 Feb 12 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: "The balance between individual and state" (Gilmour's Cambridge Lecture) [Hayek's annotated copy]
PDF 80 Feb 22 Fr Press Major Archive (Hayek MSS) Conservatism: Eric Heffer speech ("Tory leaders are no hypocrites, Mr Heffer says") [clash between "wets" and "dries"]
PDF 80 Feb 26 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: Leading Article "The Road to Hyper-Inflation is paved with good intentions" (Hayek's annotated copy) ["shoot-out at the Downing Street corral"]
Text 80 Mar 3 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "Monetarism: a reply to the critics" (Friedman article)
Text 80 Mar 5 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "Monetarism and hyper-inflation" (Hayek letter)
Text 80 Mar 18 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "Free market" (Hayek letter defending Friedman)
Text 80 Mar 26 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "How to deal with inflation" (Hayek article)
Text 80 Mar 29 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Budget: "Professor urges Chancellor to balance Budget now" (Hayek at IEA lunch) [wants "referendum to rescind every single [union] privilege"]
Text 80 May 7 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Steel: "Threatened revolt over steel chief collapses" (meeting between Joseph and Conservative backbench committee regarding Ian MacGregor appointment)
Text 80 May 31 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "Testing time for monetarism" (Hayek letter)
Text 80 Jun 6 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “New moves over the Falklands” (Argentine Economy Minister meets MT & other British ministers)
Text 80 Jun 13 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "A testing time for monetarism" (Hayek letter)
PDF 80 Jul 15 Tu Press Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Defence Open Government Document 80/23 ("The Future UK Strategic Nuclear Deterrent Force") [acquiring Trident]
PDF 80 Aug 29 Fr Press Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: FCO statement ("Human Rights Trials in the Soviet Union") [need for a searching examination of Soviet implementation of Helsinki Final Act at CSCE Madrid meeting; MT annotates - 'Excellent'] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 80 Nov 1 Sa Press Minor Archive (TNA) Cold War: Ukraine Research Group press release ("Madrid: Con or Conference?") [human rights violations in Ukraine, economic situation] [declassified Feb 2016]
Text 80 Nov 12 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "The Hayek cure: bigger and better bankruptcies" (Hayek interview) ["my hopes of Britain saving herself have shrunk a little"]
Text 80 Nov 18 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Minister’s visit to consult Falklands people” (Nick Ridley & leaseback)
Text 80 Nov 24 Mo Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Argentine anger over Falklands” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback)
Text 80 Nov 26 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Transfer of Falklands sovereignty proposed” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback)
Text 80 Nov 27 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Lord Carrington says Britain will honour wishes of Falklanders” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback)
Text 80 Nov 28 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Britain puts forward four options on Falklands” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback)
Text 80 Nov 28 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “An Option For The Falklands” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback) [Third Leading Article]
Text 80 Dec 1 Mo Press Key Commentary (The Times) Conservativsm: “Lord Vaizey’s change of party” (announces conversion from Labour to Conservative)
Text 80 Dec 1 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Trade unions: "Abuse of union power 'main cause of jobless'" (Hayek paper for IEA) [unions "cannot understand they are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs"]
Text 80 Dec 3 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Commons is united by suspicion of Ridley intentions on Falklands” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback) [minister badly mauled in Commons]
PDF 81 Jan 14 We Press Major Archive (Bank of England) Economic policy: Dow minute for Governor (Wass meeting) ["despairing worry at the developing recession and the growing unemployment ... kickback if civil servants started to try to tell Ministers about politics"] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 25 We Press Major Archive (Hoskyns MSS) Budget: Wolfson minute to MT (comments on MT-Howe meeting) ["professional incompetence ... self-delusion ... Criminal Liability"] [released 2011]
Text 81 Mar 5 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "Communists heckle Mrs Thatcher in church" (St Lawrence Jewry speech) [MT: "you see why I fight these people"]
Text 81 Mar 10 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Budget: "Economists criticize Government" (Hayek & Friedman on BBC Panorama ) [blaming wets]
Text 81 Mar 10 Tu Press Key Thatcher memoirs Economy: The 1981 budget [memoirs extract]
Text 81 Mar 11 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: Editorial: “The Chancellor’s Conundrum” ("appears to go on digging the hole still deeper")
PDF 81 Mar 13 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Budget: "'Cabinet Men Warn on Budget" (7 rebel ministers) [Whitelaw, Carrington, Pym, Prior, Walker, Gilmour & Soames]
Text 81 Mar 16 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Budget: "Advice and consent" (Hayek letter) [does not act as an adviser "on particular decisions"]
PDF 81 Mar 24 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Mr Lawson attacks gloom mongers" [defence of 1981 Budget]
PDF 81 Mar 24 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Dry" [brief biography of Lawson]
Text 81 Apr 4 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Budget: "Beating inflation key to recovery" (Hayek letter on the 364 economists) ["lost generation of British economists ... panicky mob"]
Text 81 Apr 4 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Budget: "Beating inflation key to recovery" (Harris letter on the 364 economists) ["charge sheet of those responsible for ... economic decline"]
PDF 81 May 13 We Press Minor Archive (TNA) Cold War: International Representation for the Council of Evangelical Baptist Churches of the Soviet Union news release ("KGB Rushes Trial of Baptist Pastor Dmitri Minyakov") [illegal investigation, further arrests] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 25 Tu Press Minor Archive (TNA) Cold War: International Representation for the Council of Evangelical Baptist Churches of the Soviet Union news release ("Five Years in Labor Camp for Preaching the Gospel") [trial of Minyakov] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 81 Sep 15 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "Lawson - Backing with gusto for monetarism" [Lawson enters the Cabinet]
Text 81 Sep 15 Tu Press Key Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Three Cabinet ministers sacked" (reshuffle) [purging the wets]
PDF 81 Oct 7 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Heath blast at Thatcher's 'dreary path'" (Manchester speech) [MT rebuts]
PDF 81 Oct 7 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Pathfinder for a Young Pretender" (leader on Heath's Manchester speech) [his views discounted]
PDF 81 Oct 8 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Invitation that did not come" (Heath letter correcting leader) [never invited to join MT's team]
PDF 81 Oct 9 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "The Troubled Ranks of Tuscany" (leader on Changing Gear ) [party in "the early stages of demoralisation"]
PDF 81 Oct 10 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Mrs Thatcher can't expect blind loyalty" (Chris Patten article) ["truth ... lies somewhere in the middle"]
Text 81 Oct 13 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "'Blue Chips' to aid party in Croydon" (all 14 to visit) [demonstration of loyalty]
PDF 81 Oct 15 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "Impassioned plea by Heath gets short shrift from Tories" (attacks government at party conference)
PDF 81 Oct 15 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "Chancellor launches onslaught on 'union irresponsibility'" (Howe clashes with Heath)
PDF 81 Oct 16 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "Thatcher faces growing rift in Cabinet" (Tebbit speech - father "didn't riot. He got on his bike, & looked for work")
PDF 81 Oct 16 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "Monetarists warn wets: stop playing with fire" (Lawson & Walters speeches)
PDF 81 Oct 20 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Elections: “Distant encounters of the Heath kind” (Heath campaigining for Conseravtives in Croydon by-election)
PDF 81 Oct 20 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: “A Hard winter” (Cabinet divisions over public spending plans)
PDF 81 Oct 20 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: “Rumblings of revolt among Tory dissidents” (meetings of wets to discucss how to put pressure on MT)
PDF 81 Oct 21 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Energy: "How high-speed Lawson stirred up Energy" [privatisation of energy industry]
PDF 81 Oct 21 We Press Major Commentary ( The Times ) Economy: “Cabinet fails to agree cuts in public spending” [majority resist £5,000 cuts]
PDF 81 Nov 19 Th Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: "Thatcher drops a few names" (lunchtime speech in Bonn goes wrong) [officials cause her embarrassment]
PDF 81 Nov 19 Th Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: "Thatcher drops a few names" (lunchtime speech in Bonn goes wrong) [officials cause her embarrassment]
Text 81 Nov 28 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) SDP: "Heath hints he might join a Tory-SDP coalition" ("There might be invitations ... which might be acceptable")
PDF 81 Dec 3 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Heath scorns the 'pretence' of monetarism" (speech) [no intellectual basis]
Text 81 Dec 7 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) SDP-Liberal Alliance: "Steel tells of talks with troubled senior Tories" (dissident Conservatives including junior ministers) [plus Gilmour attack]
Text 81 Dec 8 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "A Tory warning from the last ditch" (Chris Patten article) [give cabinet the benefit of the doubt "one last time ... some signs of change"]
Text 81 Dec 8 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "Tory 'wets' set for rebellion on economy" (Gilmour Group) [around a dozen likely to abstain on Autumn Statement]
PDF 81 Dec 9 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "Howe attacked from all sides" (debate on Autumn Statement) [14 Conservative abstentions]
Text 81 Dec 10 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "The Kamikaze Tory Rebels" (Ronald Butt article) [firing arrows into backs of their own side]
Text 81 Dec 12 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Why Howe should heed that lorry rumble" (Geoffrey Smith article) [threat to Howe's survival]
PDF 82 Jan 28 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Lawson attacks reflation lobby" ["resistance to the mounting pressure for a reflationary Budget"]
PDF 82 Mar 2 Tu Press Minor Archive (TNA) France: Conservative Party International Office press release ("Visit of Monsieur Chirac on 3rd March 1982") [programme, attendees] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 82 Mar 3 We Press Major Commentary (Guardian) Falklands: "Threat of Action on Falkland Islands" (Buenos Aires statement following New York talks)
Text 82 Mar 11 Th Press Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservative Party: "Carlton Club celebrates with Thatcher as star" (MT unveils a portrait of herself at the Carlton Club) [released 2013]
PDF 82 Mar 19 Fr Press Minor Commentary (The Times) “New powers envisaged for police” [Whitelaw in Commons]
PDF 82 Mar 21 Su Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Whitelaw faces sack over crime” [difficult week ahead; MPs believe he will eventually be fired due to row over rising crime rates in Britain]
PDF 82 Mar 21 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) “Whitelaw rides out the storm to clinch victory for the doves” [pressure on 'Mr Wetlaw']
PDF 82 Mar 23 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Whitelaw silences his Tory critics” [fighting defence of his record at Conservative backbench committee]
PDF 82 Mar 23 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Argentines hoist a flag on Falklands” [South Georgia incident - FCO statement, sceptical of Argentine official involvement]
PDF 82 Mar 23 Tu Press Major Commentary (Sun) “Falklands invaded by rebels” [Argentine flag raised on "remote isle of Grytviken (population 250)"]
PDF 82 Mar 23 Tu Press Minor Commentary (South West Atlantic Group) “Press release from the South West Atlantic Group (SWAG)” [welcomes strong reaction in Parliament yesterday to South Georgia incident; urges again government to reconsider withdrawal of HMS Endurance]
PDF 82 Mar 24 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Victorious Whitelaw gains his reward” [PM's endorsement of Whitelaw record in face of party criticism]
PDF 82 Mar 24 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) “'The ministry of short, sharp shocks” [profile of Willie Whitelaw & the Home Office]
PDF 82 Mar 24 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Falklands landing raises clamour in Commons” [South Georgia incident - Commons statement, pressure to retain HMS Endurance]
PDF 82 Mar 25 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Navy sails to aid Falklands” [Argentines illegally on South Georgia cannot be allowed to remain, Hunt says; "If Argentina won't take them away, we will"]
PDF 82 Mar 25 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Incident in the Falklands” [Air Commodore Frow letter on South Georgia and withdrawal of HMS Endurance; "It is still not too late to cancel this madness"]
PDF 82 Mar 26 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Carrington reflects on influence” [Chatham House speech on Britain's outsized role]
PDF 82 Mar 27 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) “'Work with police' call by Whitelaw” [speech to Conservative Central Council in Harrogate]
PDF 82 Mar 27 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Argentina aids 'invaders'” [its navy more stores landed for 12 Argentine workers, digging in for a long stay on South Georgia]
PDF 82 Mar 27 Sa Press Major Archive (TNA) Falklands: Reuters report (1641Z) ('Falklands') [Costa Mendez telling reporters last night of despatch of Bahia Paraiso] [this copy declassified Jun 2017]
PDF 82 Mar 28 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) “Wily Willie” [critics won over]
PDF 82 Mar 29 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Falklands tension grows” [five Argentine ships now in vicinity of South Georgia]
PDF 82 Mar 29 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Second leader: “Gunboat or burglar alarm?” ["The Falkland Islanders have to face the unpleasant fact that Britain is no longer a world power ... Britain should help them get the best arrangement possible"]
PDF 82 Mar 30 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Carrington visit seen as rebuff to PLO” [Israeli Foreign Ministry denying it ever thought he would cancel visit]
PDF 82 Mar 30 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Carrington to speak on Falklands” [returning from Brussels to make Lords statement rather than flying directly to Israel]
PDF 82 Mar 31 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) “These paltry islands keeping us apart” ["David Watt examines the growing rift between Britain and Argentina"]
PDF 82 Mar 31 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) “British sub on the move” [nuclear-powered HMS Superb believed despatched, with Royal Fleet Auxiliary]
PDF 82 Mar 31 We Press Minor Commentary (The Times) “Moreover ... Miles Kington” [Falklands humour]
PDF 82 Apr 1 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) “'Carrington stands firm over PLO” [no change in British position]
PDF 82 Apr 1 Th Press Minor Commentary (The Times) “Sir Ronald Bell, QC, MP” [MT attends memorial service]
PDF 82 Apr 1 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) “We don't have the ships but by jingo ...” [Leading article questions despatch of HMS Endurance on 20 Mar; "somewhat jingoistic tone" on backbenches; "very good sense" to convince Argentinians an SSN "is somewhere around"]
PDF 82 Apr 1 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Argentine options limited on Falklands” ["short of a full-scale invasion"; 'sabre-rattling']
PDF 82 Apr 1 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Impenetrable silence on Falklands crisis” ["another day of impenetrable silence at the Ministry of Defence"; HMS Superb story looks like "controlled leak"]
PDF 82 Apr 4 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Falklands: “Carrington: They must stay British” [Carrington statement in Lords Saturday session]
PDF 82 Apr 5 Mo Press Key Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “We Are All Falklanders Now” [leading article urging Carrington's resignation]
PDF 82 Apr 5 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “A mood to test the Iron Lady's metal” [Frank Johnson in the Commons - account of Saturday session]
PDF 82 Apr 5 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Do you surrender Mr Hunt? You're a reasonable man” [Simon Winchester account of invasion]
PDF 82 Apr 5 Mo Press Major Archive (Ingham MSS) Press Office: No.10 note of BBC Today ("Today summary April 5") [main news items; "Mrs Thatcher not looking for any resignations at present"] [released 2013]
PDF 82 Apr 6 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Leading article: “Lord Carrington's honour” ["sadly rare in politics today"]
PDF 82 Apr 6 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Nott offer to quit rejected by Mrs Thatcher” ["firmly refused"]
PDF 82 Apr 6 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) “Carrington a man of honour” [tributes in House of Lords]
PDF 82 Apr 6 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Lord Carrington tells why he resigned” ["because there had been a great national humiliation over the Falkland Islands" - interviewed on BBC Panorama]
PDF 82 Apr 6 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Lord Carrington” [Carrington resignation letter & MT reply]
PDF 82 Apr 6 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) “From youthful talent to pillar of government” [career profile of Lord Carrington]
PDF 82 Apr 6 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Pym wins the job he most wanted” ["the job he had set his heart on at the outset of this government"]
PDF 82 Apr 6 Tu Press Major Archive (Haig MSS) Falklands: UPI report (1159Z) ("Argentine FM confident problem with Britain can be solved") ["The US offered its services as mediator Tuesday"] [this copy released Mar 1993]
PDF 82 Apr 7 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Pym puts off his Mideast trips” [trips to Syria and Jordan next week postponed in light of Falklands]
PDF 82 Apr 7 We Press Major Archive (Haig MSS) Falklands: Reuters reports (1159Z) ("Falklands Mediation") [British officials ruled out US mediation unless Argentine troops withdrew first] [this copy released Mar 1993]
PDF 82 Apr 8 Th Press Minor Archive (Haig MSS) Falklands: USICA morning digest (1300Z) (Haig Mission) ["peace dash"] [this copy released Mar 1993]
PDF 82 Apr 8 Th Press Minor Archive (Haig MSS) Falklands: USICA news summary (Haig Mission) ["key to any US role in Falklands"] [this copy released Mar 1993]
PDF 82 Apr 12 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: "Haig heads back to London with peace hopes raised" ("Only two Argentine warships still at sea")
PDF 82 Apr 12 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: "An Ally not an Umpire" ("misgivings about the spirit in which the administration approaches the crisis") [leading article plus Rex Hunt letter]
PDF 82 Apr 12 Mo Press Major Commentary (the Sun) Falklands: "Peace is in the air" ("Argentina will pull out in Haig plan")
PDF 82 Apr 12 Mo Press Major Archive (Haig MSS) Falklands: "Argentines Taking a Pessimistic View on Falklands Crisis" (transcript of New York Times article based on briefing from Buenos Aires) ["This article read in London on 4/12/82 almost had AMH (Haig) abandon efforts & blame the Argentines for the failure"] [this copy released Mar 1993]
PDF 82 Apr 12 Mo Press Major Commentary (UPI) Falklands: "Haig presses diplomatic shuttle on Falklands crisis" (c1745Z) (account of Haig's day in London; proposals developed in Buenos Aires)
PDF 82 Apr 13 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: "Time slipping away says Haig after Falklands deadlock" [Haig negotiations at No.10] [this copy released 2013]
PDF 82 Apr 13 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Falklands: "No Deal!" [talks collapse after 11 hours of talks; "Britain's 'No deal' answer"] [this copy released 2013]
PDF 82 Apr 23 Fr Press Minor Commentary (The Times) “Pym thanks the world for support” [speech to Diplomatic Corps City banquet]
PDF 82 May 2 Su Press Trivial Commentary (The Sunday Times) “The too-late look-alike” [look-alike of Lord Carrington]
PDF 82 May 13 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Tories uneasy over Pym's attitude” [even admirers worry he will concede too much "go the second mile to reach a negotiated settlement"]
PDF 82 May 14 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Crisis puts Cabinet unity under strain” [MT “seen by her admirers and her opponents, both inside and outside the Conservative Party, as being at odds with the majority of her Cabinet”]
PDF 82 May 16 Su Press Minor Commentary (The Sunday Times) “Mugabe dilemma comes to No.10” [Carrington to attend lunch]
PDF 82 May 20 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Whitelaw outlines new stop and search powers” [speech to Police Federation in Scarborough]
PDF 82 May 21 Fr Press Major Archive (TNA) Falklands: MOD press statement (1100Z) ("Press Statement - 12 noon 21 May") ["The Task Force has landed a number of raiding parties on the Falkland Islands during the night"] [this copy declassified 2012]
PDF 82 May 23 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) “Pym's snap election alert” [Pym speech after war cabinet on main themes of re-election campaign]
PDF 82 May 24 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Francis Pym, Foreign Secretary: “From cavalry officer to crisis commander: the quiet pragmatist the Falklands could take to the top” [profile by Julian Critchley]
PDF 82 May 24 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Early election ruled out” [Parkinson rejects early election, Falklands "a national issue way above party politics"; Pym speech rebutted]
PDF 82 May 27 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Pym affirms faith in EEC” [Commons speech]
PDF 82 May 28 Fr Press Minor Commentary (The Times) “Home for Pym” [MT announces Pym to be allocated Chevening as his official country home]
PDF 82 May 31 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Colleagues vilify Pym as split with Thatcher widens” [deep rift with MT over Pym's insistence that eventually Britain will have to negotiate with Argentina]
Text 82 May 31 Mo Press Key Commentary (Sunday Times) Falklands: Reagan phone call to Thatcher (urges ceasefire)
PDF 82 Jun 1 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Foot sides with Pym on British commitment” [speech at Cooperative Congress]
PDF 82 Jun 13 Su Press Minor Commentary (News of the World) "Well done, lads" [Cecil Parkinson speech]
PDF 82 Jun 18 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Mr Nott and submarine” [letter from Lord Carrington denying claim that he prevented despatch of an SSN to South Atlantic as "too provocative"]
PDF 82 Jun 19 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Pym hoping to repair relations” [looks forward to better relations between Britain and Latin America]
PDF 82 Jul 4 Su Press Major Commentary (News of the World) "Shake up on welfare" [Howe speech foreshadows manifesto]
PDF 82 Jul 6 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) “Pym begins economic discussions in Belgrade” [Yugoslav debt crisis]
PDF 82 Jul 7 We Press Trivial Archive (Bank of England) Monetary Policy: Press Association report ("Police Smash Forgery Racket") [suitcases of forged £20 notes found in gold-coloured Rolls-Royce stopped in Old Kent Road] [this copy released 2013]
PDF 82 Jul 7 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) “Howe warning that pay rises may be non-existent” [speech to industrial correspondents, government likely to abandon public service pay targets altogether]
PDF 82 Jul 11 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) “Pym defends UK right to Falklands” [response to Sunday Times article on FCO doubts as to British historic claim]
PDF 82 Aug 26 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Energy: "Mr Lawson's great oil gamble" ["renewed accusations that he is disposing of valuable national assets on the cheap"]
PDF 82 Sep 26 Su Press Major Commentary Sunday Times East Asia: "A new Mrs Thatcher rises in the East" [Hugo Young article]
PDF 82 Sep 26 Su Press Minor Commentary (The Observer) China: Clive James articles ("Mrs T. in China") [account of MT's visits to China & Hong Kong]
PDF 82 Oct 8 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Two Falkland VCs to be awarded" (awards to Colonel H. Jones and a Royal Marine NCO) [to be announced Monday]
PDF 82 Oct 11 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “'H' always led from the front" ("Pride of VC's Widow”) [award of two Falklands VCs announced]
PDF 82 Dec 6 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Energy: "Lawson to reject claims of 'too high' electricity costs" ["energy minister backs pricing policies"]
Text 82 Dec 16 Th Press Major Shultz (George) Cold War: The “Special Relationship” (Shultz memoirs)
Text 83 Mar 23 We Press Major Shultz (George) Cold War: Reagan’s Star Wars initiative (Shultz memoirs)
PDF 83 Apr 4 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Reshuffle: “Shadow of the axe over Whitelaw and Pym” (inspired post-election reshuffle speculation)
PDF 83 Jun 13 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "The ministerial changes" [details of new appointments, inc. Lawson as Chancellor]
PDF 83 Jun 13 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: "The rise of a natural pugilist" ["the problems facing Nigel Lawson at the Treasury"]
PDF 83 Jun 13 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Reshuffle: "Tory MPs doubt justice of Pym's dismissal" (response to Pym's dismissal as Foreign Secretary)
PDF 83 Jul 4 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Lawson says jobs are plentiful" ["there are many jobs... available to be done at a particular wage"]
PDF 83 Jul 5 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit leaders seek backing for big pay increase” [miners’ leaders claim pay rise]
PDF 83 Jul 5 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Lawson pushes new-look NEDC to concentrate on specific issues"
PDF 83 Jul 5 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Tory backbenchers warn Government against cuts in jobless benefit" ["failure to uprate unemployment benefit in line with prices would be strongly opposed"]
PDF 83 Jul 5 Tu Press Key Commentary (The Times) Coal: "'Pit leaders seek backing for big pay increase" [Scargill: “A fightback … will inevitably take place outside rather than inside Parliament”]
PDF 83 Jul 7 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Lawson demanding £500m cut in public spending" ["emergency plan for swingeing cuts"]
PDF 83 Jul 8 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Spending cuts hit NHS and defence" ["package of £500m in expenditure cuts in the current financial year"]
PDF 83 Jul 11 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Battle in Cabinet likely as Lawson plans more cuts" ["strong opposition is certain"]
PDF 83 Jul 15 Fr Press Major Commentary ( The Times ) Economic policy: "BMA accuses Lawson of 'fiddling the books'" [accused of making arbitrary calculation of overspend and consequent cut]
PDF 83 Jul 20 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Education: Department of Education & Science press release ("Education Secretary comments on HMI report") [quotes & copy of report] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 83 Jul 20 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Lawson hints at tax cuts in return for spending curbs"
PDF 83 Jul 21 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Taking the strain for annual tug of war" ["The start of the annual battle between the Treasury and spending ministries"]
PDF 83 Aug 13 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Lawson ready for revolt on dole cut"
Text 83 Sep 8 Th Press Key Thatcher memoirs Cold War: Chequers Seminar on future of the Soviet Union [memoirs extract]
PDF 83 Sep 12 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Lawson's spending cuts warning" ["no sacred cows exempted from public spending cuts"]
PDF 83 Sep 12 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Lawson seeks public debate on spending" ["the Treasury must lead a more open debate on the prospects for public spending and taxation"]
PDF 83 Sep 14 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Hungary: “Sir Geoffrey on three-day visit to Hungary” (Howe visit)
PDF 83 Sep 14 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Hungary: “Hungary’s Way” (Howe right not to cancel visit after Korean shootdown)
PDF 83 Sep 29 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Our policies working - Lawson" [Washington speech "to extol the virtues of the Government's economic strategy"]
Text 83 Sep 29 Th Press Key Thatcher memoirs Cold War: Thatcher-Reagan meeting in Washington (record of conversation) [memoirs extract]
PDF 83 Oct 6 Th Press Key Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "'Parkinson admits love affair" (Parkinson admits relationship with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 7 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Love affair puts Parkinson's future in doubt" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 8 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Parkinson given ovation at dinner" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 9 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Cecil Parkinson: "An affair of the party" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 9 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Illicit love's survival game" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 9 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Top Tories tell Thatcher: sack Parkinson" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 10 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Chance of Parkinson survival dwindles" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 11 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Parkinson's affair cost him Foreign Secretary's post" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 12 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Miss Keays 'nearly the Bermondsey candidate'" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 12 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Diary: Parkinson show" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays) ["Don't sack Cecil" banner flown over Blackpool]
PDF 83 Oct 12 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Trustworthiness as touchstone in public office" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays) [letters page]
PDF 83 Oct 13 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Moral values in the Parkinson affair" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays) [letters page]
PDF 83 Oct 14 Fr Press Key Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "I implored him to tell Thatcher" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays) [Keays interview]
PDF 83 Oct 14 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Parkinson given a warm reception" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays) [Conservative Party Conference]
PDF 83 Oct 15 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Keays statement forces Parkinson's resignation" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 15 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Countdown to resignation as Parkinson's affair undermined polls success" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 15 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Press lays siege to house" (Parkinson's resignation follow revelations about his affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 15 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Tasks that face new man in job" (Parkinson's replacement as Trade and Industry Secretary following revelations about his affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 15 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Thatcher protégé who missed stardom" (Parkinson's resignation following revelations about his affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 15 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Younger tipped for Trade takeover" (Parkinson's replacement as Trade and Industry Secretary following his resignation)
PDF 83 Oct 16 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Exclusive" (response of Parkinson's family to Keays' accusations)
PDF 83 Oct 16 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Parkinson: A Tale of Three Women" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 17 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cecil Parkinson: "Thatcher's key role on Parkinson marriage" (Parkinson's affair with Sarah Keays)
PDF 83 Oct 21 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Chancellor allows no respite in struggle against inflation" ["unswerving determination to reduce inflation further"]
Text 83 Oct 25 Tu Press Key Thatcher memoirs Grenada: Thatcher letter to Reagan ("deeply disturbed" at US plans) [memoirs extract]
Text 83 Oct 25 Tu Press Major Shultz (George) Cold War: US disappointment at MT’s line over Grenada (Shultz memoirs)
PDF 83 Nov 15 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Hungary: “Hungary visit for Thatcher” (MT announces visit in Guildhall speech)
PDF 84 Jan 11 We Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Scargill slams Sun poll on pits ballot” [criticises Sun for conducting put ballot over overtime ban]
PDF 84 Jan 14 Sa Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill in clash on impact of ban" [Scargill and MacGregor disagree on effects of overtime ban]
PDF 84 Jan 19 Th Press Major Commentary (Financial Times) City: “Gower urges sweeping new powers to supervise City” [publication of report]
PDF 84 Feb 1 We Press Minor Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Pit ban haults Scargill’s trip” [trip cancelled due to repairs for pit]
PDF 84 Feb 3 Fr Press Major Archive (Ingham MSS) Speech by Hungarian Prime Minister (Gyorgy Lázár)
PDF 84 Feb 4 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill and Murray in clash on pay” [Scargill criticises Murray]
PDF 84 Feb 4 Sa Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill and Murray in clash on pay" [Scargill rejects potential for pay settlement]
PDF 84 Feb 4 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Hungary: “Kadar’s road from traitor to hero” (MT visit)
PDF 84 Feb 4 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Hungary: “Thatcher issues urgent plea on arms” (MT visit)
PDF 84 Feb 4 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Hungary: “True Blue on the Danube” (MT visit)
PDF 84 Feb 11 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Scargill is booed by his pit men” [booed over overtime ban]
PDF 84 Feb 21 Tu Press Major Commentary (Financial Times) MT: “Tories increasingly critical of Thatcher’s inner circle” (“backbench unease over ‘remoteness’ of Downing Street”)
PDF 84 Mar 6 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “56,000 miners to strike over closure of pits” [Yorkshire miners on strike over closure of two pits]
PDF 84 Mar 7 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal strike threat spreads as NCB insists on closures; ” Scots join Yorkshire protest [prospect of strike spreading in domino effect]
PDF 84 Mar 8 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners may resort to flying pickets” [Upcoming NUM conference]
PDF 84 Mar 8 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Closures affect old pit areas; Coal output rising as productivity falls” [Brunt of closures will affect old mining areas; large rise in coal output at coal face since 1976]
PDF 84 Mar 9 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners’ leaders will back all areas that strike.” [miner’s leaders officially back strike]
PDF 84 Mar 10 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Strike likely to halt half of Britain's mines” [Strike looks likely to spread]
PDF 84 Mar 13 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal strike: Walker not to intervene” [Secretary of State for Energy not to intervene]
PDF 84 Mar 13 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Militant picketing spreads coal strike to 100 pits; Scuffles as illegal protesters close Nottinghamshire mine” [More than half of coal industry's labour force on strike; flying picket closes Nottinghamshire mine]
PDF 84 Mar 15 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Flying pickets defy High Court and return to the pits” [Yorkshire picketers continue action in Nottinghamshire]
PDF 84 Mar 15 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Brittan condemns mob rule by miner on miner” [Home Secretary declares police have a duty to ensure non-strikers can go to work]
PDF 84 Mar 16 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Moderates dampen left-wing hopes of all-out pit strike; miners united by picket's death” [Hopes of national strike blasted by moderate vote; death of flying picket member]
PDF 84 Mar 16 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "A bitter war to lose" [report on dispute over pit closures]
PDF 84 Mar 19 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Police set to match pickets man for man” [8000 officers mobilised; cost 500,000 pounds a day]
PDF 84 Mar 20 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Have the miners been nailed?” [“Control of the flying pickets could be a benchmark in curbing industrial disputes”]
PDF 84 Mar 20 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Official strike called” [Derbyshire calls strike; Skinner blames police presence]
PDF 84 Mar 20 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Time for a ballot” [The Times calls for a national ballot]
PDF 84 Mar 23 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “6,000 moderates ordered to join pit strike” [6000 Lancashire miners called out on strike; 80 percent of industry at standstill]
PDF 84 Mar 27 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners’ pension fund &ldquohazarded by Scargill”; Pits dispute begin to affect industry; pickets' hide and seek with police” [Scargill imprudent in pension investments; dwindling supply of coke shuts steel works, flying pickets frustrated by police road checks]
PDF 84 Mar 27 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NUM leaders in moderate Midlands call out 13,000 men on strike” [Coalfield leaders call out strike despite vote against action]
PDF 84 Mar 27 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Miners' pension fund 'hazarded by Scargill'" [Scargill in court over NUM pension investments]
PDF 84 Mar 27 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "The advocate without a wig was Mr Scargill" [Scargill defends pension policy. Miners wanted to buy the Daily Mirror and Theakstons Brewery]
PDF 84 Mar 28 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Chaos as miners choke motorway with 5mph crawl” [Miners do motorway protest]
PDF 84 Mar 28 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NUM moderates vote to force national meeting” [moderates vote to force recall of NUM executive]
PDF 84 Mar 30 Fr Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill's pension fund policy" [Scargill defends pensions policy in the high court]
PDF 84 Mar 31 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Labour is accused of “big lie” over police” [Home Secretary accuses Labour of shaking public confidence in the role of law and the police]
PDF 84 Mar 31 Sa Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill challenged on pensions" [Scargill defends stance on NUM pension investments]
PDF 84 Apr 2 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Unions at the abyss” (Which side will crack first in the miners’ dispute? Paul Routledge reports)
PDF 84 Apr 3 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Sharp exchanges in Commons over ballot on miners’ dispute; PCs on pit duty can earn £500; Royal visits likely to go ahead despite unrest in pits” [Walker condemns lack of national ballot; police at picket line can earn 500 pounds a week overtime; Royal visit to powerplants going ahead]
PDF 84 Apr 4 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Notts miners may yield to pickets; Scargill denial” [Nottingham union leaders tell moderates not to cross picket lines from Yorkshire; Scargill denies telling Mocow newspaper strike was the start of a class war]
PDF 84 Apr 4 We Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Red lies about me by angry Scargill” [Scargill challenged Russian newspaper statements]
PDF 84 Apr 5 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Notts ready to reject strike; “riot police” condemned by staff union” [Nottingham delegates to reject executive call not to cross picket lines; use of riot police criticised by police union]
PDF 84 Apr 5 Th Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Russian journalist coy about Scargill 'class war' interview" [Scargill accused of calling coal strike 'class war']
PDF 84 Apr 5 Th Press Major Commentary Financial Times) MT: “Thatcher considers MSC chairman for Downing Street role” (David Young) [“suggestion of strengthening the Prime Minister’s office has [been] revived … following criticisms within the Conservative Party”]
PDF 84 Apr 6 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill’s strategy suffers blow in steel and pit votes; Commons set for mines debate” [Nottingham delegates reject executive's call; Commons to debate policing]
PDF 84 Apr 7 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Police deny any phone taps on NUM officials” [Home Secretary denies hone hacking]
PDF 84 Apr 7 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Secret ballot hope doomed if Scargill plays it by the book" [Scargill could block a ballot on a technicality]
PDF 84 Apr 9 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit militants back rival strategy to relaunch dispute” [NUM leaders seek special delegate conference rather than national ballot]
PDF 84 Apr 10 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Emergency debate on police operation” [House of Commons to debate police action]
PDF 84 Apr 10 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher endorses police conduct in miners’ dispute” [Thatcher praises police]
PDF 84 Apr 13 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners expected to change the rules to get all-out strike” [NUM executive rejects calls for ballot; reduces voting majority necessary]
PDF 84 Apr 17 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Rotting coal stock claims denied” [NCB denies claims coal stocks wasting on ground]
PDF 84 Apr 18 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher ready to tackle total pit shutdown” [Government prepared contingency plans for national strike]
PDF 84 Apr 18 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scottish pledge to strike for miners” [Scottish union leaders pledge a 24 hour unlawful stoppage]
PDF 84 Apr 22 Su Press Major Commentary (News of the World) Coal: “Scargill is blasted by coal chief” [Macgregor accuses Scargill of waging “private war”]
PDF 84 Apr 22 Su Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill to control 'fight to the finish'" [Scargill takes personal control, NUM conference rejects ballots]
PDF 84 Apr 23 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “20 things you didn't know about Scargill” [Sun special on leader]
PDF 84 Apr 25 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill spurns MacGregor offer on closures” [Scargill rejects compromise]
PDF 84 Apr 26 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Ronald Butt: With friends like Scargill” [Butt article]
PDF 84 Apr 26 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Power station coal stocks likely to last into autumn; Labour levy planned to aid the miners” [expected life of coal stocks lengthened; Labour Party calls on members to fund strike fund]
PDF 84 Apr 27 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Unease over Labour levy for miners” [Unease within Labour Party over subsidies]
PDF 84 Apr 28 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Powell critical of archbishop backing miners.” [Enoch Powell accuses Archbishop of York of hatespeech “religious bankruptcy&rdquo]
PDF 84 Apr 28 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “The company they keep” [Leader comment]
PDF 84 Apr 29 Su Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Time to tighten the knot - Scargill'" [Scargill urges moderates in Notts and Lancs to join strike]
PDF 84 May 2 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Rivals clash as 6,000 rebel pitmen jeer union chiefs” [Clash between working strikers and area leaders]
PDF 84 May 2 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Letters to the editor” [Letters from archbishop of York and Ian Gow]
PDF 84 May 2 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Media: “Sherman view on loyalties” [“better for an adviser to face political death than ‘to be drawn into competition in courtiership and sycophancy’”] [annotated text released 2014]
PDF 84 May 3 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Flying policemen versus flying pickets” [Police flown in from Hampshire]
PDF 84 May 4 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Convoys of coal beat the pickets” [Coal convoys getting through pickets]
PDF 84 May 7 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill says only 8 weeks’ coal left”
PDF 84 May 9 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “1,500 fail to halt coal lorries at Hunterston” [Clash with strikers and mounted police]
PDF 84 May 11 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Police preparing clampdown on pit violence” [Police considering limits on picket numbers after violence]
PDF 84 May 11 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill dispute halts paper” [editions of Daily Expressed not published due to inter-union dispute]
PDF 84 May 11 Fr Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill dispute halts paper" [quarrel between journalist unions stops Express going to print]
PDF 84 May 12 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher prepared for long strike” [MT emphasizes to conference long strike plans, rejects 8 week claims]
PDF 84 May 13 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Punch up at pit rally” [arrests made at rally]
PDF 84 May 14 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “SDP backs working miners” [SDP critical of miners use of intimidation]
PDF 84 May 15 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Walker resists pressure to call coal leaders together” [many months of coal stocks, rejects negotiations]
PDF 84 May 15 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "20,000 in miners' protest march" [strikers gather in Mansfield for a mass demonstration]
PDF 84 May 16 We Press Trivial Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Happiness is a hamlet called Scargill” [report on town called Scargill]
PDF 84 May 17 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill’s wife on picket charge” [Scargill’s wife banned from picketing]
PDF 84 May 18 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Police teams to fight intimidation of working miners” [teams of detectives being formed]
PDF 84 May 18 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher defends decision of NCB to import coke” [Defends NCB importing 175,000 tonnes of coal from US]
PDF 84 May 19 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Unions must obey law, Kinnock says” [Criticised Thatcher for intervention; unionists should not scorn legality]
PDF 84 May 19 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Whose Plan For Coal?” [Editorial]
PDF 84 May 20 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Scargill seeks foreign support” [Scargill meets international union representatives]
PDF 84 May 21 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit strikers would vote to return now, mines survey indicates” [pithead polls tend towards end to strike]
PDF 84 May 23 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill to meet coal board” [leader and NCB to meet for first time since strike began]
PDF 84 May 26 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Notts miners win right-to-work orders from court” [High court confirms workers cannot be instructed to strike by their union]
PDF 84 May 27 Su Press Minor Commentary (Sunday Times) Coal: "Scargill: has to rest" [a horoscope for Scargill]
PDF 84 May 29 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal board aims at turning talks into all-out peace drive” [Two sides prepare for negotiations]
PDF 84 May 30 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher had secret plan to handle strike” [Government had plans for strike three years ago]
PDF 84 May 31 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill’s arrest and pit riot shatter peace hope” [hopes for settlement fade with violence; Scargill arrested]
PDF 84 Jun 1 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher sees no early settlement” [Thatcher sees no prospect of settlement; insists she will not intervene]
PDF 84 Jun 4 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Unions angry over Government’s strike vote scheme” [anger over intent to tighten law on strike ballots]
PDF 84 Jun 7 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “The myths mined by Mr Scargill” [Ronald Butt article]
PDF 84 Jun 11 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Compromise ruled out by Scargill" [Scargill will accept nothing but total victory]
PDF 84 Jun 12 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit package promises higher pay and output for job cuts” [NCB prepares new plan]
PDF 84 Jun 15 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “One in 3 defiant says NCB” [limited return to work by striking miners; one in three still working however]
PDF 84 Jun 18 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Steelmen to defy Scargill threat” [Steel unions to reject cutting down coal supplies]
PDF 84 Jun 20 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher refuses to yield over Orgreave mob” [criticises mob violence at Orgreave]
PDF 84 Jun 20 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Total blockade call as miners move against steel plants" [NUM call on transport unions to blockade steelworks]
PDF 84 Jun 21 Th Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Kinnock blasts Scargill” [Kinnock criticises Scargill]
PDF 84 Jun 22 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “MacGregor in “no victory” warning to NUM” [insists NUM will not win in letter delivered to 178,000 miners]
PDF 84 Jun 23 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Government backs MacGregor tactic” [government gives public support to attempt to break strike]
PDF 84 Jun 23 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill at head of the funeral" [Scargill leads 8000 miners at Joe Green's funeral]
PDF 84 Jun 25 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pits strike hits growth forecast” [strike reduced GDP growth]
PDF 84 Jun 26 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "'My greatest day" [Scargill interview by New Left Review on memories of Saltley]
PDF 84 Jun 28 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Steelmen defy Scargill” [Llanwern steel workers reject Scargill call to halt protection]
PDF 84 Jun 29 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "'Star chamber' move could split miners" [Scargill pursues new power to expel uncooperative pits from NUM]
PDF 84 Jun 30 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “No accord between NUM and steelmen” [no agreement on coal supplies to steelworks]
PDF 84 Jul 1 Su Press Major Commentary (News of the World) Coal: “Exclusive: Arthur Scargill puts his case” [“If the miners lose, you will all suffer”]
PDF 84 Jul 2 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Ministers step up attacks on pit violence” [government condemns intimidation]
PDF 84 Jul 3 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Steel unions snub miners and pledge to keep up output; Coal Board says 2,000 men volunteer for redundancy” [Steel unions reject sympathetic action; 2000 accept redundancy]
PDF 84 Jul 4 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Lorry drivers defy union advice” [lorry drivers ignore calls to strike]
PDF 84 Jul 4 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB advert in Times” [How the miners have been misled (part 1)]
PDF 84 Jul 5 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB advert in Times” [How the miners have been misled (part 2)]
PDF 84 Jul 5 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Benn told: stop licking Scargill’s boots” [Benn questioned in Commons over support for Scargill and not steel leader]
PDF 84 Jul 5 Th Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill as star of micro game" [company launches computer game featuring Scargill]
PDF 84 Jul 6 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Help the miners beat Scargill” [David Hart article]
PDF 84 Jul 6 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB advert in Times” [How the miners have been misled (part 3)]
PDF 84 Jul 7 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB advert in Times” [How the miners have been misled (part 4)]
PDF 84 Jul 8 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Coal: "Scargill sticks out for total victory" [amid NCB talks, Scargill declares "we are going to win"]
PDF 84 Jul 9 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Is Arthur cracking up” [Ian MacGregor said he is worried about Scargill’s mental health]
PDF 84 Jul 10 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Dock strike starts today as pit talks fail again; MacGregor in appeal to NUM” [Dock strike over supply of coal; appeal to accept settlement]
PDF 84 Jul 11 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners set to defy court over militant meeting” [miners leaders ignore high court ruling]
PDF 84 Jul 11 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB advert in Times” [How the miners have been misled (part 5)]
PDF 84 Jul 12 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill denounces 'blatant state interference' in miners' strike" [Scargill accuses state organs of anti-union conspiracy]
PDF 84 Jul 14 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NUM faces more legal action” [NUM faces legal action over plans to introduce “courts” for rebel action]
PDF 84 Jul 14 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Lies they tell about Scargill” [Union responds to Scargill rumours]
PDF 84 Jul 15 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Coal: "What drives Arthur Scargill?" [Andrew Stephen probes Scargill's background and philosophy]
PDF 84 Jul 16 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal board dismay over talks” [dismay over militant tone during negotiations]
PDF 84 Jul 17 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Crisis talks bring in 14 ministers” [MISC 101 secret meeting]
PDF 84 Jul 18 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB closes ranks on “final offer” to miners” [NCB supports MacGregor's no surrender policy]
PDF 84 Jul 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher makes Falklands link - Attack on enemy within” [coverage of “enemy within&rdquo speech]
PDF 84 Jul 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “There IS A War On” [Times leader article]
PDF 84 Jul 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: Peter Walker article for The Times (“Scargill’s challenge to us all”) [“contempt for parliamentary democracy and desire to seize power”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Jul 23 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit talks halted for board's campaign” [NCB halts talks during back-to-work campaign]
PDF 84 Jul 25 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Working miners in secret campaign for a return to pits” [dissident pitmen tour coal fields in attempt to end strike]
PDF 84 Jul 27 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Labour MP seeks pit strike ballot” [MP calls for national ballot]
PDF 84 Jul 27 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal board’s offer rejected, strike may be stepped up” [miner leaders reject NCB offer]
PDF 84 Jul 27 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “We'll tighten the Knot, says Scargill” [miners reject peace offer]
PDF 84 Jul 30 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Unions seek TUC campaign to defeat Thatcher” [industrial action campaign proposed to bring down government]
PDF 84 Aug 1 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Seizure of NUM funds start today” [confiscation of funds to pay fines]
PDF 84 Aug 1 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher onslaught on Kinnock reunites Tories” [Thatcher speech re-establishes authority]
PDF 84 Aug 2 Th Press Major Commentary (News of the World) Coal: “Scargill talks with Kinnock” [Scargill meets Kinnock at Commons]
PDF 84 Aug 3 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “MacGregor ready to withdraw “final” pit offer” [failure of back-to-work campaign; MacGregor expected to withdraw offer]
PDF 84 Aug 3 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher softens tone on mines” [PM sees no reason for strike continuing; inflation expected to reduce once ended]
PDF 84 Aug 3 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher postpones Far East trip to tackle strike crisis” [PM postpones trip]
PDF 84 Aug 6 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal board refuses to grant permits for private sector mining” [NCB doesn’t grant private open-cast permits]
PDF 84 Aug 6 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Rail unions to ask TUC for blockade to support miners” [attempt to seek halt to movement of coke, coal and iron]
PDF 84 Aug 8 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Rebels seek order for secret ballot on miners’ strike” [High court to be asked to enforce national ballot]
PDF 84 Aug 8 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Figured out" [top Scargill researcher quits]
PDF 84 Aug 9 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Union coordinated picket violence, says police chief” [police blames NUM for violence]
PDF 84 Aug 9 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Pitted fruit" [NUM begged not to accept illegal LSE SU donation]
PDF 84 Aug 11 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “National docks strike threatened as union tries to stop coal ship; secret committee attacks NUM” [breakdown in NUM/Steel talks; secret Lancashire working miner group criticises NUM]
PDF 84 Aug 11 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners to ask TUC for total support as funds run out” [NUM appeals to TUC for funds]
PDF 84 Aug 11 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Strike 'enforced by mobs'" [Walker says NUM are paying mobs to stop workers]
PDF 84 Aug 12 Su Press Minor Commentary (Sunday Times) Coal: "Trials of a star-crossed trio" [horoscopes of MacGregor, Thatcher and Scargill]
PDF 84 Aug 14 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Drift back at Bilston Glen heartens NCB” [increasing return to work]
PDF 84 Aug 14 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Kinnock pours scorn on “big bang” protest” [Kinnock criticises idea of united union effort against government]
PDF 84 Aug 14 Tu Press Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Press tape story (Galvin incident) [Prior takes responsibility for mistakes]
PDF 84 Aug 15 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit moderates to help plan rolling return to work” [plan to use moderates to encourage return to work]
PDF 84 Aug 16 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scots pit faces lost, coal board claims” [two mines to be abandoned due to strike neglect]
PDF 84 Aug 17 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Left attacks Kinnock on miners’ dispute” [left-wing criticisms of Kinnock for denunciations of picket violence]
PDF 84 Aug 17 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Are the pit rebels winning?” [Routledge article]
PDF 84 Aug 18 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill and NCB in TV debate” [upcoming debate on Channel 4 news]
PDF 84 Aug 19 Su Press Minor Commentary (Sunday Times) Coal: "Scargill intimidates TUC - MacGregor" [NCB head says Scargill using pickets to coerce other unions]
PDF 84 Aug 21 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners’ strike blamed for 0.5 percent fall in production” [strike led to decline]
PDF 84 Aug 21 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Murray told to head off TUC clash on miners” [TUC to appeal to NUM to discuss strategy]
PDF 84 Aug 22 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Mr Scargill and the TUC" [TUC worries about impact of coal strike on union movement]
PDF 84 Aug 23 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “TV clash Over peace formula” [Scargill/MacGregor debate]
PDF 84 Aug 24 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Docks employers predict vote for national strike” [sympathetic dock strike predicted]
PDF 84 Aug 25 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Rampage as rebels enter pit” [riot at Easington colliery]
PDF 84 Aug 26 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Coal: "Scargill to TUC: don't betray me" [Scargill condemns "scab" labourers, while some "large and moderate" unions offer support to the NUM]
PDF 84 Aug 26 Su Press Minor Commentary (News of the World) Coal: "Scargill hit by an egg at demo"
PDF 84 Aug 28 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill attacks TV pit strike coverage"
PDF 84 Aug 29 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners retreat on 10p union levy” [NUM withdraws request for level; fears lack of support]
PDF 84 Aug 31 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners meet TUC after ordering mass NCB picket” [union leaders meet TUC for first time since strike began]
PDF 84 Aug 31 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "A strike for Britain's future" [Scargill argues that pit closures "ignore Britain's energy requirements"]
PDF 84 Sep 3 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Walker challenges unions to refuse support for Scargill and strikers” [challenges TUC to reject minority views]
PDF 84 Sep 3 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Solidarity skin-deep” [Times leader article]
PDF 84 Sep 4 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners go into new peace talks with full TUC backing” [TUC suports three-point plan]
PDF 84 Sep 5 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Acrimony as coal peace process verges on collapse” [talks cancelled; PM rejects calls to recall parliament]
PDF 84 Sep 6 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners resubmit conditions for talks resumption” [NUM accepts talks on condition of accepting terms]
PDF 84 Sep 7 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Move to private pits suggested” [Adam Smith Institute supports moves to coal privatisation]
PDF 84 Sep 9 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Coal: " 'Miners are fully aware of the forces massed against them' " [Scargill emphasises determination to force government to back down over strike]
PDF 84 Sep 9 Su Press Major Commentary (The News of the World) Coal: "David Owen: We cannot cave in to Scargill"
PDF 84 Sep 10 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pits peace meeting breaks up after day of drama” [talks break after two hours]
PDF 84 Sep 10 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Kinnock traces Scargill 'errors'" [Kinnock attacks Scargill for "destroying the coal industry" and for holding two unsuccessful ballots in 1982 and 1983]
PDF 84 Sep 11 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Victory for Scargill “must be denied”” [David Owen - Scargill cannot be allowed to bludgeon government ]
PDF 84 Sep 12 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Peace talks saved by MacGregor compromise” [talks to resume after compromise]
PDF 84 Sep 12 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Shipments diverted to beat strike” [65 percent of imports and exports continuing despite dock strike]
PDF 84 Sep 14 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit cases stretching courts” [appeal to Lord Chancellor to reduce burdens of strike cases]
PDF 84 Sep 15 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal talks collapse over closure of uneconomic pits” [NUM accepts no closure of uneconomic pits]
PDF 84 Sep 17 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Violence must not pay” [Leader article]
PDF 84 Sep 18 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill is a 'tyrant' over ballot" [John Gummer calls for ballot before strike]
PDF 84 Sep 18 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill says £1,000 fine paid without his authority" [Scargill denies sanctioning payment of contempt of court fine]
PDF 84 Sep 20 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher would let coal strike last a year or longer” [government prepared for long strike]
PDF 84 Sep 22 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Bishop of Durham says MacGregor should be replaced” [criticises MacGregor]
PDF 84 Sep 22 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Bishop of Durham says MacGregor should be replaced” [criticises MacGregor]
PDF 84 Sep 22 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “TUC pledges cash support for miners” [TUC to raise 150,000 a week]
PDF 84 Sep 26 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Not by show of hands” [Leader article]
PDF 84 Sep 28 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Labour offers new peace fomula to end coal strike” [Labour peace initiative]
PDF 84 Sep 29 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit hopes still alive despite deputies’ 82 percent vote for strike” [power workers decline to agree to demands]
PDF 84 Oct 1 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Kinnock condones resolution on violence by police” [Kinnock forced to accept police use organised violence]
PDF 84 Oct 2 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Labour rejects Kinnock's reselection proposal” [Kinnock condemns violence, blames it for fall in support for Labour Party]
PDF 84 Oct 2 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “A haunting vote” [Leader article]
PDF 84 Oct 2 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill wins support for attacks on 'state violence against miners'" [Scargill attacks the policing of NUM pickets, while Eric Hammond is booed for criticising the lack of an NUM ballot before the strike]
PDF 84 Oct 2 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "High Court writ served on Scargill [contempt writ served]
PDF 84 Oct 2 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Belgrano: there was no alternative” (Lewin article) [“In war, opportunities must be taken while they exist; there may not be a second chance”]
PDF 84 Oct 3 We Press Major Commentary (The Daily Mirror) Coal: "Scargill defiant on jail threat" [Scargill promises to ignore contempt writ]
PDF 84 Oct 3 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Writ scope pass probe" [Labour Party investigation into how private investigator infiltrated Winter Gardens to serve writ to Scargill]
PDF 84 Oct 4 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NUM to discuss pit closures plan with Acas” [new discussions]
PDF 84 Oct 4 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Editor of Express expelled over writ” [Express editor has credentials withdrawn]
PDF 84 Oct 5 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pym says Thatcher made strike worse” [government failure for employment strategy makes strike resolution difficult]
PDF 84 Oct 5 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Judge adjourns hearing but Scargill remains defiant" [Scargill continues not to attend his court hearing for contempt]
PDF 84 Oct 7 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Coal: "Glory to the tales of Arthur" [Scargill upstages Kinnock at Labour Party conference]
PDF 84 Oct 8 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Runcie challenges Tory handling of miners’ strike” [Archbishop of Canterbury criticises government]
PDF 84 Oct 8 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill 'must obey Courts'" [Attorney General predicts punishment of Scargill for contempt of court]
PDF 84 Oct 9 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "King Arthur's real crime" ["Mr Scargill is above the law"]
PDF 84 Oct 10 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Police will not buckle nor will the government crack, says Brittan” [attacks on Scargill at conference]
PDF 84 Oct 10 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Judgement day for Scargill" [contempt of court charges and Labour MPs declaration of support]
PDF 84 Oct 11 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Miners undeterred by fines on Scargill and Union" [NUM reaffirms that they believe strike is official, despite High Court ruling to the contrary]
PDF 84 Oct 12 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners welcome Acas formula as basis for settlement” [NUM willing to accept formula on 1974 plan]
PDF 84 Oct 12 Fr Press Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Brighton Bomb: “To Kill the Cabinet” (“The story behind the Grand Hotel bombing”) [Brighton Evening Argus 40 page supplement]
Text 84 Oct 12 Fr Press Key Thatcher memoirs Northern Ireland: The Brighton Bomb [memoirs extract]
PDF 84 Oct 13 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Scargill wrecks it” [Scargill turns down peace deal]
PDF 84 Oct 13 Sa Press Major Commentary (Financial Times) Brighton Bomb: (“IRA bomb kills 3 at Brighton”) [“A sombre closing of Tory ranks”]
PDF 84 Oct 14 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Coal: "Scargill urged strike in '83" [High Court hears that Scargill had tried to order an unlawful nationwide strike without a ballot in 1983]
PDF 84 Oct 14 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Brighton Bomb: (“Intelligence warnings that were ignored”) [“Police told of possible attack”]
PDF 84 Oct 15 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Ministers face dilemma on cost” [ministers divided whether to raise electricity prices or cut spending over strike costs]
PDF 84 Oct 16 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit peace talks collapse after an hour at Acas” [discussions break down again]
PDF 84 Oct 17 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Wanted: a new plan for coal” [Leader article]
PDF 84 Oct 18 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher “no surrender” message on miners” [PM insists will not surrender]
PDF 84 Oct 18 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Police chief gives public apology to angry village” [Police chief apologises for police action in a Yorkshire village]
PDF 84 Oct 19 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Walker urges Kinnock aid on pit solution” [Walker seeks Labour support for Acas compromise]
PDF 84 Oct 21 Su Press Minor Commentary (The Sunday Telegraph) Coal: "Cat food for Scargill" [tin of cat food thrown at Scargill in Sunderland]
PDF 84 Oct 22 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Why I threw tins at Arthur, by cats woman” [protestor explains why she threw cat tins at Scargill]
PDF 84 Oct 24 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Prospect for pits peace grows after Acas talks” [upcoming settlement talks]
PDF 84 Oct 24 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher riled by hit list talk” [MT annoyed by Kinnock asking whether she had a hit list of pits to close]
PDF 84 Oct 25 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Moves today to seize assets; paper reveal NCB concessions” [High court orders seizure of NUM asssets to pay fines; papers show NCB has moved considerably]
PDF 84 Oct 26 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Why I took swipe at Scargill” [Trade Unionist explains “why he tried to thump miners’ leader on the nose”]
PDF 84 Oct 27 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Yawning gulf over pit strike words” [Still far from agreement]
PDF 84 Oct 29 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “TUC tells miners not to accept aid from Libyans” [TUC criticises Scargill’s contacts with Libya]
PDF 84 Oct 31 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Dispute flares in TUC over pit peace talks” [dispute in TUC over role in negotiations]
PDF 84 Nov 1 Th Press Major Commentary (Conservative Newsline) Brighton bomb: “We Will Never Bow To Terrorism” (MT “demonstrated once again her tremendous qualities of leadership”)
PDF 84 Nov 1 Th Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Not for pruning" [rose to be named after Scargill]
PDF 84 Nov 1 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "From Arthur with love" [House of Lords question over Scargill USSR trip]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal board abandons hope of deal with Scargill” [NCB accepts there can be no deal with Scargill as president]
Text 84 Nov 3 Sa Press Major Shultz (George) Cold War: Meeting MT at Mrs Gandhi’s funeral (Shultz memoirs)
PDF 84 Nov 4 Su Press Major Commentary (News of the World) Coal: “Scargill in “six hour talk with Libyans”” [claim Scargill met Gaddafi official]
PDF 84 Nov 4 Su Press Major Commentary (News of the World) Coal: "Scargill in 'six-hour talk with Libyans" discussion of Libyan government donation to NUM
PDF 84 Nov 4 Su Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill did discuss Libyan cash" discussion of Libyan government donation to NUM
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Union plans to boost pit strike” [NUM seeks to revitalise strike]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners must not be allowed to succeed, says CBI chief” [CBI advises no surrender]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher confidence in NCB chief” [MT maintains confidence in MacGregor; calls NUM to end strike]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Writ claims funds used for picketing” [allegations NUM funds used for unlawful picketing]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NUM moderates push for ballots” [pressure building for ballot]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Times' use of picture is upheld" Scargill appeared in photograph apparently performing a Nazi salute
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher pledge to stamp out violence” [MT links IRA with strikers]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit police face petrol bombs in 7-hour fury” [“unprecedented eruption of violence”]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Give miners their say, Labour urges Scargill” [Labour front-bench support for consulting NUM members]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NUM ignores Labour call for pit ballot” [NUM executive ignores Labour's call]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Kinnock's “lack of guts” attacked by Thatcher” [MT criticises Kinnock]
PDF 84 Nov 17 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Kinnock to appear with Scargill"
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB ready for “surge” back to pits” [NCB expects large return]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill only wants conflict, Walker says” [Scargill does not care about the coal industry, says Walker]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Strike abandoned in N Wales pits” [Coal leaders in North Wales formally end strike]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Extra £750m set aside for strike” [Treasury plans strike funding]
PDF 84 Nov 22 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Bad Review" [Ramsgate bomb threats & allegations Scargill KGB agent]
PDF 84 Nov 22 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "'Scargill only wants conflict', Walker says"
PDF 84 Nov 24 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB may withdraw job guarantees if strike continues” [no compulsory redundancies offer to be withdrawn]
PDF 84 Nov 26 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Twin challenge to Kinnock over response to strike” [Kinnock challenged by left and Scargill
PDF 84 Nov 26 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Attack victims to seek new rules - new rules to oust Scargill"
PDF 84 Nov 27 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “TUC and miners’ leaders to seek way to reopen talks” [TUC and NUM aim to re-open negotiations]
PDF 84 Nov 27 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Scargill “the tyrant who hates democracy ”” [Thatcher and Brittan link Scargill with terrorists]
PDF 84 Nov 28 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Coal: ?Press Association report (1149Z) (“£4.6m of NUM Cash Frozen”) [declassified Dec 2014]

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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