Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Speech at dinner for Sir Kenneth Keith

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: No.10 Downing Street
Source: Thatcher Archive: speaking notes (THCR 1/17/60)
Editorial comments: 2000 onwards.
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 455
Themes: Industry, Privatized & state industries
Handwritten notes by MT:

Dinner to Kenneth Keith

Presence of so many distinguished people here tonight bears witness to 2 things

1) Position of Rolls Royce in world of aerospace

Our dinner tonight brings together many of the leaders of the world aerospace industry whether manufacturers, operators

They have at least one thing in common—all major customers of R.R.

2) The high esteem in which our guest of honour is held after 7 years as Ch. of R.R.

Not going to discuss the achievements of RR under your stewardship. It is because we know them that we are here tonight.

Like to say a word about [end p1] that difficult-to-define quality called leadership

And I do so, because I believe that of all the qualities you have brought to RR, it is the quality of leadership which has been most remarkable.

a) You came to lead a company—been through a traumatic experience.

b) You put yourself where a leader belongs—out in front.

c) Because you were willing to do that thousands of people who make up the company were glad to be right behind you.

d) Your customers too, could see you, know you & trust you.

One of our distinguished guests here tonight (Roy Anderson, Lockheed) who knew well the problems you faced in 1972 described your leadership as

‘bold, visionary, forthright & essential.’

Leaders are few—you have been a leader in the full sense of the word.

If it is our sad occasion [end p2] tonight to say farewell to Kenneth Keith—it is also our pleasure to welcome Frank McFadzean, and to give you our best wishes as you take over as Chairman.

Aerospace world knows you as leader of a major airline

I know you as a friend.

The job you are taking is not easy one. It would be a waste of your talents if it were

I should also like to welcome another group of guests—the members of Rolls Royce itself.

Ultimately it is the people who make up a company & the way they work together which determines its future

We all know that Roll's future will depend on the technical [? experts] & service which you give to the many customers representaed here tonight, We have confidence in you. And we thank them for bringing their business to Britain—trust they will continue to do so.

For our part as govt. we will do everything we can to create the [end p3] kind of background which spurs people to greater efforts and which enables people & companies to profit & prosper.

In the New Years honour list H.M. conferred a signal honour on Kenneth Keith by raising him to the House of Peers.

Tonight your peers in the industry have honoured you by coming here to wish you well. And I know you would want our wishes tonight to be for the future of RR as well.