Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Remarks to Finchley Conservatives

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: St Mary’s Hall, Finchley
Source: Finchley Times, 26 November 1981
Editorial comments: 1100-1230. The Barnet Press has a further sentence: "Mrs Thatcher said that Britain is now coming through the recession. "We should see a slight improvement in the coming year and we will be in a better position for compete with other countries".
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 164
Themes: Autobiographical comments, Conservatism, Economic policy - theory and process

‘Next year better’

We are over the worst and next year will be ‘slightly’ better—that was Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's forecast for the British economy when she visited Finchley on Saturday morning.

Mrs. Thatcher was officially opening the Finchley and Friern Barnet Conservative Association Autumn Fair at St. Mary's Church Hall—a duty she has performed for the last ten years.

Addressing the large and enthusiastic crowd Mrs. Thatcher said: “In the end you know politicians have to tell the truth if a nation is to come through strengthened and tackle the future.

“What I am doing does not depend on any political or economic theory, it is the fundamentals of sound finance which I learned long before I went into politics” .

Other guests at the fair were Euro-MP John Marshall and his wife Susan and Finchley GLC member Mr. Neville Beale.