

Document type: Multimedia.

Showing items 1 - 274 of 274.

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Video 73 Mar 5 Mo Multimedia Key Archive (BBC) TV Interview for BBC1 Val meets the VIPs (too inexperienced to be Prime Minister)
Video 74 Aug 14 We Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher (& many others) Party Political Broadcast (Conservative Candidates’ Conference) [film]
Video 74 Aug 28 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher (& others) Party Political Broadcast (pledges to cap mortgage rate, sell council houses, abolish rates) [film]
Video 74 Sep 24 Tu Multimedia Major Edward Heath (& others) Party Election Broadcast [film]
Video 74 Sep 27 Fr Multimedia Major Edward Heath (& others) Party Election Broadcast [film]
Video 74 Sep 27 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher (& others) Party Election Broadcast (pledges to cap mortgage rate, sell council houses, help first-time buyers) [film]
Video 74 Sep 30 Mo Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher (& others) Party Election Broadcast (Housing) [defends her “firm and unshakeable pledges”] [film]
Video 74 Oct 3 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher (& others) Party Election Broadcast (“I’m All Right, Jack”) [film]
Video 74 Nov 27 We Multimedia Major Geoffrey Johnson Smith Party Political Broadcast [film]
Video 74 Dec 4 We Multimedia Major Geoffrey Howe (& others) Party Political Broadcast [film]
Audio 75 Feb 28 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to West Dorset Conservatives [complete audio tape]
Video 75 Mar 5 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Party Political Broadcast (introducing MT) [film]
Video 76 Jan 31 Sa Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Finchley Conservatives (admits to being an "Iron Lady") [film extract]
Video 77 Feb 16 We Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher (& others) Conservative Party Political Broadcast ("The Conservative Challenge")
Photo 77 May 7 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Carter Library) MT meeting President Carter for the first time (at US Ambassador’s Residence, Winfield House)
PDF 77 Sep 13 Tu Multimedia Major Archive (Carter Library) MT meeting President Carter at the White House (Oval Office)
Audio 79 Jan 16 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Industrial Situation] [audio]
Video 79 Jan 17 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Political Broadcast (Winter of Discontent) [film]
Audio 79 Mar 28 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Her Majesty's Government (Opposition Motion) (motion of confidence)] [audio]
Audio 79 Mar 28 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Her Majesty's Government (Opposition Motion) (announcement of dissolution)] [audio]
Video 79 Apr 19 Th Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Election Broadcast
Video 79 Apr 27 Fr Multimedia Key Archive (BBC) TV Interview for BBC Campaign ’79
Video 79 Apr 30 Mo Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Election Broadcast
Video 79 May 4 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Remarks on becoming Prime Minister (St Francis's prayer) [film]
Audio 79 May 15 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
Audio 79 Nov 21 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Mr Anthony Blunt] [audio]
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 1)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 2)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 3)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 4)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 5) [high resolution image]
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 6)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 7)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 8)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 9)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 10)
Video 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at White House arrival ceremony [film]
Video 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Minor Margaret Thatcher Photo opportunity on White House Balcony [film]
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (walking to the Oval Office)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (introductions - Carol Thatcher)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (introductions - Lord Carrington)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (looking over the President’s desk)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (the British team in the Cabinet Room)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (meeting in the Cabinet Room)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (coffee break)
Video 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks after meeting with President Carter [film]
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (White House Banquet - posing with the Carters)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (White House Banquet - pre-dinner drinks)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (White House Banquet - dinner)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (White House Banquet - talking with the Carters)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (White House Banquet - a toast)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (White House Banquet - concert)
Video 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at White House dinner [film]
Audio 80 Feb 28 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Economic and Industrial Policies] [audio]
Video 80 Jun 23 Mo Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference with Heads of Government after Venice G7 Summit [film]
Video 80 Oct 10 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference (‘the lady’s not for turning’) [film extract 1]
Video 80 Oct 10 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference (‘the lady’s not for turning’) [film extract 2]
Audio 80 Oct 10 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference (‘the lady’s not for turning’) [audio]
Audio 80 Nov 20 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
Audio 80 Dec 2 Tu Multimedia Key Nicholas Ridley HC: Statement by Nicholas Ridley ("Falkland Islands") [minister savaged] [audio]
Photo 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (Oval Office talks)
Audio 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Minor Ronald Reagan & Margaret Thatcher Conversation during press shoot (length of US election campaigns; noisy press cameras; art in the Oval Office) [audio]
Photo 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (Cabinet Room talks)
Audio 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Major Ronald Reagan & Margaret Thatcher Exchange of toasts at White House Dinner [audio]
Audio 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Minor Ronald Reagan Remarks introducing the Harlem Ballet [audio]
Photo 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (White House Banquet 1)
Photo 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (White House Banquet 2)
Photo 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (White House Banquet 3)
Photo 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (White House Banquet 4) (meeting Bob Hope)
Photo 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (White House Banquet 5) (meeting Charlton Heston)
Photo 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (White House Banquet 6) (Reagan speaking after dinner)
Photo 81 Feb 26 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (Reagans bid farewell after Banquet)
Audio 81 Feb 27 Fr Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Reagan Exchange of toasts at British Embassy Dinner [audio]
Photo 81 Feb 27 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: British Embassy Banquet for the Reagans (greeting)
Photo 81 Feb 27 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: British Embassy Banquet for the Reagans (interior)
Photo 81 Feb 27 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: British Embassy Banquet for the Reagans (toasting the President)
Photo 81 Feb 27 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: British Embassy Banquet for the Reagans (MT speaking)
Photo 81 Feb 27 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: British Embassy Banquet for the Reagans (walking)
Photo 81 Feb 27 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: British Embassy Banquet for the Reagans (chatting at table)
Photo 81 Feb 28 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT accepting Donovan Award from veterans of the OSS (1)
Photo 81 Feb 28 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT accepting Donovan Award from veterans of the OSS (2)
Photo 81 Feb 28 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT accepting Donovan Award from veterans of the OSS (3)
Photo 81 Feb 28 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT accepting Donovan Award from veterans of the OSS (4)
Photo 81 Feb 28 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (walking with Reagan)
Photo 81 Feb 28 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (Oval Office talks)
Photo 81 Feb 28 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (farewells)
Audio 81 Jul 20 Mo Multimedia Trivial Ronald Reagan & Margaret Thatcher Remarks during press shoot (Lebanon) [audio]
Audio 81 Jul 27 Mo Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Economic Censure] [audio]
Audio 81 Nov 4 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
Audio 82 Apr 3 Sa Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: (1019Z) [Falkland Islands] [audio]
Audio 82 Apr 3 Sa Multimedia Key John Nott HC S: (1245Z) [Falkland Islands] [audio]
Video 82 Apr 5 Mo Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (1640Z) (Falklands) [film]
Audio 82 Apr 14 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Falkland Islands] [audio]
PDF 82 Apr 17 Sa Multimedia Trivial Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT: Jonathan Warrender painting of Chequers [released 2013]
PDF 82 Apr 20 Tu Multimedia Major Archive (TNA) Falklands: DSECCOS minute (0900Z) ("Debrief of actions arising from Chiefs of Staff meeting 25/82") [prepare for 21 Apr COS timetable of military options for Operation Sutton and for enforcing TEZ] [declassified Spt 2017]
Video 82 Apr 25 Su Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Remarks on the recapture of South Georgia ("Rejoice") [film]
Audio 82 Apr 26 Mo Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt (1431-1506Z) [Falkland Islands] (recapture of South Georgia) [audio]
Audio 82 Apr 29 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: (1443-1506Z) [Falkland Islands] [audio]
Audio 82 May 20 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: (1443-1510Z) [Falkland Islands] [audio]
Audio 82 Jun 4 Fr Multimedia Minor Ronald Reagan & Margaret Thatcher Conversation during press shoot (around 1200Z?) (US civil war; boom microphones; the Falklands) [audio]
Audio 82 Jun 8 Tu Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Reagan Speech at lunch for US President (Ronald Reagan) (1200-1320Z) [audio]
Audio 82 Jun 9 We Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Reagan Remarks following talks with President Reagan (0930Z) [audio]
Audio 82 Jun 14 Mo Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: (2115Z) [Falkland Islands] (Argentinian surrender) [audio]
Audio 82 Jun 15 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [Falkland Islands] (Argentinian surrender) [audio]
Audio 82 Jul 3 Sa Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Rally at Cheltenham [audio extract]
Video 82 Oct 8 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference [film]
Audio 82 Nov 3 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
PDF 82 Dec 23 Th Multimedia Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: MT visiting Northern Ireland
Audio 83 Jan 18 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Falkland Islands (Franks Report)] [audio]
Audio 83 Apr 5 Tu Multimedia Key Archive (Thatcher MSS) Falklands: MT memoir (“Notes on the Emergency Cabinet Committee”) [podcast - episode 1] [released 2015]
Photo 83 Apr 29 Fr Multimedia Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) General Election: MT visiting Bemrose plc in Derby (photograph visiting plant)
Photo 83 Apr 29 Fr Multimedia Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) General Election: MT visiting Bemrose plc in Derby (photograph visiting plant)
Video 83 Jun 5 Su Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Wembley Youth Rally [film]
Video 83 Jun 7 Tu Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Election Broadcast [film]
Video 83 Jun 10 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Reagan Library) US: White House film (Reagan telephone call to MT) [congratulations on landslide] [unclassified]
Audio 83 Jun 22 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
Photo 83 Sep 29 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (greeting George Bush Sr.)
Photo 83 Sep 29 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (the British team)
Photo 83 Sep 29 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (lunch)
Photo 83 Sep 29 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (departure)
Photo 83 Sep 29 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (signed photo with Reagan)
Photo 83 Sep 29 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (MT speaking)
Photo 83 Sep 29 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (walking with Reagan)
Photo 83 Sep 29 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at the White House (MT & Reagan)
Video 83 Oct 14 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference [film]
Audio 83 Oct 26 We Multimedia Key Archive (Reagan Library) Grenada: Reagan phone call to MT (throwing his hat in the door) [audio] [declassified 2014]
Photo 84 Feb 3 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Hungary: MT lays wreath in Budapest (Heroes Square)
Photo 84 Feb 3 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Hungary: MT meets Hungarian Prime Minister Gyorgy Lázár (Hungarian Parliament)
Photo 84 Feb 3 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Hungary: MT speaks at dinner given by Hungarian Prime Minister Gyorgy Lázár
Photo 84 Feb 3 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Hungary: MT speaks at dinner given by Hungarian Prime Minister Gyorgy Lázár (close up)
Photo 84 Feb 4 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Hungary: MT visits Budapest market stall
Photo 84 Feb 4 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Hungary: MT lays wreath at Military Cemetery near Budapest
Photo 84 Feb 4 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Hungary: MT visits housing project in Budapest
Photo 84 Feb 4 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Hungary: MT visits ceramics museum in Budapest
Photo 84 Feb 12 Su Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: Bush visiting Chequers (1)
Photo 84 Feb 12 Su Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: Bush visiting Chequers (2)
Photo 84 Feb 12 Su Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: Bush visiting Chequers (3)
PDF 84 Jul 11 We Multimedia Major Archive (Bank of England) Monetary Policy: Treasury record of conversation (Chancellor of the Exchequer & Governor of the Bank of England) [Governor urges rise in interest rates; Chancellor doubtful but conclusion was to let clearers move as far as 12 percent] [declassified 2013]
Audio 84 Jul 31 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [No confidence in Government economic policy] [audio]
Video 84 Oct 12 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference [film]
Video 84 Oct 12 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (immediate reaction to Brighton Bomb) [film]
Audio 84 Nov 6 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
Video 84 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (“I like Mr Gorbachev. We can do business together”) [film]
Photo 84 Dec 22 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at Camp David (1)
Photo 84 Dec 22 Sa Multimedia Key Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at Camp David (2)
Photo 84 Dec 22 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at Camp David (3)
Photo 84 Dec 22 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at Camp David (4)
Photo 84 Dec 22 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at Camp David (5)
Photo 84 Dec 22 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at Camp David (6)
Photo 84 Dec 22 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Reagan at Camp David (7)
Audio 85 Jan 31 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Economic Censure] [audio]
Video 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Joint Houses of Congress
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (Speech to Joint Meeting of Congress 1)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (Speech to Joint Meeting of Congress 2)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (Speech to Joint Meeting of Congress 3)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (White House 1)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (White House 2)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (White House 3)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (White House 4)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (White House 5)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (White House 6)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (White House 7)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (White House 8)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (White House 9)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (White House 10)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (visiting the Capitol)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (British Embassy Banquet for the Reagans 1)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (British Embassy Banquet for the Reagans 2)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (British Embassy Banquet for the Reagans 3)
Photo 85 Feb 20 We Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (British Embassy Banquet for the Reagans 4)
Audio 85 May 4 Sa Multimedia Minor Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Reagan Remarks during photo opportunity with President Reagan (Chernobyl) [audio]
Photo 85 Jul 25 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT & Bush at IDU conference in Washington
Video 85 Oct 11 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference [film]
Audio 85 Nov 6 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
Audio 86 Jan 15 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Westland plc] [audio]
Audio 86 Jan 23 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [Westland plc] [audio]
Audio 86 Jan 27 Mo Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Westland plc] [audio]
Audio 86 Apr 16 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [US bombing of Libya] [audio]
Photo 86 Jul 7 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: Nancy Reagan visiting No.10 (1)
Photo 86 Jul 7 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: Nancy Reagan visiting No.10 (2)
Photo 86 Jul 7 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: Nancy Reagan visiting No.10 (3)
Video 86 Oct 10 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference [film]
Audio 86 Nov 12 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
Photo 86 Nov 15 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Reagan Library) White House photos: Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Reagan at Camp David [157K high resolution version][freely reproducible]
Photo 86 Nov 15 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Reagan Library) White House photos: Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Reagan at Camp David [52K medium resolution version] [freely reproducible]
Photo 86 Nov 15 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: Breakfast meeting with Bush in Washington
Photo 86 Nov 15 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT meeting the Reagans at Camp David
Video 87 Feb 25 We Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Political Broadcast on defence [film]
Video 87 Jun 1 Mo Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Party Election Broadcast ("Maggie") [film]
Video 87 Jun 7 Su Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Family Rally at Wembley [film]
Audio 87 Jun 9 Tu Multimedia Minor Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Reagan Remarks during photo opportunity with President Reagan (“I don’t discuss what I’m going to discuss until I’ve discussed it”) [audio]
Audio 87 Jun 25 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
Photo 87 Jul 17 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (Breakfast with George Bush 1)
Photo 87 Jul 17 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (Breakfast with George Bush 2)
Photo 87 Jul 17 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (talking with Frank Carlucci)
Photo 87 Jul 17 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (meeting Nancy Reagan 1)
Photo 87 Jul 17 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (meeting Nancy Reagan 2)
Photo 87 Jul 17 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (departure statements)
Photo 87 Jul 17 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Washington (signing ceremony)
Video 87 Oct 9 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference [film]
Audio 88 May 12 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs [audio]
Audio 88 May 17 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs [audio]
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Guard of Honour 1)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Guard of Honour 2)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Guard of Honour 3)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (DT greeting Nancy Reagan)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (MT & Nancy Reagan 1)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (MT & Nancy Reagan 2)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (DT & Mrs Reagan)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Thatchers & Reagans together)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 1)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 2)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 3)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 4)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 5)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 6)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 7)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 8)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 9)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 10)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 11)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 12)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 13)
Photo 88 Jun 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: The Reagans at No.10 (Banquet 14)
Photo 88 Jun 3 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: Reagan Guildhall speech (1)
Photo 88 Jun 3 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: Reagan Guildhall speech (2)
Photo 88 Jun 3 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: Reagan Guildhall speech (3)
Video 88 Sep 20 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to the College of Europe ("The Bruges Speech") [film]
Video 88 Oct 27 Th Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Political Broadcast (“Leading Britain Into the 1990s”) [film]
Photo 88 Nov 16 We Multimedia Major Archive (Michael Miller MSS) White House photos: MT's farewell visit to Reagan at the White House (taking the salute 1)
Photo 88 Nov 16 We Multimedia Major Archive (Michael Miller MSS) White House photos: MT's farewell visit to Reagan at the White House (taking the salute 2)
Audio 88 Nov 22 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
Photo 89 Jan 1 Su Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT: stock photo
Audio 89 Apr 14 Fr Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Interview with Rob Shepherd (for authorised biography of Iain Macleod) [released 2021]
Video 89 Jun 12 Mo Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Nottingham European Rally [film]
Video 89 Oct 18 We Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Political Broadcast (“The Right Team for Britain’s Future”) [film]
Video 89 Nov 21 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on the Address] [film]
Photo 89 Nov 24 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT visiting Bush at Camp David (arriving 1)
Photo 89 Nov 24 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT visiting Bush at Camp David (arriving 2)
Photo 89 Nov 24 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT visiting Bush at Camp David (arriving 3)
Photo 89 Nov 24 Fr Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White house photos: MT visiting Bush at Camp David (talking)
Photo 90 Apr 12 Th Multimedia Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT inspecting troops in Bermuda
Video 90 Aug 2 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher & George Bush Joint Press Conference with President Bush (Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) [film]
Photo 90 Aug 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT & Bush at Aspen (press conference 1)
Photo 90 Aug 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT & Bush at Aspen (press conference 2)
Photo 90 Aug 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT & Bush at Aspen (press conference 3)
Photo 90 Aug 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT & Bush at Aspen (press conference 4)
Photo 90 Aug 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT & Bush at Aspen (press conference 5)
Photo 90 Aug 2 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT & Bush at Aspen (evening party)
Photo 90 Aug 3 Fr Multimedia Minor Commentary (Boulder Daily Camera) US: Photo of MT visiting Boulder, Colorado [Governor Roy Romer pointing out panoramic view of the city]
Photo 90 Aug 6 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT visiting Bush at White House (Oval Office meeting 1)
Photo 90 Aug 6 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT visiting Bush at White House (Oval Office meeting 2)
Photo 90 Aug 6 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT visiting Bush at White House (Oval Office meeting 3)
Photo 90 Aug 6 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT visiting Bush at White House (press call after meeting 1)
Photo 90 Aug 6 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) White House photos: MT visiting Bush at White House (press call after meeting 2)
Video 90 Sep 6 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Gulf Crisis] [film]
Video 90 Oct 7 Su Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on the Address] [film]
Video 90 Oct 12 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference [film]
Video 90 Oct 30 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [Rome European Council] ["No no no"] [film]
Video 90 Nov 7 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on the Address] [film]
Video 90 Nov 20 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Remarks outside the Paris Embassy (“I confirm it is my intention to let my name go forward for the second ballot”) [film]
Audio 90 Nov 20 Tu Multimedia Key Archive (Thatcher MSS) Press Office: Ingham press briefings (Paris Embassy) [after the first ballot] [released 2015]
Video 90 Nov 22 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Confidence in Her Majesty’s Government] [film]
Video 90 Nov 28 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Remarks departing Downing Street [film]
Video 91 Mar 7 Th Multimedia Major Archive (Bush Library) MT: Speech receiving Presidential Medal of Freedom (with speech from President Bush)
Video 91 Dec 22 Su Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for HRT (Croatian radiotelevision) [urges international recognition of Croatia & Slovenia] [film]
Video 92 Mar 22 Su Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Candidates Conference [film]
Photo 96 Sep 16 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Svenska Dagbladet) Photo: MT visiting Stockholm
Video 04 Jun 11 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Eulogy for President Reagan [20MB video version]
Photo 06 Oct 9 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Harry Borden) Photo: MT at 80 by Harry Borden
Photo 07 Feb 21 We Multimedia Minor Archive (Sir George Young) Photo: MT at the unveiling of her statue in the Members’ Lobby of the House of Commons
Photo 07 Feb 21 We Multimedia Minor Archive (Sir George Young) Photo: MT with former colleagues at the unveiling of her statue in the Members’ Lobby
Audio 07 Jun 13 We Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Message on the 25th anniversary of the liberation of the Falklands [audio]
Video 17 Sep 18 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) UK/Italy: Interview with Charles Powell (British-Italian relations)
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Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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