
Archive (TNA)
Cabinet Office files

Cabinet: Whitelaw note circulated to Cabinet - C(80) 63 (The Queen's Speech on the Opening of Parliament) [declassified 2010]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: CAB129/210
Editorial comments:
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 7pp
Themes: Agriculture, Executive, Monarchy, Parliament, Commonwealth (general), Defence (general), Economic policy - theory and process, Education, Employment, Monetary policy, Privatized & state industries, Energy, Environment, Public spending & borrowing, European Union (general), European Union Budget, European Union Single Market, Foreign policy - theory and process, Foreign policy (Africa), Foreign policy (Asia), Foreign policy (development, aid, etc), Foreign policy (International organizations), Foreign policy (Middle East), Foreign policy (USSR & successor states), Law & order, Northern Ireland, Social security & welfare