Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Speech to Finchley Conservatives (Moss Hall Ward "Autumn Fayre")

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Gordon Hall, West Finchley
Source: Finchley Press, 13 November 1959
Editorial comments: Time uncertain.
Importance ranking: Trivial
Word count: 237


There was a cheerful atmosphere at the “Autumn Fayre” of the Moss Hall Ward of the Finchley and Friern Barnet Conservative and Unionist Association, on Saturday, at the Gordon Hall, West Finchley. Outside, all was fog and gloom.

Opening the “Fayre” —which raised £100-6-7—Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, Member of Parliament for Finchley and Friern Barnet, told everyone that though a great honour had been placed on her in being chosen as one of the first to promote a Private Member's Bill, it was not quite so wonderful as some people had made out.

Mrs. Thatcher complimented the six members of the Ladies Sub-Committee, who organised the event, and told the visitors to buy as much as they could afford.

On the platform with Mrs. Thatcher were Mr. H. F. Calcott, Chairman of Moss Hall Ward, and Mrs. I. S. Calcott, Chairman of the Ladies' Sub-Committee. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Blatch. At the opening, Mrs. Thatcher was presented with a bouquet.

At the “Fayre” there were needlework stalls, and stalls containing artificial decorations, cakes, bottles, woollens, jewellery, tombola, fancy goods, and refreshments were served.

The organisers of the “Fayre” are still looking for the owner of the lucky prize-winning programme, No. 56, to come forward and claim his prize.