
MT's official files as Prime Minister, 1979-90

MT's official files as PM can be read on this site as they are released, in full and free to all - the confidential files originally stored at No.10, the core record of her premiership.

The files have been copied at the British National Archives (TNA) at Kew in London and can be downloaded precisely as they appear in the reading room.

We are doing something more to help people make sense of this mass of information. The files are subject-based, logically enough, but that system makes it difficult to reconstruct the flow of paper across the Prime Minister’s desk at any point in time, depriving us of a sense of context, of the political cross-winds, some of them overwhelming.

To combat this effect we are uploading a large selection of the most important documents from these files – thousands in total – to our powerful site database. You can search and sort by date, subject and other parameters, getting as close as anyone can now get to reconstructing the Prime Minister’s daily "Red Boxes", the rich diet of foreign and domestic policy papers submitted to her by the No.10 Private Office.

List and links to the PM’s files

Below are links to the downloadable files in numerical order. The subject terms are those used in the original filing system.

An average file has around 200 pages.

You can read here an account of how filing worked at No.10, and the system for archiving MT’s Prime Ministerial papers, both of which had their quirks.

Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Private Office files, 1979-1989

1979-89: Chancellor’s Private Office files [links to hundreds of digitised files from the Chancellorships of Sir Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson]

Engagement Diaries

An alternative way through the material is to read MT’s engagement diaries, jumping day to day.

The engagement diaries link directly to relevant documents in the site database, so this is a good way to recover the perspective from the Red Box.

Showing items 801 - 850 of 3727

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File name File title Begins Ends Release date Any docs withheld? Classification Pages
PREM19/801 India (Visit to UK by Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, March 1982: meeting with Prime Minister; Festival of India) (Part 2) Begins: 1982 Mar 1 Ends: 1982 Aug 5 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 229
PREM19/802 India (Visit to UK by Rajiv Gandhi, September 1982: call on Prime Minister) Begins: 1982 Aug 26 Ends: 1982 Oct 27 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 23
PREM19/803 Industrial policy (Future of British Leyland (BL)) (Part 6) Begins: 1981 Nov 1 Ends: 1982 Jul 29 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 2 Classification: Secret Pages: 326
PREM19/804 Industrial policy (Industrial relations law) (Part 8) Begins: 1981 Oct 7 Ends: 1982 Feb 26 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 205
PREM19/805 Industrial policy (Information technology (IT): appointment of IT Advisory Panel and establishment of IT Unit in Cabinet Office; Kenneth Baker's role as Minister for IT) (Part 2) Begins: 1981 Apr 1 Ends: 1981 Oct 31 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Restricted Pages: 158
PREM19/806 Industrial policy (Industrial action in the ports; future of Port of London Authority (PLA) and Mersey Docks and Harbour Company (MDHC)) (Part 1) Begins: 1979 Oct 18 Ends: 1982 May 5 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 124
PREM19/807 Industrial policy (UK newsprint production: closure of Bowater's mill at Ellesmere Port) Begins: 1980 Jul 28 Ends: 1982 Dec 1 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 254
PREM19/808 Industrial policy (Financial difficulties of Massey Ferguson Ltd: industrial and employment consequences of collapse) Begins: 1979 Nov 8 Ends: 1982 Oct 8 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 72
PREM19/809 Industrial policy (European Commission ruling against Industry Act assistance to Hitachi Maxwell) Begins: 1982 Dec 15 Ends: 1982 Dec 24 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 6
PREM19/810 Industrial policy (Impact of government on industry; Prime Minister's meeting with Lord Trenchard, Minister of State, Department of Industry) Begins: 1979 Jul 6 Ends: 1982 Nov 10 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 72
PREM19/811 Industrial policy (Financial difficulties of Fodens Ltd, Sandbach: local employment consequences) Begins: 1979 Jul 10 Ends: 1982 Feb 10 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 1 Classification: Unclassified Pages: 57
PREM19/812 Iran (Visit to UK by Prince Reza Pahlavi) Begins: 1980 Mar 26 Ends: 1980 Mar 28 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 8
PREM19/813 Iraq (Internal situation; Iran-Iraq War; defence issues in the Persian Gulf) (Part 2) Begins: 1980 Sep 30 Ends: 1982 Jun 10 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 1 Classification: Top Secret Pages: 317
PREM19/814 Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 10) Begins: 1981 Aug 24 Ends: 1982 Jan 27 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 3 Classification: Secret Pages: 262
PREM19/815 Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 11) Begins: 1982 Feb 4 Ends: 1982 Jun 30 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 7 Classification: Secret Pages: 133
PREM19/816 Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 12) Begins: 1982 Jul 1 Ends: 1982 Nov 12 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 3 Classification: Secret Pages: 181
PREM19/817 Ireland (Northern Ireland Security Co-ordinator: appointments of Sir Maurice Oldfield and Sir Brooks Richards; post then left in abeyance) Begins: 1979 Sep 18 Ends: 1982 Apr 8 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 1 Classification: Secret - Cab Two Pages: 146
PREM19/818 Ireland (Security of the Northern Ireland border) Begins: 1979 Sep 6 Ends: 1982 Jun 16 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 3 Classification: Top Secret - Cab Two Pages: 16
PREM19/819 Ireland (Taoiseach Charles Haughey's advice to SDLP's John Hume in upcoming Northern Ireland election) Begins: 1982 Apr 30 Ends: 1982 May 4 Date of release: Retained Classification: Retained Sec 3.4
PREM19/820 Italy (Anglo-Italian Summit, Rome, July 1982) Begins: 1982 Jun 18 Ends: 1982 Jul 6 Date of release: Retained Classification: Retained Sec 3.4
PREM19/821 Japan (Commercial relations with Japan; proposed Nissan car plant in the UK) (Part 1) Begins: 1979 May 17 Ends: 1981 Nov 26 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 248
PREM19/822 Japan (Commercial relations with Japan; proposed Nissan car plant in the UK) (Part 2) Begins: 1981 Dec 2 Ends: 1982 Nov 17 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 238
PREM19/823 Japan (Prime Minister's visit to Japan, September 1982; proposed technology agreement) (Part 1) Begins: 1981 Jan 28 Ends: 1982 Sep 20 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 2 Classification: Confidential Pages: 368
PREM19/824 Lebanon (Internal situation; Israeli/Lebanese hostilities; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 2) Begins: 1981 Nov 16 Ends: 1982 Jul 10 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 1 Classification: Secret Pages: 345
PREM19/825 Legal procedure (European Court of Human Rights: British Rail closed shop case) Begins: 1979 Jun 19 Ends: 1982 Jan 19 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 53
PREM19/826 Legal procedure (UK Bill of Rights; Lord Wade's Bill) Begins: 1979 Dec 11 Ends: 1982 Mar 31 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 56
PREM19/827 Legal procedure (Law on homosexual offences in Northern Ireland; judgement of European Court of Human Rights) Begins: 1980 May 29 Ends: 1982 Mar 10 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 42
PREM19/828 Local government (Pay of staff employed by local authorities) Begins: 1979 Jul 4 Ends: 1982 Jan 8 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 29
PREM19/829 Local government (Future of the rating system; rating revaluation; Green Paper on alternatives to domestic rates) (Part 1) Begins: 1979 May 25 Ends: 1982 Jun 28 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 280
PREM19/830 Local government (The water industry: structural change; constitution of Welsh Water Authority; review of land drainage and flood protection) (Part 1) Begins: 1981 Mar 31 Ends: 1982 Oct 4 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 240
PREM19/831 Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 8) Begins: 1981 Dec 2 Ends: 1982 Jan 8 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 171
PREM19/832 Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 9) Begins: 1982 Jan 11 Ends: 1982 Apr 14 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 289
PREM19/833 Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Parts 10 and 11) Begins: 1982 Apr 16 Ends: 1982 Jun 10 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 254
PREM19/834 Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 12) Begins: 1982 Jun 11 Ends: 1982 Jul 15 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 131
PREM19/835 Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 13) Begins: 1982 Jul 16 Ends: 1982 Oct 15 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 152
PREM19/836 Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 14) Begins: 1982 Oct 18 Ends: 1982 Dec 31 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 217
PREM19/837 Manpower (Measures to counter unemployment; Central Policy Review Staff (CPRS) Unemployment Study) (Part 6) Begins: 1981 Nov 2 Ends: 1982 Mar 30 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 382
PREM19/838 Manpower (Measures to counter unemployment; Central Policy Review Staff (CPRS) Unemployment Study) (Part 7) Begins: 1982 Apr 30 Ends: 1982 Aug 20 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 230
PREM19/839 Manpower (Prime Minister's meeting with delegation from Jobs for Youth campaign) Begins: 1981 Aug 24 Ends: 1982 Jan 19 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 1 Classification: Unclassified Pages: 53
PREM19/840 Memorials (Dedication of Defenders' Memorial in Westminster Abbey, March 1982; Dame Ruth King's initiative) Begins: 1981 Aug 21 Ends: 1982 Mar 27 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Any docs withheld? 1 Classification: Confidential Pages: 53
PREM19/841 Memorials (Holocaust Memorial; proposal from Board of Deputies of British Jews) Begins: 1980 Apr 24 Ends: 1982 Feb 16 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 59
PREM19/842 Middle East (Arms sales & military assistance to Middle Eastern countries) (Part 2) Begins: 1981 Apr 2 Ends: 1982 Sep 15 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Top Secret - UK Eyes A Pages: 275
PREM19/843 Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 9) Begins: 1981 Dec 11 Ends: 1982 Apr 21 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 344
PREM19/844 Ministers (Ministerial travel overseas: general policy) (Part 1) Begins: 1979 May 10 Ends: 1982 Jul 1 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 191
PREM19/845 Ministers (Lord President's participation in BBC Radio 4 programme on the Privy Council) Begins: 1982 Jun 15 Ends: 1982 Jun 22 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Unclassified Pages: 6
PREM19/846 Ministers (Request for release of 1957 report on the burden on Ministers) Begins: 1982 Jul 19 Ends: 1982 Aug 11 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 18
PREM19/847 National health (Pay in the National Health Service (NHS); possibility of industrial action; strike by ambulance men) (Part 1) Begins: 1979 May 31 Ends: 1982 Aug 31 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 109
PREM19/848 National health (Nurses' and midwives' pay; report of Standing Commission on Pay Comparability (Clegg report)) (Part 1) Begins: 1979 Oct 17 Ends: 1982 Jan 27 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Secret Pages: 201
PREM19/849 Nationalised industries (Nationalised industry policy; financial control; objectives; consumer interests) (Part 5) Begins: 1981 Sep 21 Ends: 1982 Feb 3 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 262
PREM19/850 Nationalised industries (Nationalised industry policy; financial control; objectives; Central Policy Review Staff (CPRS) study of the state monopolies) (Part 6) Begins: 1982 Feb 8 Ends: 1982 Jun 30 Date of release: 2012 Dec 28 Classification: Confidential Pages: 260
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