
Archive (Argentine Archivo General de la Nación)
Rattenbach Enquiry files

Argentine Junta: Costa Mendez memorandum for the Junta ("Gestión de “Asistencia” de los Estados Unidos") (Spanish original, Spanish text and English translation) [MFA analysis of US mediation] [declassified 2015]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Rattenbach Enquiry files, CM VI/18/83 document IV/11: Argentine Archivo General de la Nación, Buenos Aires
Editorial comments:

Published online April 2022. Undated; estimated 9 April, prior to Haig's arrival in Buenos Aires the following day. Another version of this document omitting the final page ("The Soviet Alternative") was included in the Rattenbach Report as Anexo V/5. Read other documents selected from this file.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 11pp
Themes: British relations with the US, Foreign policy (USA), Defence (Falklands)