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Showing items 1 - 22 of 22.

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PDF PREM19/977 82 Jul 6 83 Apr 29 221 Secret Defence (Defence budget) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/1071 82 Feb 26 83 Aug 23 183 Secret Italy (Anglo-Italian Summits) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1415 85 Apr 30 85 Dec 10 205 Secret Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) (Part 1A)
PDF PREM19/1416 85 Dec 10 85 Dec 27 213 Confidential Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) (Part 1B)
PDF PREM19/1444 85 Jan 2 85 Apr 30 225 Secret Defence (Ballistic missile defence: United States Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI); UK participation in research programme) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1560 85 Mar 1 85 May 31 369 Secret Local Government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance; Chequers meeting on Community Charge) (Part 26)
PDF PREM19/1646 84 Feb 13 85 Mar 15 295 Secret Soviet Union (Prime Minister's visits to Moscow for the funerals of Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko in February 1984 and March 1985 respectively)
PDF PREM19/1647 85 Jan 3 85 Oct 25 341 Top Secret Soviet Union (UK/Soviet relations) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1667 85 Dec 28 86 Jan 10 413 Secret Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1668 86 Jan 12 86 Jan 24 318 Confidential Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1669 86 Jan 25 86 Feb 28 483 Secret Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1670 86 Mar 3 86 Jul 31 303 Secret Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1671 86 Aug 1 86 Nov 19 378 Confidential Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/1683 85 Sep 10 86 Apr 30 380 Confidential Civil Service (Long term management and manpower policy: control of civil service running costs; duties and responsibilities of civil servants; performance bonus experiment; budgeting in government departments) (Part 18)
PDF PREM19/1684 86 May 2 86 Sep 30 329 Confidential Civil Service (Long term management and manpower policy: duties and responsibilities of civil servants; performance bonuses) (Part 19)
PDF PREM19/1775 83 Nov 28 86 Jul 28 310 Secret Government Machinery (Ministerial responsibility for coordinating the presentation of government policies)
PDF PREM19/1779 86 Jan 17 86 Jun 10 19 Secret Government Machinery (Proposed merger of General Electric Company (GEC) and Plessey: possible referral to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission)
PDF PREM19/1802 86 May 1 86 Dec 16 239 Secret Industrial policy (Future of British Leyland) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/1818 79 Jun 5 86 Nov 6 387 Top Secret Italy (Anglo-Italian relations: Italian political scene; British contribution to Italian earthquake relief, 1980-1981) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1819 86 Feb 2 86 May 27 104 Confidential Italy (Anglo-Italian Summits) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1879 85 Jun 3 86 Jun 16 341 Confidential Parliament (House of Commons procedure: replies to Select Committee reports; conflict of interests in the House of Commons) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/3496 85 Dec 17 91 Apr 5 283 Secret Prime Minister (Prime Minister's occasional bilateral meetings with various Cabinet colleagues) (Part 1)
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Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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