Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Speech to 12th London International Youth Science Fortnight ("Science and the Politician")

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Institute of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2
Source: Thatcher Archive: speaking notes
Editorial comments: 1300. The notes for the speech - in MT’s hand - survive only in a very scrappy form.
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 438
Rough notes by MT. [?] indicates illegible word. [? word] indicates uncertain word. p1

Title—Science & Politics — politics in the sense that governments and Parliaments have to make decisions on priorities i.e. how much to research & various technologies — not in sense of party political so long as we have a free society. Sci & Arts—have in common need for creative inspiration and that no government can provide.

Now—so many scientific advances also need cash on massive scale, so large that no one country can provide it.

Nuclear Physics.

JET—Thermo-nuclear fusion [end p1] p2

But if too much goes to those projects many smaller ones will suffer.

Kind of decisions

£3,000m spent on Sc. & Tech. half spent privately.

Of government half

Largest share—Min of Defence

Trade & Industry A.E.A.

National Physical Laboratory

Sc Research Budget—S.R.C.






+Each department


Most of Parliamentary control done through Select Committees

(1) Fundamental research

Rutherford's work

“Cast your bread upon the waters”

Search for the unknown

Challenge to achieve the hitherto unattainable [end p2]

Research labs.

Capacity for research going.

(2) Training of people to do it here.


— engineers

(3) Applications—Current problems.

— Medicine. [?Agr.] En.

But sc. can't solve all problems p4

(4) Used to be a theory that if you can formulate a problem—you can solve it.

Even if this could be done in theoretical terms—has to be turned to practical advantage.


Lead in petrol

Fuel cells.

Oceanography & Design of Oil rigs

Have been able to turn things to Commercial advantage.

We have not been best at it.


Insufficient recognition at all levels of society that the source of national wealth is the creative productive industries of this country. [end p3] p5

(5) Change Popl of world

Intensive farming to feed itself

Prosperous industrial society

Shortage of [?] [? food].

(6) Decisions for future.


Enquiry on Fast Breeder Reactor → Enquiry.

Defence → Agriculture



Agriculture → p6

(7) Don't expect everything from science & research.

Life isn't just [? heat], fuel, transport, housing, refridgerators, [? transistors].

it is human contact & understanding

Our ultimate problems are man-made and will only be solved by man.